Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Day 15

Tuesday, October 28

They pulled into the parking lot in front of the army surplus store and Ryan found a space near the entrance. Ryan stowed their gear and then led McKenzie inside.

"They should have just about everything I need in here," Ryan said as she headed off down the aisle to her right.

Ryan found the clothing area she was looking for and stopped when she saw the rack of black T-shirts bearing the word 'POLICE' in big white block letters on the front and back. She flipped through the hangers until she found the right size. She slipped her jacket off, then simply pulled the shirt on over her head to try it on over her clothes rather than using the fitting rooms in the back. It was tight, but that was the look she was going for.

Ryan turned around to find McKenzie watching her. Her gaze was certainly appreciative and Ryan grinned. She took it off and replaced her jacket, draping the T-shirt over her shoulder as she continued shopping.

One section over from the shirts was a wall filled with various types of black holsters and cases, along with some of the items that went in them. There was also a good selection of airsoft guns. As Ryan looked over the items, McKenzie went straight for the nightsticks.

"This is so cool," McKenzie said as she twirled the baton in her hand.

Then McKenzie saw the locked glass case a little farther down the aisle and practically skipped over to it.

Ryan picked out a standard handcuff case, then selected the cheapest, but still realistic looking metal replica handgun and found an appropriately sized thigh holster to go with it. She made her way over to McKenzie.

"Cool, you found the badges," Ryan said as she scanned the options.

McKenzie glanced up at her.

"And the handcuffs," McKenzie said. There were all kinds of different sets, which came in the standard silver color, but also in just about every other color in the rainbow. "Can I?" McKenzie asked as she pointed to a bright pink pair.

Ryan shook her head.

"No. You're not running around in pink handcuffs. Besides, I already have a pair. I just need the holder," Ryan said as she held up the case. "But I do need one of those badges."

Ryan looked around the store and made eye contact with one of the employees. The man came over and Ryan indicated a generic silver security guard badge and a matching holder, so it could be worn on her belt. The employee unlocked the case and gave Ryan the requested items.

"You ready to check out?"

"Yeah, I think so," Ryan told him, but then McKenzie stopped her.

"What about this?" McKenzie asked, holding up the nightstick. "And cops usually wear a flashlight and pepper spray and—"

Ryan laughed.

"I'm not wearing a full duty belt, McKenzie. I think the gun, the cuffs, and the badge will be enough to sell it."

McKenzie pouted as she slowly walked back to where she'd found the nightstick and put it back.

"Fine. Just spoil all my fun," McKenzie mumbled, but Ryan could see a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

As they headed up to the register, McKenzie caught sight of black leather and made a beeline for the racks of motorcycle jackets. She found a small black tapered women's racing jacket and pulled it off its hanger, removing her own borrowed jacket to try it on. It fit perfectly.

The jacket had the same type of mandarin collar as Ryan's with a silver snap closure at the neck. A diagonally angled zipper on the upper left chest was the main feature, in addition to the vertical stitching on the front and curved black piping at the shoulders. Zippered side pockets and another snap closure at the waist rounded out the look.

McKenzie zipped the jacket up halfway, leaving her upper chest open, but then snapped the collar closed.

"Ooo, you're coming home with me," McKenzie muttered as she looked at herself in a nearby mirror.

"Yes, you are," Ryan said off to her side in a low rumble.

The way the jacket had been left partially unzipped made the collar look like an actual separate leather collar on McKenzie, and Ryan could feel herself getting wet just looking at the girl.

McKenzie turned at Ryan's voice and felt her stomach drop at the woman's heated gaze. She glanced back to the mirror and though she knew the jacket looked good on her, she couldn't quite figure out what Ryan was reacting to. She mentally shrugged her shoulders. If it could make Ryan look at her like that, she was never taking it off.

"Come on," Ryan said, gathering up the discarded leather jacket McKenzie had draped over a nearby rack as she turned to make her way back to the register.

McKenzie followed her and waited as the guy rang up the items. She only removed the jacket long enough for the guy to scan the tag and remove the security device. Ryan borrowed the guy's pocket knife to cut off the tag for McKenzie, and then the jacket went right back on.

Before Ryan could bring out her wallet, McKenzie slid her card into the reader. If her parents questioned her about the charge, she could honestly say it was for a Halloween costume.

Ryan nodded in thanks. She had enough money to pay for everything, including the jacket, but her recent mega purchases for McKenzie had seriously drained her account, and Ryan knew she couldn't keep spending like that. As much as she wanted to spoil McKenzie, and herself, by getting the girl whatever she wanted, Ryan just didn't have that kind of money.

