Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Day 17

Thursday, October 30

Ryan uploaded the webpage she'd just finished coding and refreshed her browser to check that it was working. The latest changes appeared and she nodded to herself, satisfied.

Ryan went back to her HTML editor and opened the next page. It was tedious work going through the 100+ pages of the client's site to strip out the old design and implement the new one, but she was getting it done. She'd even made a few upgrades to the previous designer's sloppy code to streamline it.

A knock on her door made her frown and she looked at the clock. It was just after seven. Then she smiled as she realized McKenzie's last class had let out half an hour ago and she got up to answer the door.

As soon as the door was open, McKenzie was in Ryan's arms, squeezing her tight.

"Hey, you okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. Just missed you and it's been a really long day," McKenzie mumbled into Ryan's chest.

McKenzie released the hug and Ryan moved out of the way so McKenzie could enter the apartment. She took her jacket off and hung it on the back of Ryan's chair as Ryan closed the door. McKenzie walked over and flopped down on Ryan's bed.

"Ugh! I don't know what I was thinking when I made my schedule... Oh wait, yes, I do. I was trying to keep most of my evenings free and leave Fridays completely open for dates. But that was just stupid, since I stopped dating as soon as I met you..." McKenzie trailed off as she realized exactly how much she'd given away.

McKenzie looked up to gauge Ryan's reaction, but the woman just smiled.

"Yeah, uh, Karen told me that a little while ago. Sounds like we both had the same idea."

McKenzie smiled shyly, remembering what Ryan had told her about not being able to find anybody at the Club after she'd met McKenzie, until she'd just stopped going altogether.

"Yeah, I guess we did," McKenzie said, her voice full of wonder. Then she let her head drop back again, staring up at the ceiling as she continued. "Well, I'm definitely not doing this again next semester, if I can help it. I should've opted for more evening classes. I'm a total night owl and this getting up at the crack of dawn thing every few days is bullshit."

Ryan laughed as she picked up her laptop from her desk and brought it over to the bed. She went back for the mouse, paper printouts, and pen, and then pulled out a folding breakfast tray she kept stuffed between her bed and the nightstand. She set everything up on the tray before sliding into place beneath it so her back was supported by the pillows behind her, the tray positioned within easy reach over her knees. As soon as she was settled, McKenzie kicked off her shoes and cuddled into Ryan's side, her head resting partway between the nearest pillow and Ryan's left hip.

"Is this okay?" McKenzie asked.

"Very," Ryan said as she brushed her fingers over McKenzie's hair. She took a moment to squeeze McKenzie's shoulder, then brought her hand back up to the keyboard. "As long as you're okay with me continuing to work. I've still got..." Ryan scanned the printed list and did a quick count. "Sixteen more pages to go and I need to get them done before midnight."

"Type away," McKenzie said as she closed her eyes, nestling her cheek against Ryan's sweats-clad hip again, one hand coming up to rest on the woman's thigh to support her chin.

Ryan stifled her groan, her body acutely aware of how close McKenzie's fingers were to her crotch. She looked down to see if McKenzie was trying to pull a fast one, but the girl was totally relaxed, not tense with arousal.

Ryan shook her head and smiled. As long as McKenzie wasn't actively encouraging her, she could secretly enjoy the borderline sexual contact. Her energy had been flagging the past couple hours, but not anymore. She focused on the screen, her desire to finish her work that much sooner making her fingers fly across the keyboard.

A few hours later, Ryan uploaded the last page and scanned it for any errors in formatting. It looked fine, so she checked it off, going through the list twice to make sure she hadn't missed anything.

Ryan switched to her email program. She was almost done composing an update report for her client, when McKenzie stretched, her hand wrapping around Ryan's other hip to pull herself closer as she whimpered softly in her sleep. McKenzie's head shifted so that her cheek was resting completely on Ryan's thigh, her mouth mere inches from Ryan's center.

Ryan's fingers froze over the keyboard. She looked down to see McKenzie's eyes shut tight, her breathing deep and steady, completely oblivious to Ryan's predicament.

Every instinct told Ryan to toss the laptop aside, shove her sweatpants down her thighs, and grab the back of McKenzie's head to bring her to her core. Just the thought of McKenzie's mouth on her sex... Her lips, her tongue...

Ryan's left hand came off the keyboard to reach for McKenzie, but she stopped, her hand simply hovering above the girl's blonde hair.

With effort, she moved her hand back to the keyboard. It took several deep breaths for her to calm down enough to get back to her previous train of thought and finish the email. She hit send and then closed down the laptop.

Ryan moved carefully to keep from jostling McKenzie as she set the laptop and mouse on her nightstand, along with the papers and pen. She folded up the breakfast tray and slid it back into its place next to the bed. Then she leaned back against her pillows with a sigh of relief. She looked at the clock and found it was only a little after ten-thirty. She'd finished in record time.

McKenzie shifted again at Ryan's subtle movements, this time pushing up so that her head was tucked against Ryan's side, and Ryan's arm naturally settled around McKenzie's shoulders.

