Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Day 20

Sunday, November 2

Ryan opened her eyes and immediately looked at the clock.

6:18... Is that morning or night?

Ryan stared, waiting for the numbers to make sense. Finally, she noticed the little letters in the corner indicating the time was 'AM.'

So she'd slept through the night. Normally, she woke every few hours, but she couldn't even remember going to bed the night before.

Must've been the drugs.

In the low light, Ryan saw the crumpled shape of the herbal heat pack resting near the edge of the bed. She suddenly remembered she'd had it tucked against her stomach last night. It must have fallen out of her shorts at some point while she slept.

Ryan frowned as she tried to remember more. She'd slept a lot, the drugs knocking her out. In between naps, she'd talked and cuddled with McKenzie...

A fragment of memory flitted through her mind and she saw McKenzie holding her hands up and telling her to wait. The girl had been darting glances around the room as if trying to find a weapon or an escape.

Ryan's heart began to pound in her chest, her breathing suddenly labored as panic coursed through her body.

Oh my God... Please tell me I didn't... Oh God...

Ryan sat up and slowly turned to look behind her, terrified of what she would find.

Dim light coming through the windows from the streetlights outside revealed McKenzie asleep on her back in the middle of the queen-sized bed, the blanket pushed down to her waist. She was fully clothed. Ryan looked down at herself, realizing she was still wearing her shorts and T-shirt.

"Oh thank God," Ryan whispered as relief flooded through her, making her feel weak.

She brought her knees up and rested her head on her arms and just tried to breathe.

A hand on the side of her calf made her jump.

"You okay?" McKenzie asked, her voice raspy with sleep.

"Are... Are you?" Ryan asked in return, not sure she really wanted the answer, but needing to know anyway.

McKenzie frowned and pushed herself to sit up. She rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"Yeah. I didn't sleep too well, but... Ugh, is that really the time?" McKenzie shook her head, then rested it back against the pillows and sighed. "At least all my study groups were canceled, so I don't have to worry about that."

"I meant... Are you okay... After last night... What I did..."

McKenzie turned to look at her.

"You didn't do anything, Ryan."

"I tried."

McKenzie laughed.

"Not very hard."

Ryan grimaced and threw back the covers to climb out of the bed. She walked several steps away, then stopped, unsure what to do.

"Ryan? Where are you going? Come on. Please, stop freaking out. It's okay."

Ryan kept her back to McKenzie as she shook her head.

"No, it's not. I could've hurt you."

"But you didn't."

Ryan continued to face away, so McKenzie silently slipped off the bed to come up behind the woman.


Ryan jumped and spun around, taking a step back.

"Fuck! Don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to. I just..." McKenzie looked up into Ryan's tense face and reached for her hand. "Come back to bed with me."

Ryan shook her head.

"No. I don't trust myself."

"Well, I do, so all you have to do is trust me. Okay? Can you trust me? Please?"

McKenzie tugged gently on the woman's hand and slowly pulled her step by halting step back to the edge of the bed. She knelt on the firm mattress and slid over on her knees to make room for Ryan, never releasing her hand. Ryan allowed herself to be pulled down, and then McKenzie turned so she could sit sidesaddle across Ryan's lap. Ryan's arms listlessly settled around McKenzie's lower back and knees, and she looked off to the far side of the room.

"What do you remember about last night?" McKenzie asked.

Ryan frowned.

"You were trying to keep me away from you." Ryan glanced at McKenzie's face, then away again. "You were afraid... of me."

McKenzie sighed.

"I wasn't afraid of you." Ryan looked at her in disbelief. "Really, I wasn't. We talked about this last night. You don't remember?"

Ryan's brow creased as she tried to pull up anything from the previous night.

"I... I said something about... being able to smell you."

McKenzie smiled.

"That was before. You don't remember us talking after that? We were sitting just like this."

Ryan's arms unconsciously tightened around the girl as more fragments came back to her.

"You were afraid I might use my largest cock on you. That one's really just for size queens, though," Ryan said.

"Good to know," McKenzie muttered, willing herself not to squirm on Ryan's lap. "Do you remember giving me a safe word?"

Ryan's breathing paused, then picked up slightly faster again.


"Good. And we didn't really talk about it, but I just wanted to double-check... You use 'yellow' just to slow things down, right?"

"Yeah, but... I normally only rely on safe words when it's been agreed that 'no' and 'stop' won't mean what they're supposed to, so... If you need me to stop, just say so. Those words need to keep their meaning for me. All right?"

McKenzie nodded. For now, the thought echoed in the back of her mind.

Ryan was still sitting stiffly as if she was afraid she might accidentally touch McKenzie even though the girl was sprawled across her lap. McKenzie decided to keep going.

"So do you remember us talking about how I wasn't afraid of you, that I was just afraid you'd regret it if we did something while you were high?"

Ryan looked down, nodding minutely.

"And how I'm not going to let you pull away from me?"

The softly spoken words were the only blow needed against Ryan's thin armor and she finally gave in, wrapping her arms completely around McKenzie and bringing the girl's body as close to her own as she could. She buried her head in McKenzie's shoulder and breathed in her scent.

"I thought I really hurt you, McKenzie... When I first woke up... all I could remember—"

"I know. But you didn't. Even high, you didn't."

"You stopped me," Ryan said, her tone almost a question.

"I didn't want to," McKenzie admitted.

Ryan pulled back and looked at her. McKenzie half shrugged.

"I only have so much willpower. You said you could smell how aroused I was, and I definitely was. And you saying you wanted to taste me... Well, telling you 'no' was not my first instinct, okay? But I knew you were drugged and I didn't want to take advantage of you again and... Oh shit, I just said that out loud, didn't I?"

"Again?" Ryan questioned.

McKenzie ducked her head. Shit.

"I kind of... Yesterday, when I was rubbing your stomach while you were asleep... I... My hand sort of... kept going... lower..."

McKenzie felt her fingertips tingle in memory.

"How low?"

"Just to your hair... Like the very edge... Not even... And then I realized what I was doing and stopped and that's when I sidetracked myself with drawing you."

Ryan closed her eyes as she imagined having McKenzie's hand that close to her sex. If she'd woken up, she would've pushed that hand even lower, not away.

"I kinda wish you hadn't told me that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... to violate you or your trust. I just..."

"Violated is definitely not what I'm feeling right now."


Ryan shook her head.

"Not even close. You need to get up. Now."

McKenzie shifted off Ryan's lap and stood next to the bed as Ryan took several slow deep breaths.

"Am I in trouble?"

Ryan looked up at the worried tone.

"No. I... I think we're even with everything I put you through last night."

McKenzie breathed an audible sigh of relief and Ryan smiled. McKenzie caught the look and shook her head.

"I just don't think I could handle another abstinence punishment right now. I'm... I'm still..." McKenzie groaned in frustration. "God, I barely slept all night thinking about you. And it was so stupid, too. I just kept thinking about how you touched my lips with your thumb and I... I thought about taking care of it, but I didn't. I knew if I did that right next to you and you woke up... the way you'd been earlier..."

"I would've fucked you senseless," Ryan said quietly, never taking her eyes off the girl.

"I'd be okay with that," McKenzie said seriously.

As Ryan continued to stare at her, McKenzie felt her heart rate increase as she wondered if Ryan was really considering it.

"Why don't we just take the edge off," Ryan said, her voice low. "Unzip your jeans."

McKenzie's hands were already moving, undoing her fly and spreading the flaps wide, revealing white lacy panties. She rested her tense hands on either side of the flaps and waited.

Ryan's lower belly clenched as she imagined sliding her fingers beneath the flimsy material to slip between McKenzie's wet folds. With the girl's arms wrapped around her neck and her own arm wrapped around McKenzie's lower back, she could keep playing with McKenzie's clit until the girl buckled.

A thought suddenly occurred to Ryan.

"Have you ever come standing up? Like in the shower?"

McKenzie shook her head.

"No, I've never... I mean I've heard about using shower heads like that, but I've never done it."

Ryan nodded.

"Brace yourself on the bedframe."

McKenzie moved so she was standing next to the foot of the bed, still giving Ryan a clear view, and rested a hand on the bronze bar where it met the thicker pole at the end of the frame.

