Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Chapter 2

Wren studied the monitors that filled one whole wall of the large control room. She could view any place in the entire facility from this room, but at the moment, the only screen she saw was the one that gave her a view of room L2-06. A tall dark-haired woman was running through several martial arts drills and she couldn't take her eyes off the woman.

Wren felt an ache inside the pit of her stomach that was slowly turning into a burn. She was in real trouble. Protocol dictated that she wait at least one week before interrogating Luce again. The loneliness would heighten the woman's inclination to give in a second time, which would of course lead to easier and easier surrenders as time went on. If Wren visited her now, after only two days, the effects would be much less potent.

Once more, Wren tried to imagine waiting another five days before getting to taste the woman again and felt the burning sensation flare into a full-blown inferno in her belly. The pain nearly doubled her over.

Wren sat down heavily in the chair she'd neglected in favor of standing. She took several deep breaths as she tried to relax her cramping stomach muscles. After a few minutes, the pain eased off somewhat and she tapped a few keys, bringing up her schedule on one of the closest monitors. She would just have to keep busy. There were plenty of other prisoners she had to attend to.

The blonde checked her schedule one last time and then returned the monitor's function to its previous duty of showing one of the hallways leading to several of the prisoners' rooms. She stood up and concentrated on not feeling the pain that had become her constant companion in the last twenty-four hours.

Wren visited three different prisoners. Two were strictly social visits. The prisoners had told her everything they knew, but like all the others before them, they'd been deemed unsuitable for indoctrination into the Delphinian ranks, so now they were treated almost as honored guests, though they could never leave.

Wren didn't think her superiors were happy about the arrangement, but previous efforts had taught them that to get what they wanted, they needed a particular kind of interrogator. Unfortunately, one of the traits that was necessary included compassion, so in order to keep Wren capable of doing her job, they had to keep the prisoners alive even after their usefulness had come to an end.

Previous interrogators who had lacked the traits that kept them from mistreating the inmates had been unable to gain any valuable information. The prisoners chose death through starvation if nothing else was open to them. Similarly, the interrogators who had possessed those traits that made them good at their job had soon fallen into a depression, a few had even committed suicide, when their prisoners had been executed.

Wren was the first of her kind, both able to perform her job perfectly and work within a program that allowed her a clear conscience. She'd finally reached the end of her year-long probation period and was considered a success. If her superiors found out about this latest development, she knew it would all be over. Not just for her, but for the prisoners as well.

The third prisoner Wren visited was very close to breaking. This was his fifth session and he had begun to openly beg for release. He tried to bargain with her, saying he would tell her what she wanted to know, if she would just let him have some relief, but she was adamant that he tell her first. The outside door had almost closed when she heard him start to spill his guts. The information she'd requested came out in a rush and she was giving him everything he wanted a half hour later.

None of it was enough. She couldn't understand it. She'd done nothing but consume pheromones over the past few hours. At the very least, it should've taken the edge off her symptoms, but the burning within her was growing at an alarming rate, so she quickly headed to the med-center to run a diagnostic.

Wren did her best to ignore the pain and stood perfectly still while the computer conducted its scans. When it was finished, she retrieved the report and began to read. As the words filtered through her consciousness, Wren slowly sank to the floor, her worst fears confirmed.

The pheromones attached to the fluids she collected from the prisoners were normally enough to keep her alive, to feed her biological need for them, which had been genetically engineered into her DNA, along with a heightened sex drive. Unfortunately, her taste of Luce's vaginal juices, which carried a unique genetic marker, had triggered a dormant set of genes that now fed exclusively on the dark woman's essence. If she didn't ingest a large amount of the colonel's pheromones soon, she was going to die.

Wren had tried to tell herself she was wrong, but she'd recognized the early warning signs of withdrawal soon after leaving Luce's presence two days ago. Now, she had the clinical evidence staring her in the face and she couldn't deny it no matter how much she wanted to.

According to the computer's analysis, Wren was in the secondary stages of terminal withdrawal. It should've taken her a week to reach that phase and that was only with complete isolation. Though her body could really only get enough of the chemical compounds when she processed them in liquid form, just being in the presence of another human would allow her to gain at least a little relief from the oxidized pheromones that floated in the air when a person's sweat evaporated.

The whole thing had been explained to her during the first few weeks of her life, which had included a demonstration of the seriousness of her condition. She'd been completely cut off from all human contact for twelve days. Her superiors had believed it would help reduce any future disobedience on her part and they'd been right. The pain had been excruciating and she had no desire to repeat the experience.

However, this newly activated gene set not only refused to recognize any of the other pheromones she'd been consuming, it also seemed to be much faster at processing what little she'd acquired from Luce during their first two encounters.