The cashier bagged everything up and they returned to Ryan's motorcycle. There was just enough room for the purchases in the saddlebags along with McKenzie's heated liner, though McKenzie decided to simply wear the larger jacket she'd borrowed from Ryan over her new jacket rather than trying to cram it in with the rest of the stuff.

They got on the road again and half an hour later, they were back on their side of town at the biggest party supply store in the area.

They headed for the costumes, eventually finding several versions of prisoner's outfits. Ryan automatically vetoed all of the vintage black and white striped costumes, not liking the old-fashioned look.

"Even this one?" McKenzie asked, pointing to the image of a woman wearing a variation on the theme in the form of a cropped top, mini skirt, and black fishnet stockings.

"Especially not that one. You're not going as a hooker," Ryan declared. Then she stopped. "Though that might be something we play with later..." Ryan mused, then shook her head. "But it still wouldn't be in that."

McKenzie's eyes widened as she imagined dressing up in some sexy lingerie, while Ryan wore her police outfit and arrested her for unlicensed soliciting. Ryan would roughly cuff her wrists behind her back, maybe push her face-down on the bed as Ryan told her she had the right to remain silent. If they got that nightstick, Ryan could slide it up the inside of her thigh and—

"Hey, you in there?" Ryan asked.

Ryan was standing right in front of McKenzie, looking down at her in concern.

McKenzie nodded.

"Sorry. I was just, um... What were you saying?"

Ryan stared at her for a few more moments, then shook her head.

"I just asked what you thought of this one," Ryan said as she pointed at one of the pictures of a woman in an orange prison jumpsuit. "I can't say I'm a fan of the look, but they really don't have anything else."

McKenzie looked it over. Except for the black prisoner number on the chest pocket, it really just looked like orange hospital scrubs.

"I guess it would do," McKenzie said, though her tone sounded like she meant the exact opposite. She turned to Ryan. "What about what we talked about last night? I was really thinking it should be more like you had just arrested me, not like a prisoner transport thing."

"So you just want to wear your normal clothes and my handcuffs? That doesn't sound like much of a costume."

"Okay, but what if... What if we made me up to look like I'd resisted arrest or... Or I was a drunk and disorderly, so I was all beaten up and my clothes were torn... And we could get some kind of empty liquor bottle and I could put apple juice in it or something. That's a prop, right?"

Ryan's smile grew the more she thought about it. A rough and tumble McKenzie. It had possibilities.

"Let's go find the make-up kits," Ryan said.

The selection was extensive, but they finally settled on a zombie kit that included colors for simulating cuts and bruises. It was only a few bucks, so Ryan paid for it.

A short while later, they were back home. Ryan dropped her stuff off at her apartment, much to McKenzie's dismay. She'd been hoping to get a sneak preview of Ryan in her full outfit, but Ryan wanted it to be a surprise, so McKenzie had agreed to wait.

"We need to figure out what you're going to wear anyway," Ryan said as they headed for McKenzie's room after having raided the kitchen for a quick dinner. "Do you have any old clothes we can mess up, so it looks like you've been in a fight?"

McKenzie opened the bottom drawer of her dresser and started rummaging through the folded items.

"I've got some stuff I only wear when I'm going to be painting or working with ink. They're already pretty messed up, but I can make them worse," McKenzie said as she chose a dingy white T-shirt and a pair of bleach-stained blue jeans from the drawer.

McKenzie pulled a drop cloth out from her supply closet and laid it on top of the comforter to protect it. Then she brought out her box of charcoal and got to work rubbing the thick sticks in shades of brown and gray over the knees and cuffs of the jeans. She smudged the streaks with her thumb and the heel of her hand.

She did the same with the T-shirt, working with the ink stains already present to make it look like she'd spilled something down the front of the shirt. Then she started going over the seams with a piece of sandpaper from her art supplies. She chose a few spots around the neck of the shirt and at the knees of the jeans and scrubbed hard enough to put frayed holes in the fabric.

Ryan sat quietly at McKenzie's desk, fascinated by the whole process. She also enjoyed the serious look of concentration on McKenzie's face as the girl went about destroying the clothes. McKenzie glanced up and smiled as she noticed Ryan watching her.

"I did this for a play in high school a few years ago. They were putting on some zombie thing for Halloween. I didn't actually become a member of the drama club until my junior year, but one of my friends was and she was the costume designer, but she came down with mono right in the middle of the production. We spent hours chatting on video to figure out how to do this for about two dozen costumes in less than two weeks."