"Grip it tighter." McKenzie flexed her fingers and tightened her grip on the frame. "Good girl. Now reach into your panties and touch your clit for me, but do it gently."

McKenzie pushed the fingers of her free hand into her underwear and whimpered when they grazed over her hardened nub. Her clit was swollen and slick with her arousal. She cried out as she pressed down on it and it slipped between her fingers.

"Gently, McKenzie," Ryan reminded, a hint of a reprimand in her voice. "Move your fingers slowly."

McKenzie whimpered again. She wanted to do anything but go slow.

"Please... I need to come... Please..."

"And you will... when I say," Ryan said, her tone firm. "I'm going to assume your clit is plenty wet?"

McKenzie nodded vigorously.

"Answer me."

"Yes, my Lord," McKenzie gasped out. "So wet... for you."

Ryan grunted under her breath, wanting nothing more than to get up and rip the girl's jeans down to her ankles as she pinned her to the bedframe and sucked McKenzie's slick bud between her lips.

"I could make you come so hard with just my mouth."

McKenzie cried out again, unable to keep her fingers from speeding up and pressing a little harder on her clit as she looked into Ryan's intense gaze.

"Slow down, McKenzie."

"Please... Let me come... Please, my Lord..."

"McKenzie, if you don't slow down, this will stop right now," Ryan warned.

McKenzie paused, taking in the hard look on Ryan's face. When she started up again, her circles were slower. McKenzie focused on her breathing and tried to calm down.

"That's a good girl. Now as I was about to say... Since you're so wet, I want you to slide your fingers lower. You won't be able to enter yourself very much, but I want you to at least press your fingers to your entrance."

McKenzie reached lower, slipping her fingers between her engorged lips and deeper into her wetness. The tightness of her jeans made it difficult to maneuver in the confined space, but she was able to push the tips of her index and middle fingers just inside her vagina.

"Now feel where your thumb is. The entire length of it should be aligned with your clit. Shift your thumb to rub over it."

McKenzie barely moved her thumb back and forth. She closed her eyes and moaned as the small movements caused the rest of her hand to stimulate her entire sex.

"Oh God," McKenzie whispered.

McKenzie's hips thrust forward and she instinctually twisted her hand in a rolling motion to dip her fingers into her entrance as she rubbed her thumb over her clit in one circular movement.

"I love seeing you like this," Ryan said quietly from the bed.

McKenzie's brow was furrowed in concentrated torment, her pelvis pushed up to meet her hand, her other hand white-knuckling the bedframe for support. Short breathy gasps preceded small whimpers of need as her hips started rocking.

"Open your eyes and look at me, McKenzie."

McKenzie pried her eyes open and blearily sought Ryan's face. The woman was staring at her with such hunger.

"Please... My Lord... I need you... Please..." McKenzie gasped out.

"I know you do. I need you, too... Come for me, baby," Ryan said, her voice strained with her own desire.

McKenzie let out a high-pitched cry as her hips bucked against the release flooding through her and her knees gave way, sending her to the hardwood floor with a thump. She never felt it as she kept pumping her hips and sliding her hand against her sopping sex, her other hand still holding on to the bedframe for dear life.

"Thank you... Oh God, thank you... Thank you, my Lord..." McKenzie whispered over and over again as her hips continued to jerk sporadically against the hand buried between her legs.

Ryan felt a wave of near-orgasm wash through her at watching McKenzie come so hard for her. And the way McKenzie kept thanking her made Ryan want to scoop the girl up into her arms and make her come all over again.

Ryan breathed through the acute arousal, letting it sink deep into her belly as she waited for McKenzie to come back to herself.

After a few minutes, McKenzie's breathing slowed to normal and she withdrew her hand from her sex, surreptitiously wiping her fingers on her panties and the inside of her jeans. She looked up at Ryan, who was sitting calmly on the bed watching her.

"You don't need to, um..." McKenzie trailed off, not sure what she should do now.

"No. I need a shower before I do anything." McKenzie nodded in understanding as Ryan continued. "Why don't you go home and get cleaned up, too, and then you can come back over and we can have breakfast together."

McKenzie smiled and pulled herself to her feet by the bedframe. She did up her jeans and then Ryan stood from the bed and wrapped her in a solid hug.

"I want you to know that was beautiful, McKenzie. Thank you. It means so much to me when you submit to me like that. It's the most amazing feeling in the world. I just needed you to know that."

McKenzie's chest swelled with pride and she blushed at the praise even as she grinned against Ryan's chest.

They held each other for several minutes, simply enjoying the closeness, but eventually, Ryan rubbed McKenzie's back and then pulled away.

"Go on. I'll see you in a few minutes," Ryan said.

"Okay," McKenzie said reluctantly, not wanting to let go of the woman, but doing so anyway.

McKenzie put on her shoes and then grabbed her jacket, leaving the rest of her stuff where it was and left with a small wave goodbye.

Ryan stripped off her clothes and headed into the bathroom. She took care of the necessities and then looked at herself in the mirror. Her pupils looked normal enough, given it had been over eight hours since her last dose of painkillers.

The cramping in her stomach was still there, but it had lessened to the point where she knew she'd be able to take over-the-counter meds from here on out. It was just that first day that made her feel like she was being repeatedly gutted.

Ryan jumped in the shower, making it quick. It felt good to get clean. She finished and dried herself off. As she brushed her hair in the mirror, she noticed her earrings and decided to switch out the silver hoops for a series of black graduated faux plugs and two black horseshoe barbells at the top of her ear.

She went back out to the main area and pulled on a pair of black sweatpants with a black sleeveless hooded sweatshirt over a black sports bra. She left the sweatshirt unzipped, wanting to show off the abs she worked so hard to define.

Ryan noticed her dresser drawers were looking a little sparse and realized she needed to do laundry. McKenzie still wasn't back, so she decided to get a wash going. She went to her closet hamper and started separating out a load of darks, since that was the majority of her clothes.

A series of glittering streaks on one of her T-shirts caught her eye and she picked it up. The material was stiff along the lines and it only took her a moment to realize what it was. She'd worn that shirt only a few nights ago when she'd pushed McKenzie to three orgasms in a row. When she'd held McKenzie afterwards, the girl had grabbed on to her as if she'd been trying to climb inside Ryan's chest.

Ryan couldn't help bringing the cloth to her face and inhaling. The scent was just as potent as what she'd picked up on last night and Ryan groaned as she imagined how good it would taste on her tongue as she sucked on McKenzie's clit. She put an arm out to steady herself against the doorjamb of her closet as she continued to breathe in the scent, unwilling to remove the source of her pleasure.

* * *

McKenzie made her way across the space between their two houses. Her hair was still a little damp, since she'd been in too much of a hurry to use her blow dryer for more than a few minutes, and she shivered in the chill morning air. She turned her face to the rising sun, trying to get a little extra warmth for a few seconds before stopping in front of Ryan's door. She was about to knock when she realized that was silly. Ryan knew she was coming back.

McKenzie opened the door and stepped inside, closing it quickly behind her to keep the cold out. Her eyes immediately stopped on Ryan standing by her closet as the woman hurriedly lowered a balled up T-shirt from her face.

McKenzie grinned.

"Doing the smell test?"

Ryan looked away and McKenzie was surprised to see a blush darkening her cheeks.

"Uh... Not exactly," Ryan muttered as she dropped the shirt on top of the pile on the floor.

McKenzie frowned and walked over to the woman.

"It's okay. Everybody does it. Though if it's already in the dirty clothes, you should probably just wash it."

"Right," Ryan said as she turned away and reached into her hamper.

McKenzie's frown deepened and she looked down at the T-shirt Ryan had been smelling. She grabbed it and held it up. And then almost dropped it again when she saw the marks she'd tried so hard to ignore that night. McKenzie felt her own blush burning her face, making her ears tingle.

Ryan turned back with several more articles of clothing and stopped abruptly when she saw McKenzie with the shirt. Ryan tossed the clothes onto the floor and then gently pulled the T-shirt from McKenzie's grasp and dropped it on top of the growing pile.

"You were smelling me?" McKenzie asked.