Ryan gazed down at the sleeping girl, feeling her heart swell with so much love, she actually felt tears welling up in her eyes. This is ridiculous. What the hell is wrong with me? Ryan thought as she used her free hand to wipe at her eyes.

Then she realized. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing wrong in her life. She was just... happy.

Panic washed over her at the immediate thought that something would have to go wrong soon. She wasn't allowed to be safe, or happy, or content... She wasn't allowed to be... loved.

An image of McKenzie telling her she'd changed her mind, that she'd been wrong, Ryan was too fucked up and she didn't really want to be with Ryan after all, cut across her mind's eye. McKenzie wouldn't be mean about it, but Ryan could already feel herself going numb to distance herself from the gut-wrenching pain she knew she'd feel at the rejection.

Ryan clenched her jaw, blinking away the tears as she realized what she was doing. That was an old track, one recorded by her parents since before she could remember. Ryan unconsciously tightened her hold on McKenzie.

No. I worked too hard for this, to get to this place in my life. I refuse to let their shit keep me from enjoying it. She looked down at the girl in her arms. I love you, McKenzie. I love you...

Ryan chanted the words over and over in her mind, using them and her feelings of love as a shield against the fear that urged her to push McKenzie away. As if ending it now would be any less painful... for either of them.

Ryan could just imagine McKenzie's utter devastation if she ever told her she didn't want to be with her anymore. The anguish was too much for Ryan and she forced the image from her mind, instead trying to see all the times she'd made McKenzie laugh or even just smile.

McKenzie had so many different smiles. There was the soft shy one she got when she received an unexpected compliment. And the one that made her eyes sparkle just before she let out a laugh. The one that always made Ryan laugh was when McKenzie's nose would crinkle up after she'd made some smartass comment and was trying to use her cuteness to get away with it.

But Ryan's favorite was when McKenzie simply smiled at her, the love so clear in her eyes, Ryan wondered at her own stupidity for ever doubting it.

Ryan held on to that image as she closed her eyes, finally relaxing against the warm body pressed into her side.

* * *

McKenzie smiled as she slowly came to consciousness. She was cradled against Ryan's side, her head pillowed on Ryan's chest and her arm draped across Ryan's stomach. She inhaled the woman's scent, a combination of her laundry detergent, body wash, and something spicy that was unique to Ryan.

As she lay there, McKenzie felt her breathing pick up, unable to stop herself from becoming aroused at such close proximity to the older woman. She could feel the soft flesh of Ryan's chest beneath her cheek and realized the woman wasn't wearing a bra.

It took all of McKenzie's willpower not to give in to the urge to turn her head just that last little bit so she could kiss the top of Ryan's breast through her T-shirt. McKenzie unconsciously licked her lips in preparation, then bit her bottom lip as she realized what she was about to do to the sleeping woman.

McKenzie used the arm beneath her to slowly push herself up and away from the temptation. Ryan didn't stir as her arm slipped from around McKenzie's shoulders to rest against the bed. McKenzie carefully repositioned herself to sit cross-legged next to Ryan, doing her best not to move the bed too much.

She smiled as she stared down at Ryan, enjoying getting the chance to simply look at the gorgeous woman, though her fingers itched for her tablet. Then her hands moved of their own accord, reaching out for Ryan's hand, needing to make contact with her again.

McKenzie slipped Ryan's hand into her own. At first, she was simply going to move Ryan's arm to a more comfortable position next to her side, but she stopped as she noticed how much larger Ryan's hand was than her own. The woman was a good half a foot taller than McKenzie, maybe a little more, so it made sense that her hands were bigger, too. McKenzie twisted her right hand to lay it palm up against Ryan's left, which was palm down. Ryan's fingers were at least an inch longer than McKenzie's.

McKenzie's stomach clenched as she realized how much deeper Ryan could go inside her than her own short fingers. And the width of two of Ryan's fingers was that much thicker, too. McKenzie wondered if she could take more than two, how it would feel to have Ryan pushing inside her, even if she wasn't quite ready. Her previous fear of the pain was completely forgotten as she imagined Ryan pinning her hands above her head as the woman forced three long fingers inside her.

"Oh God," McKenzie whispered as she felt her sex ache with sudden acute need.

The feeling wasn't really new. She'd been thinking about being inside herself off and on since the other night, though she'd refrained from doing anything about it. She knew her punishment had ended, but she hadn't wanted to come without Ryan there.

A new thought sent a tendril of panic through her as she remembered how suddenly her orgasm had overtaken her.

She hadn't asked for permission. Ryan hadn't said anything about it, but then again, Ryan had been a little preoccupied with her own need to come at the time. Then she'd been busy with work.

McKenzie winced. She wasn't sure she could deal with another abstinence punishment so soon. Especially not after experiencing how incredible it felt to finger herself. She'd seriously been missing out.

The hand still resting in her own tensed and McKenzie looked up to see Ryan blinking away the sleep from her eyes.

"Hey," Ryan said, her voice raspy. She glanced at the clock. She'd only been dozing for half an hour. "You get a good nap?"

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me crash."

"No problem."

McKenzie looked pensively at Ryan's hand, rubbing her thumb over the backs of Ryan's knuckles.