McKenzie held up the T-shirt.

"Can you rip that right there?"

Ryan took the shirt and pulled, the cloth rending from the sanded place on the sleeve to the shoulder seam. Ryan handed it back.

McKenzie sanded the rips, then added more tinges of brown and black. Ryan ripped the knees out on the jeans as well and McKenzie added a few final touches.

They both looked down at the clothes laid out on the drop cloth. Ryan grinned.

"This is fucking perfect."

McKenzie beamed.

They took the clothes out to the backyard, exiting through the master suite's French doors that opened onto the large deck.

There was another set of French doors leading into the great room off to the left. Further down where the deck butted up against the wall of the garage stood a well-appointed barbecue station that had seen quite a bit of use that summer. At the far right corner of the deck sat a six-chair patio set complete with a large umbrella, though it was currently folded down and tied off to protect it from the wind.

Ryan followed McKenzie down the steps of the deck to the grass and they kept going almost to the tree line. Ryan helped McKenzie hang the shirt and jeans up on the clothesline, and then McKenzie sprayed a fixative on the front and back sides of the clothes.

"This stuff won't really make the stains permanent, but it should keep me from rubbing off on everything I touch, at least for one night." McKenzie looked up at the clear night sky. "I just hope it doesn't rain tonight," McKenzie muttered, thinking about the brief thunderstorm they'd had that morning.

"It should be okay. I don't think they're calling for rain again until Thursday, though I think we're supposed to get a few snow flurries, too, but nothing that'll stick," Ryan said as they headed back inside.

McKenzie put her supplies away and washed up in her bathroom. When she was done, she came back out to find Ryan reclining on her bed, Ryan's boots resting at the foot, her jacket draped over the desk chair.

"Well, that was fun," McKenzie said as she picked up the make-up kit. "Wanna see what we can do with this?"

Ryan grinned.

"I think that's going to be all you. I have no idea how to do make-up."

McKenzie smiled, tearing open the package and setting everything out on top of her vanity.

"Well, I bet we can find a tutorial somewhere online."

McKenzie retrieved her laptop from her desk and set it on the corner of the vanity, then sat down as Ryan dragged the desk chair over to sit next to her.

As the screen came to life, Ryan saw the list of kinks from the Club's matchmaking app on one half, with the second half taken up by a blog post. She did her best to suppress her smirk as she read the title.

McKenzie glanced at the screen and then blushed at the words 'Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Anal Plugs, But Were Afraid to Ask' listed boldly at the top of the article.

"Sorry. I forgot I left that up. I was, um, just doing a little research at lunch," McKenzie explained as she opened a new window to cover the other two.

"That's perfectly fine, McKenzie. I already told you, if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them."

McKenzie typed in a search for how to do bruises with make-up and started clicking on links.

"I know. But I guess..."

"What?" Ryan asked gently.

"Sometimes I don't know what to ask. Or... I was wondering if you wanted me to fill out that form for you, so you'd sort of know what I want, except then I was like, I don't even know about most of this stuff or if I'd even like any of it, so..."

Ryan reached out for McKenzie's hand on the mouse and took it in her own. McKenzie finally turned to look at her.

"I know you don't have a lot of experience or even... Well, any, really, but... I'd much rather learn about what you like or don't like as you learn those things for yourself. And the same goes for you learning what I like." Ryan glanced at the screen as though she could see the hidden blog post. "Did you read the article?"

McKenzie nodded.

"Yeah. It, um... I got wet."

Ryan smiled.

"Well, I'm not surprised. You looked like you really enjoyed touching yourself there the other night. However, that doesn't mean you'll automatically enjoy a plug." At McKenzie's questioning look, Ryan continued. "I don't actually like them at all, though I love being fingered there. For me, I think it's that I'm more stimulated by continuous movement than by static fullness. And I think that's one of those things you won't really know until you've tried it yourself."

McKenzie nodded.

"And I'm guessing that's going to be true for just about everything, huh?" McKenzie asked, sounding defeated. "Should I even be reading about this stuff right now? It's not like I'm allowed to put any of it into practice or even..."

Ryan squeezed McKenzie's hand.

"Even what?"

McKenzie shook her head. At Ryan's continued patient stare, McKenzie stood up, her hand slipping out of Ryan's as she walked aimlessly around the bedroom, her arms crossed.

"I've never... been inside myself," McKenzie muttered, not even looking at Ryan. "I... I didn't even start masturbating until I was seventeen. And all the girls I knew who talked about having sex said it really hurt their first time, so I..." McKenzie shrugged. "I know I said my parents didn't let me date, but... I really wasn't asking them to either. And then when I came here and I realized I was gay, I mean that made sense, but it was also like it sort of let me off the hook, but..."