Ryan sighed and leaned back against the doorjamb.

"Yes. You really do smell amazing."

McKenzie felt a new wave of heat chase across her cheeks.

"H-Have you been doing that since..."

"No, I didn't notice it until just now."

"Really? I would've thought you... I mean you were awake all night."

Ryan smiled lazily.

"The whole room smelled like sex that night. And I was a little preoccupied with you being in my arms. I think I had my nose buried in your hair every five minutes. And every time I brought my hands anywhere near my face, I smelled myself, so..."

"But when you took it off, you must've seen it."

Ryan shook her head.

"I was in a hurry. One of my clients requested a last minute site update and I lost track of the time working on it. I was afraid I was gonna be late picking you up."

Ryan went back to the hamper, sifting through the clothes looking for any more darks, but she couldn't find any. She gathered up the pile of clothes from the floor and waited for McKenzie to open the connecting door for her, which led into the utility room. McKenzie followed her inside.

As Ryan loaded the washer, McKenzie leaned against the wall.

"You know, it's not fair," McKenzie said. "I don't have anything like that of yours."

"Well, I'm washing it now, so I won't have it either."

"I could always make a new one for you."

Ryan's sex clenched and she paused, bracing herself against the edge of the washer for a moment before closing the lid and starting the machine. She turned to face the girl.

"I already have enough temptation just from you standing there."

Ryan looked McKenzie up and down. The girl was wearing faded green cargo pants that hugged her hips and a tight gray Henley shirt with all five of the top buttons undone to reveal the top of her cleavage and a hint of the lacy pink bra underneath. Her form-fitting leather jacket was just icing on the cake and Ryan licked her lips.

McKenzie swallowed as her own gaze traveled down to look over the vast expanse of toned abs Ryan's outfit offered. She smirked.

"I'm not the one who decided to go half naked," McKenzie said as she dragged her eyes back up to Ryan's. "Do you know how hard it is not to just reach out and touch all of that?"

Ryan looked down at herself and smiled. She grasped the bottom corners of her sweatshirt and fit the two halves of the zipper together.

"Hey, I didn't say I wanted you to hide it," McKenzie protested as Ryan pulled the zipper up to her chest.

"Yeah, but if I don't, I can't do this," Ryan said and drew McKenzie into a hug. "I think I've become a little addicted to having you in my arms," Ryan said quietly.

McKenzie relaxed against Ryan's body. Her hands rubbed over Ryan's lower back, catching on the bottom hem of the sweatshirt several times. She stilled as her fingers tried to sneak under the edge to find skin, and then reluctantly pulled back.

"Sorry," McKenzie muttered. "It's like they have a mind of their own."

Ryan smiled as her own hands slid up to cup McKenzie's face, her thumbs stroking over the soft skin a few millimeters from the corners of McKenzie's mouth.

"I know the feeling," Ryan said.

They looked into each other's eyes for several long moments, both thinking how easy it would be to lean in for a kiss. Then Ryan sighed and released her hold on McKenzie.

"Come on. Let's go get some breakfast."

They headed into the kitchen and made food before returning to Ryan's apartment to eat. McKenzie took off her jacket and removed her shoes and socks so she could get comfortable on the bed while they streamed a show on Ryan's laptop. Ryan made sure to take some lower dose meds with her meal to keep her low-grade cramping under control. When they were done, they cleaned up the dishes and Ryan stopped in the laundry room on their way back to put her clothes in the dryer.

Ryan reclined on the bed, her arm open in invitation, and McKenzie settled in next to her, resting her head on the woman's chest as her arm slid around Ryan's waist.

"So what do you want to do?" Ryan asked.

McKenzie lifted her head and stared into Ryan's eyes.

"I know I've already come once this morning, but it doesn't feel like it. And you haven't yet, so... Could we?"

Ryan smiled.

"I would like that very much, but there's one thing I wanted to talk to you about first."

"What's that?"

"We haven't played with toys yet," Ryan said and then waited to see what McKenzie's reaction would be.

McKenzie's eyes widened slightly and she swallowed.

"Do you... Are you talking about using them on me? Or..."

Ryan shook her head.

"No. I mean if you wanted to play with one, that's fine, but I was mostly talking about for me."

McKenzie nodded, relaxing again as Ryan went on.

"I told you when I'm on my period, my orgasms are deeper. Well, some of that has to do with the fact that I like deeper penetration during this time. I don't know why, I just do. I assume it's hormonal."

"Like how much more sensitive my nipples were last week," McKenzie said.


"So, um... Are you saying..." Ryan just waited and McKenzie took a deep breath. "I know you're not talking about right now, but later, when we... Are you trying to tell me you'll want me to wear a strap-on?"

Ryan frowned and shook her head.

"No, definitely not. I have way too many bad memories for that to work for me. So even if you wanted to do that, it's a hard limit for me. Now if you were just using one with your hand, that would be fine, but like you said, we're not there yet, so... I guess I just wanted to let you know I was planning on using one on myself, so if that's going to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to stay."

McKenzie's breathing was a little fast and she noticed her hand was gripping Ryan's hip. She consciously relaxed her hold and tried to slow her breathing, but she couldn't quite get the message to her lungs.

"I'm definitely not uncomfortable. At least not like that," McKenzie amended, shifting her hips a little, and Ryan smiled in understanding. "I, um... I've never seen... I mean I've seen you with your fingers, but..." McKenzie stopped and forced herself to breathe slowly and deeply. "I want to stay."

Ryan grinned.

"Good. I was hoping you would."

McKenzie moved to let Ryan get up and then Ryan turned and held out her hand. McKenzie took it, letting Ryan pull her to her feet, and followed Ryan over to her armoire. Ryan opened the wide double doors and McKenzie peered inside.

This time, McKenzie focused immediately on the rows of dildos laid out on the bottom shelf. Ryan picked up a black one. It looked kind of big to McKenzie, though compared to some of the larger ones in the collection, she could see it was actually in the mid-range of the available sizes.

Ryan tossed the phallus on the bed and then paused as she noticed McKenzie looking over the selection.

"Did you want to try one?" Ryan asked gently.

McKenzie glanced at Ryan, then back to the cocks, her cheeks warming instantly.

"I... I don't know."

"It's okay. You don't have to. I just thought I'd offer."

McKenzie bit her lip. There was no denying she was curious and there were several small ones to choose from that looked like they would be equal to about two of her fingers. But even as she considered it, she remembered the image she'd had in her head at the Club during Ryan's dance of Ryan pressing her up against a wall and grinding hard between her legs. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to add a strap-on to the scenario and her stomach clenched as she imagined Ryan thrusting inside her, going so much deeper than her own fingers ever could.

McKenzie swallowed, her eyes landing on a larger peach flesh-toned cock, one she thought easily matched the girth of three of Ryan's fingers, though it was much longer.

"You... You're going to use some of these on me later... Right?" McKenzie asked in a strained voice.

Ryan's sex tightened as images from her own fantasies flashed through her mind.

"I was planning to, yes," Ryan said, her desire obvious.

McKenzie looked up into Ryan's eyes.

"Then I... I think I want to wait... for you. Can... Can that just be yours? I want my first time with one of those... I want it to be you. Is that okay?"

Ryan's breathing went from zero to sixty and she grabbed on to the edge of the armoire to stop herself from pinning the girl against it.

"Yes... That's... That's very okay... It's okay if you change your mind, too, but... Yeah... Being your first..." Ryan's grip tightened and she swore she could hear the wood creak. "God, I want to be inside you so bad."

McKenzie couldn't take her eyes off the woman as her heart pounded in her chest at the need she saw in Ryan's eyes. Her hand reached out of its own volition, gently grasping the untied drawstrings dangling from Ryan's sweatpants.

Ryan's gaze was locked with McKenzie's as she felt an insistent tugging at her waistband. She wanted to give in to the pull, move the half step it would take to press McKenzie against the armoire and claim her mouth.

Instead, Ryan released her grip on the decorative edging of the armoire and gently wrapped her hand around McKenzie's, pulling it away from her body and causing the ties to slip through the girl's fingers.

"Please, Ryan... I want you," McKenzie whispered.