Wren set the plastic touch screen aside and considered her options. There was no way for her to synthesize Luce's pheromones. She wasn't allowed access to that kind of technology for obvious reasons. Unless she was willing to die, she was going to have to find a way to be in Luce's presence at least once every forty-eight hours. She could probably survive for a short while on the airborne pheromones she would inhale just by being near the prisoner, but she would have to taste the woman soon.

Wren doubted her superiors would consider this an acceptable solution. That meant she had to keep them from finding out.

She'd learned a few months ago that her medical status wasn't being monitored to the same degree as the prisoners. While processing the most recent transfers before Luce—which involved undressing them, applying their personal security bands, and moving them to their cells—Wren had contracted a minor cold from one of the prisoners who had apparently picked it up from the tech who had put her in stasis.

The prisoner's immune system had done its job of fighting off the illness with hardly a symptom once she'd woken up from hibernation, but Wren had been forced to cancel all her appointments the next day as she lay in bed with a sore throat, stuffed up nose, and raging headache.

When she'd received a call later that evening, she'd assumed it would be regarding the illness and cancellations, but instead she'd been questioned about the prisoner and what steps were being taken to ensure a speedy recovery. Her own sickness had obviously come as a surprise and had been easily dismissed, then quickly followed up with an admonition to get back to work as soon as she was no longer a danger to the other prisoners.

Which meant the scan she'd just performed was unlikely to have raised any immediate red flags. She just had to keep it that way.

It was easy enough to delete the recent medical report and overwrite the storage with a copy of a previous scan, then delete that one as well. Unless someone was actively logged in and looking at this specific section of the system right this second, no one would ever know of the deleted files, since backups were only made at the end of each day and were usually transferred by hardcopy every other month or so to maintain the highest security.

Only a full system audit would be able to recover the deleted copy, which still wouldn't reveal the existence of the original scan, just raise the question of why a second copy had been made at all. Thankfully, she hadn't been subjected to that kind of scrutiny since the first few months of her probation, so when no alarms went off at her actions, she assumed her superiors had better things to do with their time and continued on. She finished purging the memory and then headed towards Luce's room.

Wren stood outside the door. Inset next to it was a small viewscreen that showed the interior of the cell. According to the schedule, Luce should've finished lunch two hours ago. At the moment, the woman was engaged in some kind of complicated isometric balancing exercise.

The blonde forced herself to relax as she spoke.


She waited for the green light above the door to come on, signaling that the inner door had opened. When it lit, her next words flowed more easily.

"Please stand in the corner with the blue light."

She waited again, knowing the door wouldn't budge until the room's sensors had confirmed the prisoner's location in the appropriate corner. As soon as Luce took up position, the heavy door swung wide and Wren walked in.

Luce stood, bathed in the glowing blue light. She'd known it was Wren coming to visit her as soon as she'd heard the request filter down from the ceiling only a couple hours after her most recent meal. She'd prepared herself as well as she could, but the instant her eyes fell on the small blonde, she knew her greatest enemy was going to be her own body. She could feel her skin flushing with arousal as her stomach did little flip-flops in anticipation of what was to come.

Wren stopped at the edge of the door, her heart beating faster at just being in the same room with the woman. As the doors closed, causing the blue light to extinguish, Wren took slow unsteady breaths of the air around her. She immediately felt the burning in her stomach lessen somewhat and smiled.

Luce narrowed her eyes as she took in the interrogator's stance. Something was wrong. Wren was holding herself stiffly, almost as if she was in pain, and her breathing was just a touch off. It definitely wasn't the controlled arousal she'd witnessed a couple days ago. Before she could speculate any further, Wren spoke.

"Are you ready to answer another question today?"

Luce instantly straightened, dismissing her earlier concerns. This woman was the enemy. She had to get that through her head. Regardless of her tactics, the blonde had only one goal in mind and that was to force Luce to betray her people. However, Luce was ready this time. She knew what to expect now and she wouldn't give in. She'd be strong. She wouldn't let the woman get to her.

Wren saw the determination in the soldier's expression and couldn't help but smirk in response. She loved a challenge and considering her own life was hanging in the balance, not to mention the lives of the other prisoners should she fail, Wren had plenty of motivation to succeed.

"I'll take that as a no. All right, why don't we try another easy one. How many troops were under your command during your last mission?"

Luce remained impassive as she worked to center her mind and ignore her body's demands for attention. If she could start out resisting from the very beginning, maybe she would be able to withstand whatever Wren had in store for her. Luce's mind took that moment to supply her with vivid memories of what the interrogator was capable of doing to her body and she barely suppressed her groan of frustration.