"You okay?"

McKenzie looked up, then back down again.

"Yeah," McKenzie said, though her tone made it sound like a question.

Ryan squeezed McKenzie's hand.

"What's up?"

McKenzie sighed.

"I... I don't want to get myself in trouble, but..." She glanced up at Ryan's patient gaze. "I just realized I didn't ask for permission last time... when I came."

Ryan nodded.

"I know. I wasn't expecting you to."

"Oh... Okay, I'm kind of confused," McKenzie admitted. "What's the rule for that then?"

Ryan smiled.

"In general, when you're by yourself, you can come whenever you want, as often as you want, unless I specifically tell you otherwise. And when we're together, I'll usually expect you to beg for my permission, but with what we were doing the other night, I didn't want to distract you or put any extra pressure on you by telling you, you had to hold back. I wanted you to feel free to explore and just focus on your pleasure."

McKenzie nodded, though she'd hardly heard anything after the first few words.

"So... I could do that... now?" McKenzie asked, her voice low and sounding slightly out of breath. "Because I haven't, not since last time."

"Yes," Ryan said, her own breathing intentionally controlled as her heart rate picked up.

"Like right now?" McKenzie clarified.

"Take your clothes off, McKenzie," Ryan said, her voice soft, but commanding.

McKenzie's heart skipped a beat as she looked into Ryan's smoldering eyes. She stood from the bed, continuing to face Ryan and holding her gaze as she backed up just enough to give herself room to undress.

As McKenzie pulled her T-shirt off, Ryan lay back, folding her arms behind her head as she watched. McKenzie took her time, enjoying Ryan's eyes on her, the way her breathing stopped and started as more of McKenzie's body was revealed.

When McKenzie was done, she assumed First Position and waited.

Ryan got up from the bed and took the two steps to stand in front of McKenzie. The girl's hard nipples almost grazed the front of Ryan's T-shirt, Ryan was so close.

"You're beautiful, McKenzie. Every time I see you like this... Ready and waiting... for me..."

Ryan backed up half a pace to reach into her sweats. She groaned softly as she swiped her fingers between her lips, bringing them back out to show McKenzie the glistening tips. She rubbed the sticky wetness with her thumb.

"You do that to me, McKenzie. Every time."

McKenzie whimpered. Ryan's scent was intoxicating and her fingers were less than a foot away from McKenzie's lips. McKenzie rocked on her heels as she tried to stop herself from giving in to the impulse to duck her head and suck the digits into her mouth before Ryan could pull them away. She closed her eyes as if the lack of sight would remove the temptation.

"Look at me, McKenzie."

McKenzie's eyes snapped open and she looked up into Ryan's penetrating stare.

"What were you just thinking?"

McKenzie's stomach clenched and she tightened her hold on her hands behind her back.

"I... God, I want to taste you, Ryan. I-I can smell you and I just... I've never done that, but... You smell so good."

Ryan smirked.

"So do you."

The girl's eyes tracked back to Ryan's hand and stared with such longing. Ryan used the inside of one of the pockets of her sweats to wipe off her hand, mostly to lessen the temptation to slide her fingers inside McKenzie's mouth instead.

Ryan cocked her head in sudden curiosity.

"Have you ever tasted yourself?"

McKenzie blushed to the tips of her ears as she nodded.

"What did you think?" Ryan asked.

McKenzie swallowed.

"It was... I-I liked it," McKenzie said, feeling another wave of heat wash over her cheeks. "I was afraid I wouldn't when I first heard about... eating out. It sounded kind of gross, but I'd heard in high school about how some girls gave their boyfriends blowjobs and then the boys would lick them... lick their pussies. And the girls said it felt really good. I didn't try it then, though. It wasn't until I realized I was a lesbian, and then... Well, it sounded like it was sort of expected, so I wanted to try it out on myself first."

Ryan nodded.

"But you've never gone down on anyone else?"

McKenzie shook her head.

"Why not? What stopped you?"

McKenzie looked down at the floor, but Ryan used her fingers to pull McKenzie's chin back up as she spoke gently.

"That wasn't a judgment. I honestly want to know why you've never chosen to be with anyone... until me."

McKenzie couldn't look away from Ryan's eyes.

"I... I don't know. I just always stopped at kissing. A couple times... Mostly guys, but a couple women... They tried to feel my breasts... One woman even tried to go under my shirt, but it just always felt... wrong, somehow. I don't know. I got called a tease a couple of times, but I wasn't trying to be. I just wanted it to be... special, I guess. I know that sounds kind of stupid or naïve, but—"

"It doesn't sound stupid at all," Ryan said softly as she caressed the side of McKenzie's face, her fingers slipping through McKenzie's hair to the back of her head. "God, I really want to kiss you right now," Ryan whispered.

McKenzie swallowed.

"If you do that, my hands won't stay behind my back... unless you hold them there."

Ryan groaned, her fist unconsciously clenching in McKenzie's hair.

McKenzie whimpered as her head was suddenly immobilized by Ryan's strong grip at the base of her neck.