Ryan groaned.

"God, you have no idea how much I want you, too. But right now, I need you to go sit on the bed."

McKenzie wanted to protest, but she knew it wouldn't get her anywhere. Another glance at the larger cocks and McKenzie swallowed, knowing Ryan was right to put on the brakes. McKenzie nodded and walked over to the bed and sat down at the foot.

Ryan sighed in relief and took a moment to steady herself while McKenzie's back was to her. How the hell does she know all the right ways to get to me?

That was just it. McKenzie wasn't doing anything intentionally. She was all instinct. God, I'm going to be putty in her hands when she realizes how little it takes to get me going. Ryan smirked. Then again, she'll be the one tied up, so I guess that'll make us even.

Ryan reached for the open double doors, then paused when she saw her box of flavored lube packets. She'd already chosen the black dildo to hide the visual evidence of her period. That kind of thing didn't bother Ryan, but she wasn't sure about McKenzie and she didn't want the girl freaking out about the blood. The lube would go a long way towards covering any unpleasant odors as well. She grabbed one of the packets and closed the armoire.

Ryan tossed the packet onto the bed next to the dildo.

"I'm gonna go take care of a few things. I'll be right back," Ryan said and went into the bathroom.

The door closed and a minute later, McKenzie heard the water running. She glanced at the door, then at the items. After another minute, she scooted across the bed and stared at the phallus.

She'd never touched one before. She'd seen them online and even caught a flash of one once when she'd been looking for a pen in Claire's room while the woman had been down the hall in the restroom, but she'd slammed the drawer shut as soon as she'd realized what it was.

That one had been a marbled purple and white and completely smooth. This one was long and thin with realistic veins and a head. She carefully picked it up, surprised at the coolness of the silicone. The cock was stiff, but still quite bendable.

McKenzie glanced at the door again as she heard the water shut off. She looked down at the phallus, her heart rate picking up as she contemplated putting the tip in her mouth, just to try it.

She shook her head and put it back down on the bed. She couldn't believe she'd even thought about doing that. She picked up the little red packet to distract herself and read the label.

It was a single-use flavored lube. McKenzie grinned. I love cherry.

The bathroom door opened and Ryan walked out carrying a black towel and her folded clothes. She paused a moment at seeing McKenzie with the lube, then continued on, setting her clothes aside and spreading the towel out on the bed. She sat down and took in McKenzie's heated gaze trailing over her naked body.

"Better?" Ryan asked.


Ryan grinned.

"Well, you didn't like it when I covered up earlier. Is this better?"

McKenzie nodded.

"Now if only I was allowed to touch."

Ryan eyed her.

"Are you going to be okay on the bed?"

McKenzie was sitting at the foot of the bed diagonally across from where Ryan was sitting at the head. McKenzie glanced at her backpack over by the desk, then back to Ryan.

"I, um... I think I'll be fine, but... We could always make sure."

McKenzie tossed the lube next to the dildo and slid off the bed. She went to her backpack and dug in to one of the inner pockets, her hand closing on cool metal.

Ryan heard the familiar scrape of steel even before McKenzie turned around and her fists clenched in the sheets. McKenzie held up the handcuffs.

"May I? Please?"

Ryan stood and held out her hand. McKenzie gave the cuffs to her, along with the key still hanging from the ball chain. Ryan stepped back several paces, half resting against the edge of the nightstand, the cold metal cuffs dangling from her first two fingers, while the key and its chain were balled up in her fist.

"Remove your clothes," Ryan ordered softly.

McKenzie pulled her shirt off over her head, mussing her hair and revealing the rest of the pale pink bra she was wearing. She unzipped her cargo pants and pushed them down to her ankles. She bent over at the waist, giving Ryan a perfect view of her matching lace thong underwear, only an inch-wide strip of which ran across the tops of her bare asscheeks. She stood back up and stepped out of the pants, nudging them aside with a foot, and then reached up behind herself for her bra.

"Wait," Ryan said. "I just want to look at you for a moment."

McKenzie lowered her hands from the clasp to rest uncertainly at her sides. Then she thought better of it and clasped her hands behind her back, widening her stance and pushing her chest out. She watched Ryan watching her and felt her nipples tighten against the soft material of her bra.

"I've never met anyone who makes my heart race the way you do," Ryan said, her voice low and serious. "I want to claim every square inch of you."

"Please, my Lord... I want that, too," McKenzie whispered.

"When you're ready," Ryan promised and McKenzie nodded in acceptance. "You should also know... When I talk about claiming you... I leave bruises."

Ryan saw McKenzie's eyes widen as her breathing accelerated, and she continued as gently as she could.

"I'm not telling you this to try to scare you and I'm not talking about beating you or anything like that. I just... I play rough and I know I will thoroughly enjoy leaving my marks on your beautifully pristine skin."

McKenzie's fingernails bit into her forearms and she swayed slightly in place. She swallowed, trying to make her voice work, but she couldn't find any words. All she could do was stare up at Ryan and nod.

Ryan nodded in return and gestured towards McKenzie's body.

"Go ahead and finish."

McKenzie pried her hands off her arms and undid the clasp at her back. She let the bra slide down her arms and then dragged her panties down her legs. She stood up again and resumed First Position.

Ryan stared at her again for a long minute. She wanted so much to reach out and trail her fingers through the soft looking curls between McKenzie's legs. Or suck one of the girl's taut nipples into her mouth. Or kiss her plump lips.

"Kneel on the bed with your back to the bedframe," Ryan directed, pointing at the foot of the bed where McKenzie had been sitting a few minutes ago.

McKenzie climbed onto the bed and sat on her heels. She started to rest her back against the oil rubbed bronze frame, but then jerked away at the coldness of it. She held her left hand up as Ryan walked around the foot of the bed.

"No," Ryan said as she reached through the bars to bring both of McKenzie's wrists behind her back.

McKenzie turned her head.

"But I thought—"

"I know, but I had another thought."

Ryan locked the cuff around McKenzie's right wrist, looped the connecting chain around the outside of one of the vertical bars, and then closed the second cuff around the girl's other wrist. A second set of clicks at her wrists had McKenzie turning her head to look again even though she couldn't see anything.

McKenzie shifted her shoulders as she twisted her wrists against the hard edge of the cuffs. As they bit into her skin, she couldn't help doing it again, a delicious thrill running through her at knowing she was thoroughly trapped. She couldn't move one arm without pulling the other further behind her back, and the cuffs themselves, though not tight against her wrists, were by no means loose. There was no way she could make her hands small enough to slip free.

Ryan draped the key over the end knob of the bedframe and then braced both hands on the top rung as she looked down at McKenzie. The girl kept sliding her wrists back and forth in small increments, sawing the chain against the bar as she tested the give, or lack thereof, of the handcuffs.

Ryan knew the steel cuffs were going to scratch the hell out of the bedframe, but she didn't care. She was the one who'd antiqued it in the first place. She'd just buff out the scratches and do it again. Or leave them as a remembrance of McKenzie's first time being fully restrained. Well, her legs were technically still free, but the girl wasn't going anywhere.

McKenzie shifted on her heels and clenched her thighs together, trying to ease the ache building in her sex. She could feel the wetness that had already worked its way down her inner thighs. It made her lips squish around her clit, providing almost no friction.

Ryan watched as McKenzie continued to move against her restraints, unable to sit still for more than a few seconds. Ryan wanted to reach around and pull the girl's face up for a searing kiss, but she pushed herself back to a standing position and gripped the bedframe a little tighter instead. She took several deep breaths, willing her body to calm down for just a couple more minutes. A few more breaths and she was able to let go of the bedframe and walk around into McKenzie's view.

Ryan's breathing instantly ratcheted back up as she took in the sight of McKenzie from the front. Naked, hands bound behind her back, on her knees, just waiting to be fucked.

"God, you're beautiful, McKenzie," Ryan rasped out.

McKenzie's hips lifted in supplication at Ryan's words and she finally rested her back against the cold bedframe, the metal feeling soothing now against her overheated skin.

"Sam was right," Ryan continued. "You are my wet dream... And I'm fucking dripping seeing you like this."

McKenzie groaned and rocked her hips again.