Wren stepped forward, but the prisoner ignored her. At least she tried to pretend she was ignoring her, but Wren could see a blush of arousal quickly spreading over most of Luce's body. Another step and the prisoner gave up all pretense as she tried to press her body further back into the padded walls of the corner as though they could somehow offer her escape or a place to hide.

Luce couldn't believe how she was reacting. She knew she probably looked like she was terrified and she was. But it wasn't fear of what she knew was coming. It was her overwhelming physical response to the blonde's proximity. She was desperate for Wren's touch. The closer the woman came to her, the more she considered answering Wren's question just so she could feel that intense pleasure again.

Luce mentally shook her head. She was practically giving in before Wren had even touched her. She briefly considered attacking the woman. Wren was in no position to defend herself and Luce could send her to her next life before her body hit the floor. However, just the thought made her feel sick and she quickly dismissed the idea.

Instead, Luce attempted to retreat into her mind, closing her eyes against the beautiful blonde advancing on her. She'd never intentionally blinded herself to an attack before, but there was an irrational part of her mind that seemed to think if she couldn't see Wren, if she could just ignore the temptation, maybe it would go away.

Wren reached out her fingers and used the tips to caress the prisoner's lips. Luce tossed her head to the side to keep Wren's fingers from touching her, but Wren simply changed her caress to cup the side of Luce's face.

Luce thought about trying to move away, put some distance between their bodies, but she knew Wren could simply restrain her against the wall again and Luce wanted to feel at least some kind of freedom. Then she had an idea. Maybe she could use the woman's own tactics against her.

Luce opened her eyes and slowly reached her arms up, placing her hands on Wren's back. She smoothed her palms over the silky material of Wren's jumpsuit and pulled her a little closer.

Wren studied Luce's face as she felt the woman's hands move across her back. It was obvious Luce was attempting to take control. Luce was trying to distract her by heightening Wren's own physical desires.

Wren grinned. They always tried that trick. They never realized they were working against themselves until it was too late. She'd broken some of the prisoners simply by denying them access to her body after several sessions. For some, once they understood how stimulating it was to touch someone else intimately, they could never get the desire out of their minds. Wren wondered if that technique would work on Luce.

Luce felt the small body melting into her embrace and a smile graced her lips. Wren was staring heatedly up at her, obviously waiting for Luce to continue. Luce lowered her head and kissed the lips that lifted up to meet her.

Wren groaned. She hadn't meant to, but flashes of the last time she'd kissed Luce were streaking through her mind and she realized her memory hadn't been able to capture the intensity she felt when her lips were pressed against the prisoner's.

Wren pushed her tongue inside Luce's mouth and felt the woman shiver. She smiled a little at the reaction and then backed off slightly to let Luce regroup and take back control.

It only took a moment before Luce's tongue followed Wren's retreating muscle into the blonde's mouth. Luce's exploration was a little tentative at first, her need not as acute as the last time she'd kissed the interrogator, but soon the sensations were sending waves of pleasure from her mouth to her abdomen and below and she wanted to increase that pleasure.

Wren's hands slid down Luce's bare back and cupped her buttcheeks gently. Then she began to knead the flesh in time with Luce's oral movements. Very soon, the prisoner was rubbing against Wren's pubic mound with her own in the same rhythm.

Wren felt Luce's fingers pulling at the zipper that sealed her jumpsuit closed at the back. She drew her mouth away from the prisoner's and Luce's hands came up to push the stretchy material down over Wren's shoulders until her breasts were exposed. Luce covered the bare mounds with her hands and squeezed slightly. Wren gasped and pushed her chest forward into Luce's hands and Luce squeezed harder.

"Yes," Wren whispered as she stared into Luce's eyes.

Luce smiled and Wren was amazed at the combination of childlike wonder and devilish understanding she saw in the tall woman's expression. Wren couldn't help but kiss her as she pulled with her hands at Luce's butt to seal their bodies together more tightly.

Luce grunted at the extra pressure on her sex and kissed Wren a little harder. She didn't like the feel of the bunched up material underneath Wren's breasts, though, so she released her hold on the small woman's chest and grasped the edges of the clothing. She pulled her body away from Wren's and pushed the jumpsuit down Wren's torso and past her hips. As she continued to push the clothing down, she went to her knees and Wren was forced to give up her hold on Luce's ass.

Wren's hands found a new home in Luce's hair as she was prodded to step out of her clothing. Luce stood back up, but Wren kept her hands tangled in the soft dark tresses. She pulled down and Luce willingly gave herself up to the kiss.

Luce pressed her body into Wren's and gripped the interrogator's hips. She slowly stepped them around so she could push Wren up against the wall that had been behind Luce. Wren spread her legs apart and Luce naturally fit into the open space. She instinctually thrust her mound against Wren's and groaned in counterpoint to the shorter woman's whimper.