"Please... Ryan... Please... Please..." McKenzie panted out.

Ryan let the begging tones wash over her. It would be so easy to lean down and claim McKenzie's mouth, muffle the whimpers with her lips and tongue... Then make her scream as she bore her back down on the bed and shoved her fingers inside the girl's wet cunt. Ryan could tell McKenzie was already so primed, it would only take a couple swipes of her thumb across McKenzie's clit to bring the girl to a body racking climax.

Ryan suddenly realized what she was doing, what she'd already done, and released McKenzie's hair as if she'd been burned. She backed up several steps, until she felt the wall behind her. McKenzie swayed on her feet, but somehow managed to stay standing.

"Fucking hell!" Ryan exclaimed, trying to catch her breath. "Goddamn it! I shouldn't have touched you. Fuck! I know better. I'm sorry. That was cruel," Ryan berated herself as she tried to get her heart rate under control. "God, what the fuck is wrong with me?"

McKenzie stayed where she was, even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. Her fingernails had dug crescents into her forearms from where she'd been gripping them so hard behind her back, but she didn't feel it.

"Ryan..." McKenzie spoke, amazed at how calm her voice sounded.

Ryan looked up, unable to hide the fear in her eyes as McKenzie continued.

"I... I'm not trying to push. I know you don't want that... But... Can you tell me why we can't just do this? I want you... You want me... We're both adults, despite the whole teenager thing... So, why?"

Ryan shook her head, trying to clear it. McKenzie's quiet composed tones seemed to steady her and Ryan finally felt her body relax against the wall. She sighed.

"Because I'm not in control. And I don't mean that I need to be in control, as in dominant, in order to have sex or enjoy it. I can have 'normal' sex. It's not as much fun, but..." Ryan gave a half smile, then sobered again. "The problem is that I... I might start out gentle with you, like a moment ago, I just wanted to kiss you, nothing more, but then... God, I want you so bad, I know I won't hear you if you tell me no or to stop, and I have to be able to listen. It's part of my responsibility as your Dom to keep you safe... even from me."

"What if I don't want you to stop?" McKenzie whispered.

Ryan groaned again.

"God, woman, you know just how to hit every single one of my buttons, don't you." Ryan shook her head again. She glanced at the armoire on the other side of the room. "I've been trying not to scare you, but I'm starting to wonder if a little healthy fear might be good for you."

Ryan walked around the girl, giving her a wide berth, and headed for the massive piece of furniture. She pulled open the wide upper doors.

"Come here."

McKenzie moved at the command, stopping next to Ryan in front of the armoire. Hooks lined the inner walls, a different piece of equipment hanging from each one. McKenzie had seen most of the items in the online sex stores she'd found during her research, but it was very different seeing them in person.

McKenzie's eyes widened as she looked at all the items.

Two black floggers with dozens of leather strips protruding from their ends hung dead center, the first only about a foot long, while the other one was at least three feet. Next to the floggers hung various shapes of slappers and paddles in wood and leather.

McKenzie's eyes drifted to the right, finding a series of nipple clamps and two blindfolds, one leather, the other satin. She also saw several gags, only one of which she recognized from the time Ryan had tied her to the chair. Next to those were the cuffs Ryan had used that night, along with several other pairs in various sizes, and McKenzie realized some of them must be meant for her ankles.

On the left side hung coils of rope in different thicknesses and materials as well as leather straps, stainless steel connectors, and several lengths of chain.

Finally, McKenzie looked at the bottom shelf. Several boxes of condoms labeled as lubricated, flavored, and non-lubricated sat along the back wall next to a couple boxes of surgical gloves in black and white. A half-dozen different bottles of lube stood in front of the boxes, but she barely noticed any of those things. Her eyes were focused on the many dildos and anal plugs laid out in neat rows on top of the red silk lining the shelf.

Ryan picked up a huge realistic phallus and McKenzie felt giggles of nervousness bubbling up.

"There's no way that would fit."

"Oh, I guarantee you, I could make it fit," Ryan said, her voice dangerously low.

McKenzie looked back and forth between Ryan's deadly serious gaze and the huge strap-on. She swallowed, trying to make her voice work.

"Are you... Are you saying you would use that on me... against my will?"

"No, I'm saying when you're ready, you'll ask me for this, for all of this," Ryan gestured to the rest of the contents with her free hand. "And you'll know exactly what you're asking for. But you're not there yet. The problem is, I am." Ryan put the phallus back and closed the doors. "What we've done so far is... Well, it's practically nothing compared to what I want to do, what I think about doing to you all the time."

"Do you think I don't want those things?" McKenzie nodded to the closed doors. "Because I do. I... I can't say for sure that I'll like everything, and I'll be honest, some of it really scares me, but... I trust you, Ryan. And I want this. I want you."

"I know you do." Ryan started to reach up to touch McKenzie's face, but then stopped herself. "And I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it, too. In fact, I'm counting on it. But..." Ryan frowned, trying to think of an analogy. "How old were you when you first learned to ride a bike?"

McKenzie's brow furrowed.

"Um, I guess I was about five. Why?"

"Did you just hop on and go or did you have training wheels?"