"I think I may have already stained your sheets," McKenzie whispered as she shifted again and felt wetness against her buttcheeks.

"They'll wash."

Ryan had to focus on her breathing again, reminding herself every few seconds that McKenzie wasn't bound just so Ryan could take her. This was a trial run, a warm-up, so McKenzie could feel what it was like to be restrained without the complication of Ryan touching her... or kissing her... or fucking her...

Ryan groaned and closed her eyes, trying to purge the images from her mind.

"Ryan?" McKenzie questioned hesitantly.

Ryan opened her eyes and couldn't take them off the girl.

"There are so many things I want to do to you," Ryan said, her voice rough with need. "I'm just trying to remind myself why I can't do all of them right this second."

"W-What do you want to do to me?" McKenzie asked a little breathlessly.

"In that position, with your knees trapped underneath you, I can pick you up and slide you onto my cock and it won't matter how much you struggle. Your own body weight will work against you. And with your hands bound, I can torture your breasts and there won't be anything you can do to get away from me."

"I wouldn't try to get away from you," McKenzie said earnestly.

"Oh, but you will," Ryan said, grinning, though the look in her eyes was anything but nice and McKenzie sucked in a breath. "You won't be able to help it, but it's also what I want. I want to make you squirm and cry out as you buck against me, desperate for more."

McKenzie's body reacted without her permission and bucked up, pulling against the cuffs and making them clang against the bedframe.

"Please... God, Ryan, please... Touch me..."

Ryan let the girl's begging slide through her and smiled as she finally felt her control lock into place where it was meant to be.

"Not yet."

McKenzie whimpered as Ryan continued, all business.

"Now, since this is your first time being restrained like this, there's a few things you need to know. First, those are double-locking cuffs, which means no matter what you do, they won't get any tighter, so feel free to struggle all you want. However, if you yank on the cuffs too hard, you will hurt yourself. Your wrists will give before the steel does. So while I won't mind seeing a few abrasions when this is done, I'd rather you didn't try to dislocate your thumbs, all right?"

McKenzie nodded, unconsciously relaxing her insistent straining against the cuffs.

"Second, the more aroused you get, the less your body will process pain as pain, so if I tell you to relax, you will stop pulling against the cuffs for a count of thirty. Do you understand?"

McKenzie nodded, but at Ryan's hardening gaze, McKenzie spoke.

"Yes, my Lord. I'll count to thirty."

"Good girl. And finally..." Ryan breathed deeply. "Normally, I wouldn't do this, but I'm in a mood and I have a feeling you're going to be begging me to let you out even though you won't really need me to. So we're going to use safe words to make sure your intentions are clear. If you start to panic for any reason, just say, 'red,' and I'll let you out. Otherwise... You can beg me all you want and it won't happen until I decide to release you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lord," McKenzie whispered, feeling more wetness ooze out of her in anticipation. "Thank you."

Ryan's stomach curled at the girl's softly spoken words.

"You're welcome."

Ryan moved to sit down on the towel. She picked up the lube packet and tore off the tip.

"May I have a taste?" McKenzie asked.

Ryan smiled and squirted a short line on the tip of her index finger, preparing to let McKenzie suck it off of her, but then she realized what she was doing and frowned. No sexual touching and that would definitely be sexual. In fact, if she did that, her mouth would be replacing her finger in just a few heartbeats, and then that finger would be sliding inside the girl's sopping pussy, though it wouldn't be alone for long.

Ryan licked the lube from her finger and pushed up onto her knees to slide across the bed. She steadied herself with one hand on the bedframe and held the tip of the packet to McKenzie's open mouth, squeezing a few drops onto her waiting tongue. She pulled the packet away as McKenzie swirled her tongue and licked her lips.

"Mmm, that's really good." McKenzie's tongue ran over her lips again. "It tastes like candy."

Ryan stared at McKenzie's mouth, the urge to lean forward and suck on the girl's lips almost overwhelming. The only thing keeping her in check was the arm she had braced against the bedframe and she locked her elbow for good measure.

"I have other flavors. You could try them if you want," Ryan said distantly, the desire in her eyes having little to do with her words.

McKenzie nodded absently as Ryan continued to stare at her. McKenzie licked her lips again and Ryan groaned, unable to keep her thoughts to herself any longer.

"God, I want to taste your lips. I want to know what your mouth feels like as you suck on my tongue. I want to feel you whimper into my mouth as I slide my fingers inside you."

McKenzie pushed up onto her knees and pulled on the cuffs holding her back, but only managed to get her chest a couple inches closer. Ryan didn't move, as if she knew exactly what McKenzie's reach was.

"Please, Ryan, do it. I want to feel you. I... I want to feel your body on mine. Please, touch me... Please..."

McKenzie struggled against the handcuffs, making them scrape up and down the metal bar they were wrapped around.

Ryan swallowed, but her voice was still raspy when she spoke.

"You have no idea how much I want to do that... and how hard it is not to... but for right now, I just want you to get used to being restrained," Ryan said, her tone quiet and controlled.

McKenzie stopped pulling on the cuffs for a moment as she looked into Ryan's eyes, the implication that she would be restrained more often than not perfectly clear in the woman's heated gaze. A new flood of warmth pooled between her legs and she couldn't help twisting her wrists against the handcuffs again.

"Yes, my Lord."

Ryan smiled and released her grip on the bedframe to move back to her side of the bed. She rested against her pillows and spread her legs. Ryan drizzled half the packet onto her sex, then spread the other half over the length of the phallus. She stood up, tossing the empty packet in the trash before turning around to face the bed again. She propped one foot up on the edge of the bed and looked over at McKenzie.

The girl was staring at her crotch, unconsciously licking her lips. Probably still tasting the lube. Ryan smiled as she held the dildo by the flared base and drew it slowly between her nether lips, letting it slip and slide in her natural juices combined with the lube. She moaned as she slid it along the length of her clit.

McKenzie watched, unblinking, as Ryan's hips lifted slightly to press her sex more firmly against the shaft of the phallus. A hint of cherries wafted over to her, along with Ryan's natural sexual scent, and McKenzie inhaled deeply.

Ryan kept sliding the shaft up and down her slit, partly to make sure it was thoroughly lubricated, but mostly because it felt so damn good. She groaned and saw McKenzie's breath hitch as the girl gently rocked her pelvis back and forth.

"I want this to be your fingers, McKenzie," Ryan moaned. "I want to feel them sliding over my clit just like this."

"God, yes... Please? I want to touch you," McKenzie said and the cuffs scraped against the bedframe as she pulled on them.

Ryan ignored the request as she continued rubbing the phallus over her clit.

"The thing about using something like this instead of my fingers... I'm only feeling it touch me... Not what it feels like to touch myself... That sort of splits your attention... But this... Unh God... I can just focus on what it's doing to me... What you're doing to me..."

McKenzie whimpered and the cuffs clanged loudly against the bedframe as she yanked on them.

"Please, Ryan, let me touch you. Please... I want to make you come. Just show me what to do and I'll do it... Anything you want."

Ryan groaned.

"I want you right where you are... I want to be inside you... Like this..."

Ryan slid the phallus down to her opening and angled it up. She pushed the head just inside, then tilted the shaft a little more and pushed again. Her muscles strained against the intrusion, but she kept the pressure steady and the phallus continued on its path.

McKenzie rocked her hips in sympathetic need as she watched the shaft disappear inside Ryan. She kept thinking Ryan would have to stop and pull it back out, but the woman continued pushing until the flat base was snugged against her entrance, her constant moans drawing little whimpers from McKenzie's throat.

Ryan sighed as the phallus slid all the way home, pressing firmly against her cervix. She didn't do this very often. Her fingers were usually more than enough, but as she stared at McKenzie, the girl straining against her restraints, all she could think was how much better it would feel if McKenzie was sitting between her legs, pushing the phallus inside her as the girl's mouth enveloped her clit. She pulled it out a short ways, then slid it inside again.

"God, McKenzie... This feels so good," Ryan groaned. With one hand guiding the phallus inside her, she used the fingers of her other hand to begin rubbing her slippery nub. "Oh fuck, this is how I want your tongue circling my clit... Just like this... Oh God..."