McKenzie finally glanced over at Ryan, but the woman's face was unreadable, so McKenzie looked away again.

"A lot of the lesbians I've met seem kind of against, um, penetration. Like you're not a real lesbian if you like it, but then I know my friend Claire says it's fine, she likes it, and it feels great. And since meeting you, I've sort of been thinking about it, about what it will be like, but..."

McKenzie finally forced herself to face Ryan, though her gaze didn't get up much past Ryan's ankles.

"What if it hurts too much and I don't like it? I've been looking up all the stuff on that list and I know you expect me to want at least some of it, but what if... I just... I don't want to disappoint you. I..."

Ryan stood and walked the few steps to pull McKenzie into her arms. McKenzie uncrossed her arms and wrapped them around the taller woman, burying her head against Ryan's chest.

"I love you, McKenzie. Regardless of what you like or don't like. I love you."

Ryan ran her fingers through the girl's soft hair, trying to soothe her distress as she continued.

"And yes, I do expect certain things from you, but that has more to do with my past experience and knowing the majority of women like those things, than expecting you to... put up with something you really don't want to do or have done to you. That's not to say I won't tell you to do things you don't want to do sometimes, but for the most part, this is meant to be enjoyable for both of us."

McKenzie lifted her head to look up at Ryan.

"Like what kinds of things?" McKenzie asked warily.

Ryan smiled.

"I'd rather leave that for another time." At McKenzie's frown, Ryan explained. "I don't want you stressing over something for the next five and a half months that we won't be able to test right away. However, we can certainly find out whether you enjoy penetration right now."

McKenzie's eyes went wide.

"But I thought... You said I couldn't enter myself, that it was only for you."

"I also said unless I told you otherwise. So I'm telling you otherwise."

McKenzie swallowed.

"O-Okay... But... Won't that sort of make me less of a virgin?"

Ryan frowned.

"Is that important? To you, I mean. For me, what makes you a virgin is that no one else has been with you. Though honestly, even that doesn't really matter to me. Even if you'd been with a bunch of other people before me, I'd still want you."

McKenzie lowered her eyes to stare unseeing at Ryan's chest.

"It's always seemed important to you."

Ryan sighed.

"Not in that way, McKenzie. It's... Your age and lack of experience is why I'm taking things so slow with you, but it's not why I'm attracted to you." Ryan drew her fingers along McKenzie's jawline until she was able to tilt the girl's chin up and look into her eyes. "You don't really think that's why I want to be with you, do you? That it's some sort of conquest?"

McKenzie half shrugged. Ryan sighed again.

"That has nothing to do with it. I mean yes, there's certainly a bit of conquest involved in all that. I'm getting to train you just for me and see all those first moments when your body does things you didn't know it was capable of, but..."

Ryan held McKenzie's gaze with her own.

"You're an amazing person, McKenzie. You're intelligent, funny, caring... not to mention sexy as hell... And the way you submit to me... God..." Ryan felt her hand itching to slide to the back of McKenzie's neck to grip her hair, but she forced herself to relax. "The fact that you're a virgin is just a bonus," she grinned, intentionally trying to lighten the mood.

McKenzie rolled her eyes and smiled as she swatted Ryan's butt.

"You're so bad."

"You know you love it."

"I love you," McKenzie said, completely serious again. "You just have this way of taking my fears and... You just take them away."

"I also make you face them, so..." Ryan gently disengaged from their embrace and reached over to close McKenzie's laptop. "Why don't you go remove your tampon and wash up, and I'll lay out some towels for you."

"Actually, I never put one back in this afternoon, since there was almost nothing there."

Ryan laughed and shook her head.

"That is so not fair. I always bleed like a stuck pig for three days straight..." Then she noticed McKenzie's look of sympathy and reined in her borderline whining. "On the bright side, that should make this a lot less messy."

"I think I still want to do a quick cleanup. You know, just in case," McKenzie said and Ryan nodded as the girl headed into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, McKenzie came back out, her nether regions clean and her blonde bush nicely fluffed. She'd decided to leave her clothes in the bathroom and judging by Ryan's appreciative look, it was the right choice. She'd also taken off her rings, though she'd kept the small gold Aries ram's head dangling at her throat.

Ryan had turned down the covers and moved the padded armchair from the corner to a spot next to the bed. She was sitting casually, her arms folded behind her head while she waited.