Wren let her hands fall to Luce's shoulders and then jumped up slightly so she could wrap her legs around Luce's hips. Her back was shoved into the wall, the friction holding most of her weight with Luce picking up the slack, and Wren devoured Luce's mouth. Her tongue never stopped moving, never stopped attacking, and never retreated.

It was Luce's turn to start whimpering and she gave her body free rein to grind into Wren's sex. She wasn't quite getting enough stimulation on her own clit, but that just made her push harder for it as she pinned Wren against the padded wall and ground her whole body into Wren's.

Wren groaned and only pressed her lips harder against Luce's in an attempt to push her tongue further into the prisoner's mouth.

Luce slowly began to sink to her knees. She wasn't sure what she was going to do once she got them on the floor, but she knew it involved more grinding and more kissing. Definitely more kissing.

Wren felt them sliding to the floor and shifted her weight to bring them to the side with Luce lying on top of her. The new position enabled her to thrust up against Luce a lot easier and she heard herself moan when Luce circled her hips in return.

Luce pulled her lips away from Wren's and looked down at her. She felt a need to increase the blonde's pleasure. She wanted to hear more of those sounds coming from the small woman beneath her, but she wasn't quite sure how to go about it. She remembered what Wren had done to her, but she didn't want to look like she was just copying her.

Wren saw the look of longing and confusion in Luce's eyes and took hold of one of her hands. She pushed the last two fingers down and then guided the first two fingers into her mouth. She sucked on them and ran her tongue around them over and over again, grinning at the look of pleasure in Luce's eyes. Then she withdrew the woman's fingers from her mouth and guided her hand down between their bodies. Luce automatically lifted herself up to make room for where Wren was going.

Wren dragged Luce's fingers through her pubic hair and used the tips to part her labia. As she drew Luce's fingers down a little further, she felt the slickness there coat the digits and moved them back up to rub over her clitoris.

Wren couldn't stifle her sharp cry at having her clit touched so directly and momentarily forgot what it was she'd been doing. Luce seemed to pick up the thread, however, and began to slowly rub her fingers back and forth over Wren's sex. Wren lifted her head and captured the woman's lips again, giving up her whimpers and cries to Luce's willing mouth.

In only a few minutes, Luce was stroking the full length of Wren's sex and coming perilously close to her vagina. The tips of Luce's fingers would just dip into the entrance and then move back up to graze Wren's clit again. Wren writhed under Luce's touch. Her hips were thrusting up in time with the prisoner's movements and she wanted Luce to enter her so badly she could almost feel the woman's fingers inside her already.

After another minute of being kept on the edge of being filled, Wren finally realized Luce didn't understand the signals she was sending. In her state, she'd forgotten Luce had never done this before. Though she knew Luce had an intellectual understanding of sex, her practical knowledge was non-existent.

Wren felt along Luce's arm until she was at her wrist and then gently guided her fingers to her vagina on one of the woman's downward strokes. She didn't stop, though, and pushed Luce's fingers into her opening.

Wren's hips had a mind of their own and bucked up to push Luce's fingers deeper before she could pull them out again. Wren gasped and wasn't surprised to hear Luce moan at having her fingers enveloped by Wren's slippery sex.

Luce understood immediately what her new goal was. She wanted to get as deep inside Wren as she possibly could and she wanted to do it again and again. Luce withdrew her fingers only to push them all the way in again a moment later. Wren let out a deep groan and her head moved from one side to the other. Luce bent her head down and kissed Wren's exposed neck.

"Yes," Wren encouraged.

Wren pulled her hand away from Luce's and placed it at the back of the woman's head to keep her where she was. The first time Luce sucked at her flesh, Wren gripped Luce's hair and groaned loudly to make sure the prisoner picked up on how much she liked that. Luce must've gotten the idea because she continued to pull on Wren's skin with her lips and tongue as she moved her fingers in and out of the blonde's vagina. Her thumb bumped against Wren's clit, causing her to jump.

"Oh, yes! Please," Wren gasped out.

Luce let her thumb rub over Wren's clit in time with her fingers moving in and out of the small woman's vagina. Wren's cries were getting louder and Luce worked her fingers faster as she pulled her mouth away from the soft neck and watched the interrogator. Wren's pleasure was visible on her face and her eyes glittered as she looked up into Luce's.

"More," Wren groaned out.

Wren saw Luce's look of confusion return, so she quickly reached down to Luce's hand again. She separated the woman's third finger from her pinky and added it to the others as she spread her legs wider in invitation.

Luce understood immediately and pushed her three fingers inside Wren's welcoming vagina on a groan. Her head fell down between Wren's breasts as she felt the tightness envelop her fingers.