McKenzie's face cleared and she couldn't help rolling her eyes a little.

"I had training wheels, but only for a couple weeks."

"Okay, but would you consider putting your five-year-old self, even the one who just had her training wheels removed, in charge of riding a motorcycle? And I'm not talking about some little kid's dirt bike, but something like my Harley."

McKenzie grimaced.

"No, of course not. My feet wouldn't even touch the ground. But I'm not a little kid—"

"I know you're not. But can you honestly say you're ready for even half of what's in there? I know you want it, but that's not the same thing."

McKenzie remained silent, knowing she couldn't say yes, but not wanting to say no. Ryan sighed.

"I've really only ever had two criteria for this stuff. First, I need to know you're capable of telling me when you're not okay, and second, I need to be able to recognize if you're not okay, even if you don't or can't tell me." Ryan finally gave in to her need to cup McKenzie's cheek. "I'm sorry, but I just don't think you can do that yet, and I... I don't think I'd be able to maintain enough distance to notice if things went south. Do you really want to go into this knowing I don't trust myself to keep you safe right now?" Ryan asked.

McKenzie closed her eyes, a few tears falling as she nuzzled into Ryan's palm.

"No," McKenzie whispered. "No, I don't want to do that to you." McKenzie opened her eyes and stared into Ryan's loving gaze. "I want you to feel as safe with me as I do with you. I want you to trust me."

"I do trust you. I just know... I've been with more than a few newbies and they couldn't always tell me something was wrong, but I was always able to see it in time to fix it. But with you... I just want to get lost in you and that's something that in time I think will be fine, but not until you're at my level. And I think that's where I keep getting tripped up with you."

Ryan ran her fingers through McKenzie's hair, almost testing herself to make sure she could handle the contact again.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm at a college level with this stuff and you're..." Ryan rolled her eyes. "You're in fucking pre-school, but I keep wanting to play with you like you've got your bachelor's degree already. It's beyond frustrating."

McKenzie smiled.

"You're telling me. So how am I supposed to jump from... Can we at least say elementary school? How do I get from there to where you are?"

"Well, I think we're doing it. This. Taking it slow. You reading stuff, seeing stuff at the Club. Us talking like we are now. And..." Ryan looked down at McKenzie's still naked form. "Me guiding you in learning more about your body, what you like, what makes you tremble or scream... What makes you come."

McKenzie grunted as her sex tightened at Ryan's words.

"God... That... That works."


"You... The way you talk to me."

Ryan released her loose hold in McKenzie's hair and walked around behind the girl. She leaned down, her lips bare inches from McKenzie's ear, her voice low.

"You mean like when I tell you... I need to make you come. I need it, McKenzie. It's like a drug, the sounds you make, the way your body writhes. I just want to make you come over and over again until you're begging me to stop... but I won't. I'll make you come again, just to prove I can."

McKenzie whimpered, her knees turning to jelly as arousal flooded through her at Ryan's hotly spoken words.

Ryan stood up straight again.

"On my bed. Now."

McKenzie somehow managed to make her legs work, stumbling over to Ryan's bed and clambering on. She knelt near the head of the bed, then paused as she looked up at Ryan, who was standing at the foot, holding on to the top of the bedframe.

"What... What position, my Lord?"

Ryan's clit twitched at the girl's respectful tone.

"Second. But I want you to brace yourself on your arms rather than holding them behind your back."

McKenzie nodded and turned to face the wall so her ass would be angled to give Ryan a clear view. She bent over, using her forearms to hold herself a little off the bed, though she let her head fall forward.

"Spread your legs a little farther apart for me. I want to see you."

McKenzie slid her knees against the sheet, widening her stance, feeling the warm air hit her wet opening. She automatically started rocking, but then forced her hips to remain still with a grunt.

"No, don't stop, McKenzie. Show me how much you want this."

McKenzie groaned deep in her chest as she slowly pumped her hips against the air, the movement pulling on her sex in a tantalizing tease.

"Can you feel how your sex is stretched in this position? Feel how far back your clit is," Ryan instructed.

McKenzie shifted her weight to one arm and used the other to reach between her legs. Her hand found her clit at least an inch farther down than she'd expected it to be. She whimpered as her fingers made contact.

"Please..." McKenzie's hips kept rocking, but her hand remained still. "Please, my Lord... May I?"

"May you what?"

"Please, may I rub my clit? Please?"

"Yes, you may."

"Thank you... Thank you," McKenzie whispered as she began circling her swollen nub. "Oh fuck!" McKenzie yelped as her hips jerked sharply with each pass of her fingers.

"Go lighter, McKenzie," Ryan cautioned. "Your clit is more exposed like this, more open. And it's pulled tight against your pubic bone, which makes it more sensitive."

McKenzie gentled her touch and her hips stopped their uncontrollable twitching. She moaned as the softer pressure worked in concert with her rocking hips, setting a natural rhythm that started to build a different kind of pressure between her legs.

"Oh yes, my Lord... Yes..."

"You should also know," Ryan spoke quietly behind her. "In this position, your vaginal canal is much shorter... Meaning I'll be able to get that much deeper."