McKenzie whimpered, yanking on the handcuffs, not even noticing how they were cutting into her wrists. Ryan was only a few feet away, talking about how much she wanted McKenzie's mouth on her, and all McKenzie could think was how much she wanted the exact same thing. If she could just pull her wrists free...

"Ryan, please... I want to taste you... Let me go... Please, just let me out... Please..."

The cuffs scraped and banged loudly against the bedframe as McKenzie pushed up onto her knees, trying to use the strength of her shoulders and thighs to power through the steel restraints.

"Relax, McKenzie. Count to thirty," Ryan ordered, not stopping her own movements, even as she tried to keep an eye on the girl.

McKenzie groaned in frustration, but sat back on her heels and began counting aloud. Each number was spoken clearly, but obviously strained, sometimes on a moan or a whimper, sometimes ending with a grunt. She couldn't stop flexing her hips and thighs as she tried to ease the ache in her sex. By the time she hit thirty, she wasn't relaxed in the slightest, but she had regained enough control to stop yanking on the cuffs.

Ryan continued to slowly fuck herself as she rubbed her clit, grunting and moaning with each slide of the phallus inside her pussy. She stared at McKenzie, taking in every little whimper of need. The pained expression on the girl's face only made Ryan move a little faster as she imagined sliding her cock inside McKenzie the way she was doing to herself.

McKenzie was panting in time with Ryan as she watched the woman work herself. McKenzie's clit was aching and swollen. It suddenly occurred to her she was in almost the exact same position she'd been in at the Club. If she could just give herself enough room...

McKenzie inched back to the bars of the bedframe and slid her knees wider apart. She twisted her shoulders, trying to push one arm farther behind her back and around the vertical bar so she could reach under her ass with her other hand, but it was no use. With only a couple inches of chain between the handcuffs, she just couldn't get enough slack to do more than touch her fingers to her buttcheek.

"God, Ryan, please... Let me out... Just let me out... Please... I need... I need to touch my clit... Please, let me come... Please..." McKenzie moaned, twisting and pulling against the cuffs to no effect.

Ryan groaned as McKenzie continued to beg, the sounds pushing her higher and higher as she thrust the phallus inside herself in short quick strokes. The fingers of her other hand pressed a little harder over her clit, and then her hips pumped forward and her vaginal walls clamped down as she came with a loud cry.

"Oh God... McKenzie!"

Ryan grunted with each successive wave of pleasure that pulsed inside her, unable to move the phallus more than a fraction of an inch, though the fingers on her clit more than made up for it as they rubbed vigorously over her engorged nub.

McKenzie cried out in frustration, her own clit aching painfully from the lack of release, even as her hips rocked in a futile attempt to bring on her orgasm.

"Please, Ryan... My Lord... Please, I need to come... Let me come... Please, my Lord..."

Ryan almost started up again as McKenzie's begging sent new waves of arousal through her belly, but she could see the glint of tears in the corners of McKenzie's eyes and knew the girl was at her limit.

Ryan carefully pulled the shaft from her clenching muscles, grunting softly when it finally slid free. She laid it on the towel, taking a moment to wipe her fingers on the soft cloth, then walked around the foot of the bed.

"Yes, please, my Lord..." McKenzie said, trying to turn to follow Ryan behind her.

Ryan grabbed the key from the end of the bed and then knelt down as she tried to get a good hold on McKenzie's right cuff, but the girl was squirming too much.

"Stop moving," Ryan commanded and McKenzie stilled instantly. "Good girl. Now I'm only going to release one of your hands, but I want you to keep it behind your back until I say you can move. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lord," McKenzie said, though she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"Grab onto the bar. It'll help," Ryan said gently.

McKenzie's fingers wrapped around the central bar the chain was caught against. Ryan grinned at the many scratches marring the finish and considered how many more times she'd have to chain McKenzie up to duplicate the marks on the rest of the vertical bars spanning the length of the queen-sized bedframe.

Ryan let the thought go and slipped the pin at the top of the key into the slot on the base of the handcuff and pushed to slide the locking lever free. Once it clicked back out of the way, she flipped the key around and inserted it into the main lock, turning it first one way, then the other, to completely release the locking mechanism.

Ryan gently opened the cuff, slipping it from McKenzie's wrist, only to lock it immediately around the scuffed bar. She glanced at the pink marks on McKenzie's free wrist, feeling her heart rate speed up at the sight, then pushed herself back to a standing position. She hung the key on the end of the bed again and then stood behind McKenzie.

McKenzie tightened her grip on the metal bar as she felt Ryan remove the handcuff from her wrist, the urge to bring her hand to her clit almost making her let go entirely. She heard Ryan attach the cuff to the bedframe and then the only sound was the woman's breathing coming from somewhere above and behind her. McKenzie wanted to turn and look, but she forced herself to wait and stay still.

Ryan gazed down at McKenzie's lightly panting form. If this had been a normal scene, Ryan would have already been rubbing McKenzie's shoulders to ease the ache she knew had to be there. As it was, she wanted to reach down and squeeze the girl's breasts and pinch the tight nipples she could see standing up from the soft globes.

Ryan braced one hand on the top of the frame and slowly reached out to McKenzie's bare shoulder with the other. She knew she was crossing one of her own self-imposed lines, but it had to be done. McKenzie's physical well-being was more important.

Ryan clenched her jaw as her hand made contact. McKenzie moaned, arching her back at the touch.

"Oh God, yes!" McKenzie gasped out, feeling tingles spread across her body, her nipples tightening even more at the warm hand on her shoulder.

Ryan closed her fingers around the bone and muscle and squeezed.

"Let go of the bed and very slowly bring your arm around to your side. It's going to hurt for a few seconds, so be careful. I want you to breathe in deep and let it out slowly," Ryan instructed, her voice tight.

McKenzie took a deep breath as she released her hold on the bar. Ryan's grip tightened on her shoulder joint as her arm immediately tried to slip forward. McKenzie's muscles tensed to keep it in place and she whimpered as pain arced through the joint. Then the pain was gone as her arm aligned with her side, leaving behind only a dull ache.

Ryan massaged the girl's shoulder, moving the ball joint in small circular motions as she tried to get the blood flowing freely again. She felt McKenzie relax after a minute and forced herself to relinquish her hold. It was a struggle not to put her hand right back where it had been, but Ryan pushed herself away from the bedframe, keeping the girl out of reach.

McKenzie focused on her breathing, but she couldn't quite contain the whimper of loss when Ryan removed her hand. The heat from Ryan's hand had all but made the ache disappear and her shoulder suddenly felt cold in its absence.

Ryan sat down on the bed and scooted back to recline against the pillows, one leg stretched out in front of her, the other drawn up, exposing her sex to McKenzie's eager view. The girl was staring at her, eyes hooded, and she kept making incremental movements with her hips every time her thighs clenched around her sex.

"Ask," Ryan said softly, never taking her eyes from McKenzie's.

McKenzie's breathing accelerated and her arm twitched, but she didn't move.

"May I please touch my clit?"

Ryan's face remained impassive.

"Ask nicer."

McKenzie's eyes widened as a hint of desperation trickled through her at the possibility Ryan might deny her release. McKenzie's free hand gripped the side of her thigh to keep from disobeying even as her knees slid further apart.

"Please, my Lord. Please, may I touch my clit? Please?"

"Better," Ryan said. "And yes, you may."

McKenzie's hand went straight to her sex, her fingers slipping easily between her dripping folds.

"Oh God, Ryan! Ohh yes!"

"Slow down, baby," Ryan cautioned.

McKenzie gasped, trying to catch her breath as she slowed her circles around her clit.

"Yeah, that's it... Feel what you're doing. Feel all of it," Ryan encouraged.

"What... What do you mean?" McKenzie panted.

Ryan stared at her with a predatory grin and McKenzie felt her heart thump a little harder in her chest.

"Look at where you are, what you're doing... You're in my room. You're touching yourself while I watch and you just watched me fuck myself... You're on your knees. You have one hand cuffed behind your back. You're handcuffed to my bed..."

The cuffs jangled against the bedframe as McKenzie unconsciously tugged on them. Ryan grinned wider.