Wren's head tilted back and she cried out for Luce to go faster and harder as she reached up to hold on around the prisoner's neck. Luce immediately complied, pounding into Wren at a desperate pace. Wren grunted her approval with each thrust inside her, adding a few moans when she felt Luce's lips take in one of her taut nipples and begin to suck.

Wren quickly tumbled over the edge. Her vaginal walls constricted around Luce's fingers and her stomach clenched as her orgasm erupted from deep within her abdomen. The feeling was more intense than she'd experienced in a long time and Wren yelled in triumph.


Her prisoner's name left her mouth before she could stop herself and she called out to Luce several more times as her body rode multiple waves of pleasure in quick succession.

Luce continued to thrust inside Wren until the woman's body stopped convulsing. She gradually slowed down her movements until she stopped altogether, her fingers resting at Wren's entrance. She withdrew her lips from Wren's nipple and smiled down at the sweaty blonde.

Wren leaned up and kissed Luce on the mouth. She darted her tongue inside and then pulled out to lick Luce's lips. Then she kissed Luce once more before letting her head rest against the padded floor again. As she stared into her prisoner's eyes, she tried not to think too much about what she was going to have to put Luce through in order to get an answer to her question. She realized the best way to distract herself would be to simply throw herself into the task at hand, so she reached up to pull Luce down for another kiss.

Luce went willingly, covering the blonde's mouth with her own. She'd completely forgotten she was supposed to be resisting her captor, not pleasuring her. Watching Wren come in her arms had been the most incredible sight she'd ever witnessed and she wanted to do it again.

However, Wren had other ideas. She felt like she was bathing in Luce's pheromones as the scent of her prisoner's arousal filled the air. Even if Wren's thigh hadn't been covered with Luce's wetness, she would've known the colonel was dripping. It took all of Wren's willpower to keep from simply flipping the woman over and devouring her, but she knew that would be too forceful. It would give Luce something to resist. Wren finally managed to rein herself in and merely caressed Luce's back and sides soothingly while they kissed.

Wren felt a slight tremor run through her prisoner's body as Luce attempted to ravage Wren's mouth with her unspent passion. Instead of reciprocating, Wren slowed and gentled her movements. It took several minutes for Luce to even begin to calm down, but as she slowly relaxed, Wren took the opportunity to break their kiss and draw her lips along Luce's jawbone on her way to the woman's ear.

Luce closed her eyes as she felt Wren's lips wrap around her earlobe and begin sucking. Then Wren kissed the smooth flesh behind her ear and Luce grunted as her stomach clenched in pure desire. Wren lightly sucked at the skin, sending shivers down Luce's spine as Wren gently pushed up with her body.

Wren almost lost contact when she grinned as Luce compliantly moved with her, allowing Wren to reverse their positions so her upper body rested on top of Luce's chest with her legs straddling her prisoner's waist.

Luce's hands slid down to grip the blonde's hips as she turned her head to the side to give Wren more access to her neck. The sensitive skin behind her ear seemed to be sending information directly to her clit and her pelvis rocked up to grind against Wren futilely.

Wren braced her arms on either side of Luce's torso and lifted herself off her prisoner so only her lips were still touching the woman. She kissed down the side of Luce's neck, licking the skin lightly and then letting her hot breath wash over the moistened area. Luce's hands squeezed Wren's hips in reaction to the new sensation and Wren heard her sigh in pleasure as she continued to push her mound up against the air.

Wren carefully moved towards the center of Luce's throat, only offering light non-threatening licks of her tongue as she grazed her lips over the delicate skin. Wren knew the woman might have a violent reaction to having her throat touched in any way if she triggered the soldier's alarms, which would immediately douse Luce's excitement and put Wren almost back at square one. By the same token, if Luce was relaxed enough, or in a high enough state of arousal, the extremely sensitive skin could give her prisoner a great deal of pleasure.

Luce moaned involuntarily as she felt Wren's lips open wide to cover her larynx. Wren's tongue laved over the firm tissue and Luce felt her hips rise higher off the padded floor in search of similar treatment. As Wren's mouth moved up slightly to kiss the underside of her chin, Luce groaned again and pulled with her hands to bring Wren's hips down onto her own. She had to have contact.

Wren allowed her knees to slide apart and rubbed herself on the toned stomach muscles of her prisoner, both giving and ignoring what Luce wanted. She wasn't surprised at her own complete readiness to climax again, but her need to touch Luce gave her momentary pause. She actually had to concentrate to keep from moving her hands to cup Luce's breasts as she fought her overwhelming desire to enter the soldier's mouth.