"Yes... Please, my Lord... I want to feel you... inside... Please..." McKenzie panted out as she pushed her hips back towards Ryan.

Ryan groaned. The way McKenzie was offering herself had Ryan reaching down to her crotch to feel for a bulge that wasn't there. McKenzie's pussy was so wet, so open, just begging for one of Ryan's cocks to fill her...

"Fuck, McKenzie, you have no idea how bad I want to be inside you right now."

McKenzie whimpered as her sex clenched on nothing and she sped up her movements on her clit.

"Oh God, yes, I do... As bad as I want your fingers... inside me... Please..."

"It won't be my fingers inside you, McKenzie... Not when you're in this position."

McKenzie felt goose bumps race across her skin as a wave of intense need forced her lower belly to clamp down.

"Unnh, fuck! I don't care what you use... Oh God, please... Just... Just let me come... Please... I wanna come for you... Please, my Lord... Please..." McKenzie gasped out.

"Do it. Come for me, McKenzie."

McKenzie cried out as the command went straight to her core and her hips jerked against her fingers. She kept thrusting, trying to prolong her pleasure, but all too soon she was coming down, and she slowed her movements.

"I didn't say you could stop. Keep rubbing your clit," Ryan ordered.

McKenzie whimpered as she pressed her fingers more firmly against her sensitized nub again.

"You're going to learn a little stamina tonight," Ryan warned. "Now... I want you to reach back with your other hand and enter yourself. You'll need to tilt your pelvis forward. And sit back a little more on your heels to shift your weight back... That's it... And turn your head to the side. Let your shoulders support you a little."

McKenzie did as Ryan said, drawing her hips forward to angle herself better as she slid her other hand down between her legs. Shifting her pelvis forward allowed the fingers rubbing her clit to move up as well, giving her more room for her other hand. Her stomach, back, and thigh muscles carried most of her weight, though her cheek was still pressed into the mattress as she slid the tips of her first two fingers just inside her entrance.

"Oh God, Ryan," McKenzie whispered as the new sensation sent pleasure chills through her abdomen. She closed her eyes as she imagined it was Ryan fingering her sopping pussy.

Ryan groaned, unable to take her eyes off McKenzie. The girl's muscles flexed with each thrust of her hips and Ryan just wanted to vault over the bedframe and dive in. She gripped the bronze bar a little tighter.

"Faster, McKenzie. I want to see those fingers working that tight little cunt of yours."

McKenzie moaned as Ryan's coarse words sent tingles of pleasure over her skin even as her body obeyed Ryan's command.

McKenzie quickened her pace, pushing her fingers in and out of her pussy in counterpoint to her swiftly thrusting hips. She couldn't get more than a couple inches deep due to the strained position she was in, but it seemed to be more than enough as her vaginal walls clenched around even that small penetration.

Ryan unconsciously rocked her hips in time with McKenzie's movements. Her sex clenched with every whimper and groan McKenzie made, the partially muffled sounds only driving her higher as she glanced past McKenzie's ass to see her face pressed roughly into the sheets. Her gaze drifted back to watch McKenzie's fingers push inside her entrance, only to slip out again, coated in her juices.

Ryan finally gave in to her aching need and pushed her sweats down to her thighs. Then she simultaneously reached up under her shirt with one hand to squeeze one of her breasts as she pressed the fingers of her other hand to her clit.

"God, McKenzie," Ryan grated out. "I'm gonna catch up with you... in about... two seconds... Oh God! Fuck!" Ryan cried out, her muscles stiffening for several long moments before pumping forward.

McKenzie cried out with her as she nearly came at the sounds Ryan was making behind her. She gasped as she tried to fight off her impending climax.

"Ryan, please... I need... I can't... can't stop... Oh God..."

Ryan never ceased her movements over her clit and hearing McKenzie's whispered pleas made her feel like she hadn't even come yet. Her fingers dipped lower, massaging her slick entrance, drawing the fluid up to coat the rest of her fingers and her inner lips. She used the thumb of her other hand to flick over her hard nipple, feeling tingles spread outward from her tit.

"Oh McKenzie..." Ryan groaned out. "I want... I want you to come with me... Come with me, McKenzie!"

As Ryan yelled her release, McKenzie cried out with her, matching her shout for shout. McKenzie's body went rigid, her muscles screaming their protest at the prolonged awkward position, making it that much harder to continue her movements against her clit and pussy, even as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her. As the pulsing sensations tapered off, her muscles released and her hands dropped limply to the bed as she sucked in needed lungfuls of air.

"Get your hands back on your pussy, McKenzie. I'm not done with you yet."

McKenzie startled, her tired arms reaching back up to touch herself, even as she protested.

"God, please, Ryan... I can't... Not again..."

"Yes, you can. And you will."

"I can't... I can barely move... Please..." McKenzie cried into the sheets.

Ryan massaged her own aching sex as she watched the girl's feeble movements. Tears tracked down the side of McKenzie's nose, causing a round wet stain to form in front of the girl's face.

"Just hold your hands still. Let your hips do all the work."