McKenzie climbed onto the bed from the other side, mostly so she didn't walk past Ryan. She wasn't sure she'd be able to keep herself from giving in to the temptation to sit on Ryan's lap.

Ryan had laid out a towel and McKenzie looked at her in question.

"Just in case," Ryan said.

McKenzie nodded and positioned herself over it so she was half sitting up against the pillows at the head of the bed. Then she clasped her hands on her stomach and waited.

"Freaking out?" Ryan asked gently.

McKenzie grimaced.

"Is it that noticeable? I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so nervous. It's not like we've never done this before."

"Well, we haven't, not this exactly. It's okay to be nervous, McKenzie. Just remember, you're in control of this. I'm just going to guide you... and seriously get off on watching you," Ryan added, already having to work at controlling her breathing.

McKenzie felt her anxiety fade into the background as her arousal sparked at Ryan's obvious excitement.

"May I touch myself, my Lord?"

Ryan wanted to say no. She wanted to stand up and pin McKenzie's hands above her head and take over. Instead, she gripped the arms of the chair and nodded.

"Yes, you may."

McKenzie kept her eyes on Ryan as she unclasped her hands and drew her fingers lightly over her stomach and up her chest. Her nipples tightened at the grazing touches and she rubbed the stiffened tips of her fingers over them. Her mouth opened as she gasped at the sensations. Then she saw Ryan lick her lips, her eyes focused steadily on McKenzie's nipples, and McKenzie felt them harden even more.

"Use your knuckles," Ryan instructed.

McKenzie curled her fingers and used her first knuckles to bump over the hard nubs.

"Oh yesss," McKenzie hissed as she sped up.

It only took a few passes for her to discover that separating her fingers slightly to add more space between the ridges increased her pleasure. Her hips started rocking as her sex clenched.

"Squeeze your breasts for me. And don't touch your nipples."

McKenzie made a few last passes with her knuckles and then repositioned her hands. Her nipples ached and she couldn't help squeezing her breasts a little harder in an attempt to ease some of the pressure. It didn't help.

As McKenzie continued to work her breasts, she watched Ryan. The woman's breathing was steady, though her pulse point told a different story. And the grip she had on the arms of the chair... The tendons on Ryan's fingers stood out as she rhythmically flexed them around the padding.

Minutes passed with no further instructions and McKenzie was getting desperate. She had to keep reminding her hands not to stray, not to wrap around her nipples.

"Please..." McKenzie finally said.

"Please, what?" Ryan asked.

McKenzie whimpered.

"Please, my Lord... May I... May I pinch my nipples? Please?"

"You may roll them between your thumb and index fingers only," Ryan allowed.

McKenzie's fingers immediately shifted forward, meeting around her engorged tits and twisting them between the pads of her thumbs and forefingers.

"Oh God," McKenzie moaned out, her hips trying to rise off the bed as her head fell back and her eyes closed. "God, I wish your mouth was on me, Ryan. I want to feel you sucking my tits... God... Please..." McKenzie lifted her head again and opened her eyes to look at Ryan. "May I wet my fingers? Please?"

Ryan nodded and McKenzie's fingers practically flew to her mouth. Then they were back on her nipples, the tips slipping and sliding between her fingers.

"Oh God! Ryan... It-It's never felt this good... Oh my God..."

"It's the time of the month. Mine always get more sensitive around my period," Ryan said quietly, her entire being focused on McKenzie's writhing body. "Now... Pinch them harder."

McKenzie cried out, her back arching as she complied.

"Oh God... Oh God, Ryan..."

McKenzie's hips pumped against the air as she pinched and pulled at her nipples.

"I need... Oh God, I need to touch my clit. Please... Please, Ryan..."

"You may touch your clit, but don't rub it yet."

McKenzie's hand shot down her stomach, slipping between her wet folds to press against her hardened little nub with an agonized cry of relief. Her fingers started to circle and she just barely stopped herself, grunting with the effort to resist.

"Now I want you to move your other hand down and coat your fingers with your wetness."

McKenzie did as she was told, part of her wishing for another set of hands so she could keep pinching her nipples. She moaned as she removed her fingers from her clit to give her other hand room to slide around her sopping entrance.

"Get the backs, too," Ryan said.

McKenzie twisted her hand, thoroughly slicking her fingers. As soon as she was done, she replaced her other hand on her clit. Her fingers immediately began circling her engorged nub, but she managed to stop before Ryan could call her on it.