Wren was supposed to be in control. Each seduction was supposed to be calculated to weaken the prisoners into divulging their knowledge. Her own pleasure meant nothing if denying it would gain her the information she sought. At the moment, though, she was finding it extremely difficult to resist her impulses.

Luce felt Wren's whole body clench as her vaginal entrance slid over Luce's stomach, slicking the path with copious amounts of lubrication. Wren began to relax her body for a moment, warmly pressing their breasts together, but then she tensed again and arched her back so only her hardened nipples brushed across Luce's chest.

Luce pushed down on Wren's hips, trying to help her slide lower towards her aching clit, but Wren simply raised her pelvis, breaking off contact completely. The wet spot on Luce's stomach felt cool as air was allowed to pass over it and her only thought was that she needed Wren's warmth to make it feel better.

Wren brought herself under control again and dragged her lips down Luce's throat to her chest. She moved lower, sliding her knees back along the floor and breaking Luce's hold on her hips, but the woman just grazed her hands over Wren's waist and around her sides to cover her dangling breasts.

Luce squeezed, enjoying the feel of the pliable flesh between her fingers, and was rewarded with a small grunt of appreciation from Wren. Luce squeezed again, a little harder, and could tell Wren's hips had undulated slightly by the way the insides of the woman's thighs had brushed the outside of her own.

Wren closed her eyes as she felt her prisoner's large hands cover her soft breasts. She wanted to push into them, but managed to hold back. However, when Luce squeezed again, adding more force, she couldn't help but rock her hips in response. She wanted to sink into Luce's embrace and never leave, but she couldn't do that. She needed to take back control, so she moved down a little further until her mouth was covering Luce's nipple. It puckered instantly, tightening in her mouth, and Wren used her tongue to suck the hard tip deeper inside.

Luce groaned loudly and arched her back, plainly begging for more. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Luce realized things weren't going quite the way she'd planned earlier. Though she'd started out intending to subdue her jailer, she found she was now unable to resist the woman's return advances. Hell, she wasn't even trying.

Wren sucked harder, flicking her tongue over the tip of Luce's nipple for added stimulation. She finally gave in to her earlier desire, since it was actually called for at this particular point in her deliberate seduction, and lifted one of her hands to knead Luce's unattended breast. She was thankful it was as much of a distraction as she'd thought it would be as Luce's hands released her breasts to reach up around her shoulders.

Luce pumped her hips up in counterpoint to her constant arching into Wren's mouth and hand. She couldn't stop writhing beneath the small blonde leaning over her. Though Luce didn't want Wren to discontinue what she was doing to her breasts, Luce was desperate for some kind of contact on her clit. Wren hadn't touched her there at all yet and it was actually starting to hurt as it became more and more engorged with blood.

Wren brought up her other hand, tensing her stomach muscles to hold her in place above Luce's body as she squeezed the breast she was sucking on. Luce moaned throatily and tried to push up a little more, but then Wren let go of the nipple in her mouth, immediately replacing her lips with her pinching fingers as she moved over to suck on Luce's other breast. Since it was already quite stimulated, Wren picked up where she'd left off on the other one, immediately sucking hard and grazing her teeth over the erect tip as soon as her mouth closed around it.

Luce's arms dropped to clutch uselessly at the padded floor as Wren ravished her breasts. She couldn't stop moaning and knew she was getting close to begging verbally. The only thing that stopped her was her inability to articulate exactly what it was she wanted Wren to do. The pleasure from her breasts was being channeled directly to her clit and all other messages, especially those to her brain, were being ignored.

Wren was doing her best to last as long as she could, but her need was becoming unbearable. She had to taste Luce or she was going to lose it completely. She still had a little reserve left, though, so she offered a few last licks and pinches to her prisoner's aching tits before moving away.

Luce whimpered, almost requesting Wren to stay, but she gritted her teeth and didn't speak. She could still remember at least some of her training, though she was beginning to think her instructors had been seriously misinformed.

Resisting pain was nothing compared to trying to resist pleasure. Her body was biologically programmed to seek pleasure, so there was no reason or need to develop any kind of defense against it. On the other hand, pain was instinctually avoided or endured in order to continue survival. Her training had only magnified that innate desire to avoid or control pain and nullify it. It had taught her nothing about holding out against her natural biological urges, especially such intense ones.

Luce realized she'd unconsciously sought out the pleasure she knew Wren could give her. She'd subverted herself.

Luce's thoughts were instantly derailed as she felt Wren's tongue lick across her stomach in a long stroke. She opened her eyes, unable to remember when she'd closed them, and looked down. Wren's hungry gaze caught her, holding her spellbound as the blonde licked over the rippling skin of Luce's abdomen.

Wren grinned predatorily for a moment when she saw realization dawn in her prisoner's clear blue eyes. She was cleaning her own essence from the woman's taut stomach and the idea was clearly exciting Luce.