McKenzie mewled as she pumped her hips forward, scraping her painfully tender clit across the pads of her fingers as the same movement forced her entrance to take in the fingers of her other hand.

"Ryan... My Lord, please... please don't make me... I can't..."

"You will not stop until you come. Do you understand me?"

McKenzie whimpered at the threatening tone even as it sent her hips rocking forward with renewed vigor. She could hear Ryan's panting breaths behind her and knew the woman was working herself, too.

Ryan stared as McKenzie flexed her ass to bring herself down harder onto her fingers. Every time she came down, it forced a tiny whimpering grunt from her throat and Ryan moaned.

"God, you're fucking dripping, do you know that?" Ryan whispered as she watched a thick line of come slip from McKenzie's opening to puddle on the sheet beneath her.

McKenzie rocked mindlessly, her stomach tightening with a desperate need to do it again after each downward thrust onto her fingers. She'd gone past the point where she could stop, something primal taking over deep inside her that kept her pushing for more. Her whole world consisted of thrusting her hips over and over again, jolts of pain morphing into pleasurable sparks that shot through her with each brush of her fingers in and over her most sensitive parts.

McKenzie's gasping breaths were ragged, her mouth dry from her constant harsh breathing, and she couldn't even take the time to swallow to try to moisten her mouth.

Ryan's fingers made squishing sounds against her own wet sex as she rubbed her clit in quick circular strokes. She couldn't play with her nipples anymore as the sounds McKenzie was making forced her to grab on to the bedframe for support. Ryan could tell the girl was in her own little world, completely unaware of how her hips had begun short-thrusting in preparation for orgasm, tremors making her thighs vibrate.

Ryan felt her own climax approaching on a freight train and knew she was incapable of holding it off any longer. As the first waves hit, she cried out, her grip on the bedframe shaking the whole bed as she thrust against herself.

"McKenzie! God, McKenzie... Come... Come now!"

McKenzie simply reacted to the command. There was no thought and she had no control as her hips repeatedly humped forward, impaling her on her stiffened fingers again and again as her orgasm exploded inside her.

McKenzie screamed, completely drowning out Ryan's yells of ecstasy, and then her whole body convulsed and she accidentally held her breath as bliss flooded her senses. Her thighs shook uncontrollably and she collapsed onto her side in the fetal position, still twitching with aftershocks as she finally gasped in a tortured breath.

Ryan was already moving, having just finished pulling her sweats back up after wiping off her hand. She rushed to grab the extra blanket from the foot of the bed and tossed it over McKenzie's naked body, wrapping the soft throw around her and slipping her arms underneath McKenzie to pick her up. McKenzie hardly weighed a thing and Ryan easily cradled the girl's smaller body in her strong arms as she climbed onto the mattress to rest back against the pillows at the head of the bed, McKenzie secured safely in her lap.

McKenzie fisted her wet hand in Ryan's T-shirt between her breasts, trying to burrow into the woman's chest as sensation and emotion combined to overwhelm her. She was crying, but she had no idea why.

"God, I love you! You were amazing," Ryan praised as she pulled McKenzie tighter against her chest and kissed the top of her head. "You're such a good girl, McKenzie. You did everything perfectly. I couldn't be more pleased than I am right now, sweetheart. You were fucking perfect. I love you. God, I love you so much."

Ryan hugged McKenzie even tighter, burying her face in the back of McKenzie's neck as she breathed in the scent of her shampoo. McKenzie's hair was damp with sweat and Ryan couldn't help nuzzling her cheek against the wet strands as she sighed in contentment.

McKenzie relaxed into Ryan's snug embrace, her tears drying up almost instantly as a sense of utter peace washed over her. She loosened her grip on Ryan's shirt, trying not to notice the slight stain she'd left from her now dry fingers, and then simply went limp against Ryan's body inside her blanket cocoon surrounded by Ryan's protective arms.

It was a long time later when Ryan lifted her head, letting it rest back against the pillows.

McKenzie slowly dragged her own head around to look up into Ryan's eyes. The woman was gazing down at her with such a look of satisfaction on her face, though it wasn't smug in the slightest. It was positively joyful.

McKenzie smiled lazily, her own sense of wonder leaving her euphoric, despite the earlier tears.

"You look... really happy," McKenzie whispered.

Ryan grinned.

"That would be because I am. I haven't... This is much closer to the level of intensity I like to play at. I can't even remember the last time I felt like this, like... me."

McKenzie swallowed.

"Was that... It was so intense and I just... Is that what they call subspace?"

"You have been doing some reading." Ryan chuckled. "Yeah, that was... a taste of it."

McKenzie's eyes widened.

"You mean it gets more..."

"Intense, yes."

Ryan watched as McKenzie's face went through half a dozen different expressions, finally settling between disbelief and wary curiosity.

"You said there were levels... So..."

"If I had to guess, I would say you were around a level one out of, say, five."

"Holy... Seriously?"

"McKenzie... We were maybe going at it for half an hour. I didn't whip you... or torture your breasts... or take your ass... or fuck your pussy... or do any of the other many things I want to do to you."