"Yeah, feel how it restricts your movement. You can't reach with that hand to enter yourself, so you'll have to do all the work with the other one... Get up on your knees. Make the cuff pull on you. Let yourself feel it binding you."

McKenzie tensed her thighs, pushing up onto her knees, which drew her arm taut behind her back, causing the metal to dig into her wrist again. The move also pushed her mound harder against the hand on her clit and she started pumping her hips to increase the pleasurable sensation. She looked into Ryan's eyes and groaned.

"God, Ryan... Don't stop... Keep talking... I love the sound of your voice."

Ryan smiled.

"And I love the sounds you make, those little whimpering gasps that tell me you're close... so close... But you haven't asked for permission yet," Ryan's voice deepened with the hint of a warning.

McKenzie moaned.

"Oh God... Ryan... I want you to tell me... Tell me when to come... Please... I won't come... unless you say... God, please... Tell me to come... Please, my Lord... Please, let me come..."

Ryan felt the ache in her clit instantly become acute with the sudden influx of blood at McKenzie's entreaties, but she didn't touch herself, wanting to focus completely on McKenzie instead.

"Rub your clit a little harder for me... Yeah, just like that... Let me hear you, baby."

McKenzie's breathing was near hyperventilating, her whimpers having escalated into high-pitched cries, and she could only form one word spoken over and over again as she held Ryan's gaze.

"Please... Please... Please..."

The look of agonized pleasure contorting McKenzie's features as her eyes pleaded for release was almost enough to make Ryan come, and she groaned low in her chest as the sensation rolled through her. She watched McKenzie for another few seconds, wanting to prolong the moment as long as possible, and then finally spoke.

"Come for me, McKenzie."

McKenzie whimpered once and her eyes squeezed shut as her body jerked in total silence for several heartbeats, and then she was gasping her cries of release, her hips bucking hard against her own fingers.


Ryan drank in every breathy cry and twitching muscle of the girl's body as her orgasm swept through her. The sound of the handcuffs jerking against the bedframe only added to Ryan's sensory pleasure as she watched McKenzie come.

McKenzie felt wave after wave of pleasure contract her muscles as starbursts went off behind her eyes. She heard Ryan's harsh breathing only a few feet away in between the sounds of her own gasping breaths. Instinct made her reach out blindly for the woman, but then the edge of the handcuff cut into her wrist, reminding her of her captivity, and another pulse of ecstasy flooded through her at being restrained by the hard metal.

Eventually, McKenzie's muscles relaxed, the clenching tapering off to random jerks as her fingers lazily circled her sensitive nub. The handcuff was the only thing keeping her from falling forward and she sat back on her heels, resting her sweaty back against the cool bedframe, her heaving breaths slowing to deep sighs. She finally removed her fingers from her clit and let her hand just rest off to the side on her hip.

McKenzie opened her eyes. Ryan was watching her with such an intense look of desire. One arm was wrapped around her bent knee, the fingers of her other hand gripping her thigh.

"I love watching you come," Ryan said quietly.

McKenzie smiled tiredly.

"And I love coming for you."

Ryan smiled, content to simply admire McKenzie's relaxed form, but a glance at the clock and a quick mental calculation had her sighing in resignation.

"Time to get you out of those and off your knees," Ryan said.

She stood up and moved around the foot of the bed. She grabbed the key and knelt down to unlock the cuff from McKenzie's wrist.

"Though I do love seeing you on your knees," Ryan muttered near McKenzie's ear as she released the other cuff from the bedframe.

McKenzie shivered at the softly spoken words as she imagined being on her knees in front of Ryan, the woman's hands on her head insistently guiding her forward to suck on Ryan's clit.

Ryan stood back up and gazed down at McKenzie. The previous position of the cuffs had allowed McKenzie's other shoulder greater reach, so it moved easily once freed from its confinement. McKenzie didn't even flinch as she brought her arm around and shifted off her knees to stretch her legs out in front of her. That didn't stop Ryan from wanting to reach out and massage the girl's shoulders again.

Ryan closed the cuffs and set them and the key on her desk. Then she gathered up the dildo inside the towel and set the bundle on the edge of the sink just inside the bathroom. She went for her clothes and started pulling them back on, smiling at McKenzie's pout.

"I want to hold you, baby, and I can't do that while I'm naked. At least, not yet."

McKenzie smiled at the explanation, then frowned.

"Do I need to..." McKenzie waved a hand at her own clothes scattered on the floor.

Ryan finished zipping up her sleeveless sweatshirt and shook her head.

"No, I've got you covered... or rather I will in a sec," Ryan said and grabbed the blanket that had gotten pushed down between the mattress and the foot of the bed.

Ryan shook it out and draped it over McKenzie's body. McKenzie lifted up a little to let Ryan push it underneath her and then Ryan scooped her up into her arms. Ryan sat down at the head of the bed and drew her legs into the pretzel position to help hold McKenzie in place. With McKenzie ensconced in her lap, Ryan's arms were free to wrap around McKenzie and she pulled the girl tight to her body.

"I never get enough of holding you," Ryan whispered.

McKenzie tucked her head under Ryan's chin and pressed her cheek to the woman's chest as she sighed happily.

"It's my favorite place... Well, one of several," McKenzie amended.

McKenzie looked down as she absently played with her fingers, and then paused as she caught sight of her wrists. She brought her hands up out of the shadows of the blanket.

McKenzie gazed reverently at her wrists, alternately drawing first one and then the other of her index fingers over the pink marks dotted with flecks of red encircling the skin there. A few jagged edges of white where the topmost layer of skin had been scraped aside bordered the darkest of the abrasions.

McKenzie didn't see any actual blood, just the little dots that had pooled under the skin, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. She'd had rug burns from roughhousing as a kid that were worse and those had always healed within a couple days. She squinted a little more at the marks, and then smiled as she saw several areas where she thought she might actually be starting to bruise.

Ryan felt the movement of McKenzie's hands in front of her chest and pulled her head back to look down. Her breath caught at seeing the abraded skin and McKenzie paused her slow tracing to look up at her.

"Are you okay?" McKenzie asked hesitantly.

Ryan nodded, willing her heart rate to slow down.

McKenzie frowned as she saw the pulse point at Ryan's neck jump and reached her hand up to cup Ryan's cheek.

"You didn't hurt me. I mean I know what this looks like, but—"

Ryan smiled and shook her head.

"I'm not freaking out, baby."

"Then what's wrong? Your heart's going a mile a minute."

Ryan released her hold with one arm and placed her hand over McKenzie's. She gently pulled it away from her cheek and turned her head to place a soft kiss to the inside of McKenzie's wrist. She heard McKenzie suck in a breath and just barely stopped herself from rubbing her cheek against the newly forming bruises. She forced herself to tuck McKenzie's hand back under the blanket, though out of sight definitely didn't lead to out of mind in this instance.

"I told you I like to leave marks. Seeing those on you even though I didn't technically cause them..." Ryan let her head fall back against the pillows and blew out a breath as she grinned. "I think it's what some people feel when they get high. It's arousal and joy and energy and... and I just love you, McKenzie. So much... I can't even say."

McKenzie smiled at the happiness she saw in Ryan's eyes.

"I really want to kiss you."

"I know," Ryan said, her tone more agreement than acknowledgment as she gently pushed McKenzie's head back down to her chest to get the girl's lips a little further out of reach. "And sometimes I think I could, that I could do just that, but I want so much more and I... I don't think I could hold back. I really don't. I... I shouldn't have even kissed your wrist. I'm sorry—"

"No, don't apologize for that. I'm going to be living on that for months," McKenzie said, frustration underlining the slightly dreamy quality her voice had taken on as she remembered the feathery touch of Ryan's lips on her skin from only a few moments ago. "God, when you said you were going to tease me every day for six months, I really had no idea what I was in for."

Ryan laughed.

"To be honest, neither did I."


Ryan swallowed and McKenzie felt the change in Ryan's mood even before she spoke.

"You make me feel completely out of control. No one has ever made me want to disregard everything I know and just... dive in. But every time I think about doing that, I see myself going too far and I... I don't want to fuck this up, McKenzie."