Ryan smiled at McKenzie's determination to obey the commands she'd been given. McKenzie probably thought Ryan was just trying to torture her, but Ryan knew if McKenzie started focusing on her clit, she'd come, and there was a lot more Ryan wanted the girl to experience before that happened.

McKenzie also needed to learn a little coordination. She already knew how to rub her clit. Now she would learn how to move in and out, and it would be much easier if she was only working with one hand at a time. Though the constant pressure on her clit would keep her aroused if she felt any pain during penetration.

"McKenzie," Ryan said as she leaned forward, barely keeping her ass in the chair. "I want you to use one finger and slide just inside your vagina. Take it slow... Listen to your body... If it hurts, stop. If it feels good... keep going."

McKenzie was panting from her earlier exertions, but now she felt her heart hammering in her chest as her anxiety returned.

"You... You think... it'll hurt?"

Ryan shook her head.

"Not at all. I think it's going to feel really good in a way you've never experienced before."

"What about... my hymen... I don't... I don't want it to hurt..."

"You told me you grew up riding horses. And you've been using tampons for years. It probably tore a long time ago. But that's why you're going to go slow... So you can feel what feels right and what doesn't," Ryan spoke low, using her most soothing tones.

McKenzie nodded.

"Okay... Okay..."

McKenzie steeled herself for possible pain as she pressed the tip of her index finger to her entrance, and then went a little further.

"Ohh..." McKenzie breathed out as she closed her eyes.

For some reason, she'd expected it to be smooth, like a cylinder or tube. Instead, it was like a continuation of the folds around her clit, with layers of spongy flesh, all slippery with her wetness. She slid her finger in past her first knuckle, then her second.

"Pull out a little, then push back in," Ryan said, her voice raspy.

McKenzie glanced over at the woman. Ryan was sitting on the edge of the chair, her fists white-knuckling the ends of the armrests.

McKenzie stared into Ryan's eyes as she slowly withdrew her finger a short ways, then slipped inside again. She didn't stop until she was as deep as she could go.

"Oh God, Ryan, I wish this was you," McKenzie groaned.

Ryan's hands tightened their hold on the chair. Then she abruptly got to her feet and sidestepped around the chair, backing away until she was pressed up against the wall.

God, if it was me, you'd be screaming right now and not in a good way, Ryan thought as every cell in her body demanded she take what was being offered so freely. She couldn't stop staring at McKenzie as the girl continued to slowly fuck herself. Oh God... Just... Calm down... Breathe... God, please don't let me hurt her. She doesn't want it to hurt.

"Please... Don't go... Please... I'm sorry... I won't say that again... I just want you so much and... God, this feels so good," McKenzie said, completely unable to stop despite seeing Ryan's distress. "Please, stay..."

"I'm..." Ryan cleared her throat. "I'm not going anywhere. I just... needed a little distance."

Ryan forced herself to step away from the wall. She returned to the chair, standing behind it this time so it was between her and the girl. She gripped the back of it, willing herself to focus on what McKenzie needed, what she wanted McKenzie to learn and feel.

"Can you... Do you want to try adding a second finger? You don't have to, but I'd like you to try to find your G-spot and it's a lot easier with two fingers. If it hurts too much, you can stop and go back to just one."

McKenzie nodded, pulling her lone finger out. Her other fingers had dried a little, so she wiped them through her folds again. Once they were thoroughly coated, she speared her index and middle fingers together and pushed inside herself.

There was no pain, just a feeling of stretching and a deep need to do it again, so she pulled out and pushed back in, her hips lifting to meet her own thrust.

"Oh my God, yes," McKenzie grunted out as she did it again.

"Try rubbing your clit now. It'll take a little practice to get the coordination going, but once you do, you won't have to think about it anymore. Your body knows what it wants."

McKenzie's fingers were already moving on her clit. For the first couple minutes, the fingers moving in and out of her pussy tried to circle with the ones on her clit, but she'd played the game of rubbing her stomach while patting her head and had always been able to do it. This was no different and soon she was rubbing her clit in time with her thrusting fingers.

"Ryan... Oh God, Ryan... Oh God..."

"Slow down, McKenzie, just a little." McKenzie whimpered, and she looked at Ryan in desperation, but her movements slowed. "Good girl. Now I want you to try angling your fingers up towards your pubic bone. There's an area just inside, towards the top of your vagina... That's your G-spot. It'll feel sort of harder than everything else around it," Ryan instructed.

From McKenzie's half sitting position, she was able to bend her wrist just enough to scrape her curled fingers along the upper wall of her channel. Her stomach clenched as she ran over a rough spongy section she hadn't felt before. She hit it again and felt ripples of pleasure spreading across her skin, followed by trails of goose bumps that made her nipples tight.