"Jesus," McKenzie whispered, her breathing picking up as she thought about Ryan doing every single one of those things to her. Would she even survive that?

"Hey, now... None of that. Calm down," Ryan coaxed as she brought her hand up to rub McKenzie's upper arm through the blanket. "We're not going to be doing any of that stuff anytime soon. You're okay. We're going to work up to all that, remember? But I think what we did tonight just proved to both of us that you'll be able to handle it when we get there... And we will get there."

McKenzie took a deep breath, letting the soothing motion of Ryan's hand massaging her arm steady her racing heart. She finally nodded, resting her head against Ryan's chest.

"You know what else I've realized?" Ryan asked, a hint of a smile in her tone.


"I think you're a bit of a claustrophile, which means restraints shouldn't be a problem for you... at all."

McKenzie took a moment to work out the Latin opposite of claustrophobe and smiled as Ryan tightened her hold around her body. The pressure had an immediate relaxing, yet arousing, effect on her.

"Yeah, I think you may be right."

"I noticed it before. You always seem to react really well to my hugs and it seems to be my natural response when you're in distress, so..."

"We fit perfectly together," McKenzie said as she snuggled down into her nest on Ryan's lap. "Please tell me I don't have to move for a little while longer."

"You're not going anywhere," Ryan declared. "I need you here as much as you need to be here."

"Good." Then McKenzie had a thought and looked up. "I'm not squishing you, am I?"

"Please," Ryan tsked and shook her head.

Ryan locked her arms under McKenzie in a bridal carry and scooted off the bed, powering herself up into a standing position with just her stomach muscles.

McKenzie squealed and started to reach up to grab at Ryan's neck, but then realized she hadn't moved even an inch from her place against Ryan's chest.

A new flood of warmth ran through her and McKenzie gazed up at Ryan in open admiration.

"You know this is a complete turn on, right?"

"What, the fact that I could bench press you without even breaking a sweat?" Ryan smirked. "I might have an inkling."

"I'm really glad you work out," McKenzie said, resting her cheek over Ryan's heart and listening to its steady thump beneath her ear.

"Well, for the things I like to do, I need strength and stamina or it doesn't work," Ryan said as she carefully knelt back down on the bed to retake her seat. She leaned back, enjoying the feeling of McKenzie's weight against her. "Of course, that also works the other way. I've always had a strong libido and that can fuel my workouts sometimes, if I'm in a particular mood."

"You know, I didn't even consider that," McKenzie said as she fiddled with the edge of the blanket. "I've been doing a lot more walking the past couple weeks. I thought it was just that I didn't want to get on a crowded bus, but I think it's more like I have more energy and I want to use it. And I did up my treadmill speed the other day, now that I think about it. It just felt too slow."

"Yeah. Sex and arousal are the greatest chemical cocktails nature ever invented. It's probably why I never got into drugs the way a lot of my friends did when I was growing up. I was just never interested... Well, that, and I'm a total control freak," Ryan said as she absently played with McKenzie's hair.

"Yeah, me neither," McKenzie said. "Though I think for me it had more to do with the scary films they played in school, showing meth addicts and mangled cars around telephone poles."

McKenzie yawned and Ryan glanced at the clock, surprised to see it was almost one in the morning. She'd been holding McKenzie for almost an hour.

"Damn, I didn't realize how late it was. And you have an early class tomorrow."

McKenzie didn't move.

"It'll be okay. I've gone to class on less sleep before. And with you being busy, I got a lot of work done yesterday and today, so I'm all caught up." McKenzie toyed with a piece of lint on Ryan's T-shirt. "Can I please stay just a little while longer?"

Oh, that little girl voice is going to be the death of me.

Ryan did a quick internal check. She was feeling more at peace and in control than she had in weeks. And the truth was, she didn't want to relinquish her hold on McKenzie any more than McKenzie wanted her to.

"All right," Ryan said softly and couldn't help smiling when she felt McKenzie melt into her in relief. "Just give me one second..."

Ryan used one hand and her legs to push herself and her warm bundle across the bed a couple feet so she could reach her laptop. She briefly used both hands to open it up and logged on to her streaming account before returning one hand to hold McKenzie again. She scanned through her queue, finding a documentary series she'd been meaning to watch before it expired and started it up. The soothing tones of the British narrator sounded from the laptop's speakers as Ryan settled back against her pillows again.

"I'll wake you at seven. That should give you enough time to get ready," Ryan said.

McKenzie lifted her head to look at Ryan.

"You're just going to stay awake?"

"Yeah. I'm not actually tired."

"Really? After all... After everything we did?"

Ryan smiled.

"I get a little wired after this stuff sometimes. Not every time, but... I'm just going to enjoy the afterglow. Now go to sleep, so I can watch my show," Ryan said as she cupped McKenzie's head and gently pushed it back to rest against her chest.

McKenzie smiled, nuzzling into Ryan's T-shirt and closing her eyes.

A few minutes later, McKenzie's breathing evened out and Ryan restarted the program so she could catch what she'd missed. She settled deeper against her pillows, a small smile of contentment curving her lips.

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Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