Wren held eye contact as she licked again, gathering up her slowly drying arousal from Luce's flesh. She was quite proud that she was able to continue until she'd completely cleaned Luce's skin before moving lower to satiate her need. She lifted each of her legs in turn, nudging Luce's legs a little farther apart so she could get into position between them.

Luce felt her breathing increase until she was gasping in expectation. She was still reeling from the images of watching Wren taste herself when the woman grasped her hands and placed them on her blonde head. Luce's pelvis automatically drew up to offer herself to Wren's mouth as her fingers entwined with silky hair and she couldn't help pushing down slightly to bring the woman's lips closer to her throbbing sex.

Wren allowed herself to be guided down. It was only the iron grip in her hair that kept her from simply diving in anyway. Luce's vaginal lips were swollen and her clit had distended completely beyond its hood, opening up her sex in such a way that just begged for Wren's attention.

Even before her mouth made contact with the drenched hairs covering her prisoner's labia, Wren couldn't suppress the groan that built from deep within her chest as the pheromone-laden scent washed over her. Her tongue darted out to sample Luce's sex, but as soon as the taste registered on her tongue, she knew she had to have more. She opened her mouth wide, moaning loudly as she covered Luce's inner lips and clitoris with her lips and tongue.

Luce bucked her hips and whimpered, the sound turning into a long moan. It quickly escalated into panting cries of desperation as Wren sucked on her clit and repeatedly massaged her tongue all around the sensitive nub. Wren's mouth was warm and soft and sent chills across every inch of Luce's skin. She could feel her nipples tighten even more as waves of pleasure cascaded over her body in ever increasing amounts.

Wren immediately released Luce's clit as she recognized all the signs of impending climax.

"No!" Luce yelled out through her strangled cry of frustration, momentarily surrendering to her body's all-consuming desire for release.

Wren barely heard her as she lowered her head and shoved her mouth at Luce's opening. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she drank in the pure essence of her prisoner, stabbing her tongue inside the tight canal over and over again. The burning in the pit of her stomach instantly disappeared to be replaced by a sense of absolute rapture. She felt only bliss as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of her prisoner's juices. She couldn't get enough and was drinking it in faster than Luce could produce it.

Luce knew she was completely out of control. She could barely even form the thought that she should be fighting this, let alone try to act on it. She held her hips suspended in midair as she attempted to force Wren harder and deeper into her sex by pulling down on Wren's head.

Wren slid her lips all over Luce's inner folds, gathering up the thick liquid that had been wicked away from Luce's vagina by her pubic hair. She carefully avoided her clit as she sucked on Luce's lips and licked over her entire sex to make sure she hadn't missed any before returning to Luce's entrance again.

There was more of the fluid waiting for her and Wren wasted no time in dipping her tongue into the precious substance and drawing it back into her mouth. She felt starved. She had no idea how she was going to stop and almost didn't care. It wasn't until she'd cleaned Luce's vagina for the second time that Luce's whimpers finally registered in her ears. The interrogator suddenly remembered she had a job she was supposed to be doing and slowly withdrew, turning her head to the side, since her prisoner seemed reluctant to release her hold on Wren's head.

"Hold arms. Floor," Wren commanded from between Luce's thighs.

Luce's arms were quickly pulled to the floor and spread wide apart. Though she bucked her hips up in protest, Luce knew there was nothing she could do now. She groaned as the ache in her clit doubled in only a few seconds. Wren's mouth on her sex had been the only thing keeping it at bay.

Wren pushed herself up a little higher onto her forearms.

"Luce," Wren said, trying hard to ignore the wave of pleasure that ran through her body at saying the woman's name. "Luce, look at me."

Luce's eyes were clamped shut and she couldn't stop rocking her hips. If a gun had been pointed at her head and she'd been told to stop moving, she would've been unable to comply. Nothing seemed to matter to her beyond the constant and acute pressure located inside her painfully swollen clit.

It suddenly struck her that she probably could've let go of Wren's head earlier and brought herself release before the woman could've stopped her. She groaned, feeling foolish for her oversight. She'd never actually touched herself before and had been so focused on Wren that the thought just hadn't occurred to her. Even after Wren's thorough demonstration of what Luce's body could do if stimulated the right way, Luce hadn't even considered touching herself. She'd been so determined not to let it happen again that the very idea would've seemed insane to her had she actually thought of it.


Luce finally opened her eyes, struggling to focus on Wren's face where she had propped herself up between Luce's thighs.

"How many troops were under your command during your last mission?"

It took a moment for the question to make its way through Luce's haze of arousal. The bulk of her blood was definitely nowhere near her brain at the moment. She groaned and let her head rest back against the floor again, shaking it in negation as she continued to writhe uncontrollably in an attempt to ease her ache.