Her fingers took on a life of their own as they slid in and out, faster and faster, rubbing over the area with each new penetration. She quickly found her rhythm, barely moving in and out of her pussy as it clamped down around her fingers, which still did their best to stab inside her over and over again.

"Oh Ryan... Oh my God... Ryan! Ungh God!"

Her yells of ecstasy drowned out Ryan's harsh breathing nearby and McKenzie lost herself in the pleasure as her orgasm overwhelmed her. She felt new wetness coat her fingers, causing them to make squelching sounds as her hips jerked up to milk her fingers for every last tiny bit of movement her muscle-fatigued hand could muster. The deep clenching she'd felt during previous orgasms seemed magnified somehow now that there was something to clamp down on and her cries were forced out of her with every spasm of her lower belly.

"Oh God, Ryan! Ryan... Oh my God..." McKenzie panted as she started to come down, her movements slowing until her hands were simply resting on her mound, the rest of her body collapsing limply against the bed.

Ryan stood, unblinking, her knees locked, fingers embedded in the padding on the back of the chair. She couldn't move. She didn't think she'd ever been more turned on in her life. Her sex ached with unspent need. Her breasts felt heavy inside her bra. If she could just pry her fingers from the chair, she could take care of it, but she was more than a little afraid it wouldn't be her own body her hands would reach for if they released their grip on the chair.

"Ryan?" McKenzie asked uncertainly.

Ryan finally blinked and looked up at McKenzie's face.

"Yeah?" Her voice sounded raw even to her own ears.

"Are you okay?"

Ryan's brow furrowed as she tried to figure out how to answer that.

"I'm—" A breath forced its way out of her as speaking caused her stomach to clench. "Holy fuck, I need to come," Ryan groaned out as she bent over to press her head against her hands on the back of the chair.

McKenzie sat up, barely noticing the thick puddle of come that had pooled beneath her on the towel as she scooted over to give Ryan room on the bed. She quickly wiped her hands on the towel, and then rolled it up and tossed it to the floor.

"You wanna lie down? I promise, I'll stay over here," McKenzie said from the far side of the bed.

Ryan looked up and shook her head.

"You might... but I won't."

McKenzie's eyebrows rose towards her hairline. Ryan gave a weak smile.

"I'm just going to stay over here... where it's safe."

Ryan carefully pried one of her hands from the chair and reached for her fly. The button slipped free and she pulled down the zipper. As her leather pants slid down her thighs, she reached between her legs.

"Oh fuck! Oh God! McKenzie!"

Ryan cried out with every swipe of her fingers over her swollen clit, her voice high-pitched and getting higher. Mere seconds passed and she felt her orgasm rush through her, taking her breath away as her knees buckled and she hit the floor, still thrusting her mound against her fingers to prolong her pleasure.

Finally, the last of the aftershocks subsided and Ryan sat back on her heels, sighing in contentment, a huge grin on her face. She looked up at McKenzie and started laughing, and McKenzie grinned back at her.

"Holy shit, that was a good one. Whew! Fuck," Ryan said, still catching her breath.

Ryan wiped her fingers off on the inside of her pants. Then she noticed her other hand still holding onto the chair and relaxed her fingers. She pushed herself back to her feet and pulled her pants up, redoing them. She moved on shaky legs over to the bed and flopped down across the foot.

"You okay now?" McKenzie asked, though she could see the truth for herself.

"Better than okay. Way better." Ryan tilted her head to look at McKenzie. "How about you?"

McKenzie's smile lit up her whole face.

"I'm great... I mean that was amazing." McKenzie blushed at her next thought, but spoke it anyway. "But now I'm wondering about... my ass."

Ryan laughed again and McKenzie joined in, only laughing harder when she heard Ryan actually giggle.

"Holy shit, woman, I barely survived your first fingering. No way are we messing with your ass tonight. God..."

McKenzie grinned.

"Hey, can't blame a girl for trying."

Ryan shook her head.

"I have definitely created a monster."

"Guess it's a good thing you like to walk on the dark side then, huh?"

"Yeah," Ryan said, suddenly subdued.

McKenzie had expected Ryan to laugh at her joke, but Ryan seemed to have sobered instead and McKenzie frowned in confusion.

"Hey... What's wrong?" McKenzie asked.

Ryan sat up, facing away from McKenzie, and ran her fingers through her hair. A gentle hand on her shoulder made her jump, but McKenzie's warm hand stayed where it was.