"Please, Luce. Please let me give you release. I want to make you come. Please," Wren begged, the honest need clear in her voice.

Luce continued to shake her head and closed her eyes as tears began to spill down her temples.

"Please, Luce. I'm not asking you for their names, just how many there were. I just need a number and then I can give you release. Please, let me make you come."

Luce felt the last of her will crumbling as she listened to Wren's entreaties. She gave it one more shot, though.

"Twelve," Luce grunted out, seemingly defeated.

"Untrue," a mechanical voice spoke from above.

Luce grimaced. She hadn't really thought it would work, but it had been worth a try. It stood to reason, though, that her captors would use some form of lie detector to make sure she wasn't just telling them what they wanted to hear. Her own people had machines that could continuously scan a person's brain to see which centers were being activated during speech. Even combinations of the truth with fabrications could usually be picked out by whether the person was accessing a memory or the creative centers of their brain.

"Luce, please don't lie. If you do that again, I'll have to leave you like this for a full day and I don't want to do that. Please, just answer the question. How many were there?"

Wren leaned over and licked a long stroke from Luce's entrance to her clit. The woman cried out, jerking her pelvis up and gasping in surprise.

"Please, Luce. I just want to make you come," Wren pleaded, allowing her warm breath to flow over her prisoner's exposed sex.

Luce whimpered and tried to catch her breath. She had nothing left with which to fight her interrogator's onslaught. She just couldn't take any more.

"Seven! There were seven! Oh Goddess, Wren..."

Luce finally surrendered and was instantly rewarded with Wren's mouth on her clit when the computer made no protest against her truthful statement. She felt Wren's lips circle her throbbing nub, sucking firmly as the woman's tongue flicked over her clit in rapid succession.

Luce saw stars as her entire body contracted in convulsions of ecstasy. She remained stiff for several long moments and actually stopped breathing as the pleasure overwhelmed her senses. Then her brain kicked in and she screamed incoherently as her body jerked repeatedly with each jolt of pleasure that arced through her.

Wren continued to suck hard on Luce's clit, moving with the woman's writhing body to maintain contact and prolong Luce's orgasm.

Luce felt like she'd lost her mind. Her body continued to be racked with pleasure to the point of pain, but it didn't seem to matter. Wren wasn't letting go of her clit and Luce didn't seem to be able to stop coming as long as she was there. Luce felt a clenching sensation deep within her belly and grunted as another round of spasms seized her body.

Wren could hear Luce crying, but she didn't stop what she was doing. She knew it probably wouldn't last much longer and she wanted Luce to ride her orgasm all the way through to the end.

Luce finally collapsed on the floor, utterly exhausted. Tears streamed from her eyes, but her gasping breaths soon calmed and her tears stopped almost as quickly as they'd started. Luce didn't even flinch as Wren relinquished her clit and moved down to lick at her entrance. The tongue bath was somehow soothing after she'd been tensed for so long. She closed her eyes and drifted in a state of peace.

Wren lapped up her prisoner's juices, quietly moaning to herself with each subsequent taste of the potent liquid. She could feel her body reacting the way it always did when she got her pheromone fix from a prisoner, but this was a hundred times more intense. It was the difference between eating a meal to satisfy an empty stomach and having an orgasm. The two kinds of pleasure weren't even in the same category.

It took her several minutes, but Wren finally licked up the last drop from Luce's sex. She tenderly kissed Luce's soft nether lips and then sat up. Luce appeared to be sleeping, but Wren was pretty sure she was still conscious, if a bit lethargic. After all, this was only the second time in the woman's life she'd ever experienced an orgasm and this one had obviously been quite remarkable.

"Release," Wren said quietly.

Luce's wrists came up off the floor a short ways as the tendons in her arms returned to their natural, more comfortable length now that the stress of being held flat against the floor had been removed. Luce opened her eyes and looked around, pausing to watch as her interrogator climbed to her feet.

Wren walked around the supine woman and gathered up her discarded jumpsuit, though she didn't put it on. She walked to the concealed door.


As the door complied with her command, Wren turned her head and glanced at Luce. She found the woman staring at her, a mix of calm acceptance, betrayal, and uncertainty gracing her beautiful features.

Wren wasn't sure what expression her own face held. She realized she wanted to stay, wished she could just talk to the woman without their respective positions getting in the way, maybe even make love to her without having to calculate her every move to gain advantage, but it was impossible. Colonel Luce of Claw Clan was her prisoner and she was required by her superiors to gain any and all information from her.

The second door finished opening and Wren stepped forward.

"Wait," Luce called out.

Wren kept walking.

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Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