"Please, tell me what's wrong," McKenzie whispered behind Ryan. "We were fine and then... Something happened and I don't know what."

Ryan shook her head.

"It's... Orgasm can bring up a lot of feelings for me. And I think... your comment about my dark side... It just hit me the wrong way. Sorry about that."

Ryan rested her cheek on top of McKenzie's hand, realizing her mistake a little too late as she caught a whiff of McKenzie's scent still strong on her fingers. She lifted her head immediately and refused to look over her shoulder, knowing she'd be confronted by a very naked McKenzie in far too close proximity.

"It's okay," McKenzie said, squeezing Ryan's shoulder. "And I didn't mean it as a bad thing."

"I know." Ryan reached up to pat McKenzie's hand, and then gently moved out of reach, sliding off the edge of the bed to stand up. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

"Meaning you aren't right now."

Ryan's shoulders slumped almost imperceptibly and she finally turned around to face McKenzie now that there was enough space between them.

"Shit just hits me sometimes. I'd really rather not dwell on it, especially since I was really enjoying myself."

McKenzie nodded silently. She climbed off the other side of the bed and went to her dresser. She found a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and pulled them on, while Ryan watched her curiously.

McKenzie walked around to Ryan's side and gently pushed on her shoulders to get her to sit back down on the bed.


"Will you please lie down? I just want to hold you."

Ryan felt her chest constrict at the offer. She really had no defense as her body followed McKenzie's lead. She lay down on her side facing the edge of the bed and McKenzie climbed over her to spoon her from behind.

As McKenzie wrapped her arm around Ryan's stomach, she rested her head on their shared pillow and nuzzled her cheek into the back of Ryan's shoulder.

"I love you, Ryan. That means all of you, pain included."

Ryan felt her throat close up as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Why did receiving love still make her feel like she was being stabbed in the heart sometimes? She squeezed the hand at her stomach and tried to breathe, but she couldn't inhale, and then suddenly she gasped as a sob choked out of her.

"It's okay, honey. I'm here. I'm right here," McKenzie whispered.

"God, I hate them," Ryan cried. "I hate what they did to me... What it still does to me... Goddamn it! This is mine! It's my pleasure. I should get to enjoy it... Goddamn motherfuckers."

Ryan wiped her wet cheek against the pillow and sniffled. She couldn't help burrowing back against McKenzie's solid presence a little more and McKenzie tightened her hold around her waist.

They stayed like that as the minutes ticked by and Ryan's tears eventually tapered off. Ryan considered letting herself fall asleep in McKenzie's arms, but she knew she didn't dare.

In her current state, she was extremely vulnerable and it would be far too easy to simply turn in McKenzie's embrace and take solace in her willing body. But she'd used sex to avoid her feelings in the past and that had never worked out well. And she didn't want that with McKenzie.

Ryan rubbed the arm secured around her waist.

"I need to go, baby," Ryan whispered.

McKenzie squeezed Ryan one last time and kissed her T-shirt covered shoulder before gently pulling away. Ryan sat up and turned to face McKenzie, who was still lying on her side. Ryan brushed the bangs out of her eyes.

"Thank you," Ryan said quietly.

"You're welcome. And if you wake up with a nightmare, please come back. I won't..." McKenzie gave a half smile. "I won't take advantage of you."

Ryan smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"I'm serious. I don't want you sitting alone over there when I'm right here. Okay?"

Ryan nodded.


"You promise?"

Ryan stopped. She slowly shook her head.

"No, I can't promise that. Sometimes I need to be alone with this stuff." McKenzie frowned, but Ryan continued. "But I can promise if that's not the case, then I'll wake you up in the middle of the night if I need to. All right?"

McKenzie nodded.

"Deal," McKenzie said and held out her hand.

Ryan smiled and shook it. She released the girl's hand and stood up to retrieve her boots.

"I have an early client meeting across town in the morning, and then a late shift, and I know you have classes all evening, so I'm not sure I'll get a chance to see you tomorrow," Ryan said as she pulled on her boots and grabbed her jacket.

"Can you call me when you get done with your meeting?"

Ryan smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Me, too."

Ryan reached down to cup the side of McKenzie's face and McKenzie leaned into the touch, closing her eyes. Ryan wanted to lean down and pull her into a hug, but she was afraid she'd never leave if she did that.

"I'll see you soon," Ryan said and McKenzie nodded.

"Night, Ryan. Sweet dreams."

"You, too," Ryan said, and then quietly exited, closing the bedroom door behind her.

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Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