"You won't. And you're not."

McKenzie nuzzled her cheek against Ryan's soft sweatshirt and reached up to play with the thick drawstrings dangling from either side of the hood. She was fast developing a fetish for the things.

"You know, when I asked you to use the handcuffs, I didn't think you'd allow it. I just wanted you to know I wanted them. But then when you agreed, and then you cuffed both my wrists and I couldn't touch myself, at first I thought, 'Did I really ask for this?' But then getting to feel it, feel what it's really like..." She fingered the marks again and smiled. "It was perfect, Ryan. This first time was perfect. Thank you," McKenzie whispered.

"You're very welcome. And thank you for suggesting it."

McKenzie nodded as she let go of the string and slid her hand up to comb through Ryan's hair at the base of her neck. She really wanted to sit up and kiss the hell out of Ryan, but she settled for snuggling against the crook of her neck and simply held on.

McKenzie's fingers scratching at the nape of her neck sent tingles spreading outward to run over Ryan's scalp and down her spine. Ryan closed her eyes at the delicious sensation and tightened her hold on the girl. Then McKenzie's fingers stilled and Ryan relaxed, resting her cheek against McKenzie's head.

They stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence.

Then Ryan noticed the clock.

"My clothes are probably done," Ryan said quietly.

McKenzie burrowed her head deeper against Ryan's chest.

"Don't wanna move," McKenzie mumbled. "Comfy."

Ryan smiled, rubbing her hand up and down the girl's upper arm through the blanket.

"Me, too. But I don't want the buzzer going off and bugging the Coopers. It'll only take me a couple minutes."

McKenzie didn't move and Ryan sighed, knowing she wasn't going to get agreement. McKenzie whimpered pitifully as Ryan carefully shifted the girl off her lap to rest against the mattress. McKenzie's body was limp and rolled away from Ryan onto her side. Ryan tucked the blanket more securely around the girl's shoulders, knowing it wouldn't really make up for her absence, but needing to do it anyway. She ruffled McKenzie's bangs and kissed the top of the blonde's head.

"I'll be right back, little one," Ryan whispered against her soft hair.

McKenzie felt her insides melt at the pet name and she smiled even as she watched Ryan disappear through the connecting door to the house. She couldn't remember Ryan ever using that one before, but she hoped Ryan would use it again soon.

Ryan had been calling her 'baby' and 'sweetheart' a lot more, too. It gave McKenzie a little thrill every time, mostly because she could hear the protective ownership in Ryan's voice when she used the terms of endearment.

Then there'd been the one and only time Ryan had used McKenzie's private nickname for herself. No one else had ever tried that one with her and she'd been waiting the past couple days to hear Ryan call her 'Kenzie' again since telling the woman she liked it.

But there was nothing quite like when Ryan called her by her full name. There was something entirely possessive in the tone and McKenzie felt like she was being claimed with each syllable the woman uttered. McKenzie smiled to herself, glad her name was as long as it was.

A little while later, Ryan walked back in carrying a stack of folded clothes with more draped over the top. She set them on the edge of the bed and proceeded to hang up the items on top, then stowed the rest in her dresser drawers. When she was done, she walked around the bed and scooped McKenzie back into her lap as she sat down.

"Told ya it would only be a few minutes," Ryan whispered.

"Still missed you," McKenzie pouted, though she was smiling.

Ryan squeezed her and McKenzie moaned in pure pleasure.

"You feel so good in my arms, McKenzie."

McKenzie whimpered as her sex clenched involuntarily.

"Say my name again?"

Ryan grinned, intentionally pitching her voice lower and drawing the sound out almost into a groan.


McKenzie whimpered again.

"God, I can't believe what your voice does to me."

Ryan smirked.

"I've certainly been enjoying the effect it has on you."

McKenzie felt the barest hint of warmth flush her cheeks as a new thought occurred to her.

"H-Have you ever had phone sex?"

Ryan laughed at the seeming non sequitur.

"Um, no. Actually, that's probably one of the few forms of sex I've never tried. Why?"

"I think you'd be really good at it, that's all." McKenzie bit her lip, then forced herself to continue. "Do you think maybe we could try it sometime?"

Ryan swallowed, feeling the arousal she'd been trying to keep at bay in favor of maintaining the physical closeness with McKenzie flare to life.

"Yeah... Though I don't know how I wouldn't just hang up and go over to your house to see you in person."

"Maybe when one of us is out of town then," McKenzie said, thinking about her upcoming trip home.

"I don't really travel much... Can't really afford it... But yeah, we could try it sometime."

"I'm, um, supposed to go home for Thanksgiving," McKenzie said hesitantly.

Ryan was quiet as she tried to process the sudden sense of loss making her chest ache. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and tried to keep her voice neutral as she spoke.

"I forgot that was coming up. How long will you be gone?"

"I'm supposed to leave early on the Wednesday before and I won't be back until Sunday night."

"Supposed to?"

McKenzie pressed her cheek against Ryan's chest.

"I don't want to go. I mean I want to see my parents and all that. I really miss them, but... I don't want to leave you," McKenzie whispered the last part.

Ryan tightened her hold around McKenzie as she tried to think of a way to soothe the girl, even though she felt like someone was squeezing their fist around her heart.

"It'll be okay. I'll see you before you leave on Wednesday and when you get home on Sunday, so we're really only talking three days, right? And you'll probably be so busy with your family, you'll barely have time to miss me," Ryan said as she considered what she could possibly do to keep herself occupied while the girl was gone for that many days.

McKenzie sat up to look into Ryan's eyes.

"I'm still in your arms and I miss you already just thinking about it," McKenzie said plainly, her eyes glittering with unshed tears.

The girl's look of utter vulnerability tugged at Ryan's heart, making her want to comfort McKenzie and do whatever she could to reassure the girl. Her first instinct was to kiss McKenzie and Ryan reached up to cup the girl's face, rubbing her thumb over the soft skin of her cheek. Then she realized what she was doing and Ryan's breathing came in short puffs as her entire body tensed with the effort of not bringing the girl's lips to her own. She groaned as she pressed McKenzie's head back down to her chest.

"God, I need to kiss you... Fuck," Ryan said as she tried to get her gasping breaths under control, and then another wave of arousal flooded through her at the feel of McKenzie's hair caressing the side of her neck. The same spot McKenzie had kissed ever so briefly the day she'd surrendered so beautifully. "Oh God..."

McKenzie closed her eyes, trying not to move as she felt Ryan's body flex beneath her in obvious need. She wanted to throw off the blanket and straddle Ryan so she could feel those undulations between her legs. Or reach down to rub her clit so she could come in Ryan's lap, though she had a feeling if she did that, Ryan's fingers would be replacing her own soon enough.

Ryan suddenly shifted with a grunt, moving to the edge of the bed to stand up, and then she gently lowered McKenzie back to the mattress. Ryan backed up several paces until she'd put the bars of the bedframe between herself and the girl. She grabbed on to the bedframe for support, her chest heaving as she stared at McKenzie.

"Sorry... I can't take anymore... I'm... Oh my God..."

McKenzie watched, her own heart pounding as Ryan almost bent double, groaning with need. Though she knew Ryan could vault the bars easily, they seemed to provide enough of a barrier, allowing McKenzie to feel bold.

McKenzie drew the blanket aside, revealing her naked body to Ryan's hungry gaze. She drew up her knees, spreading them wide to give Ryan a clear view of how wet she was.

"Please, my Lord... May I touch myself? For you? I need... I need to be with you. Please..."

McKenzie stroked the insides of her thighs, then squeezed and pulled her thighs even farther apart as she imagined Ryan's hands holding her down.

"One finger... Inside your pussy... Now," Ryan grunted out as she pushed upright from the bedframe.

As Ryan unzipped her sweatshirt, McKenzie slid one of her hands down to her sex, coating her fingers in the copious wetness flooding her core. She curled her middle finger forward and pressed it to her entrance.

"Oh God, Ryan..."

McKenzie whimpered and closed her eyes as her finger met resistance to even that small penetration. She kept pushing and tilted her pelvis up, then pulled back before pushing forward again. She moaned, both at the feeling of being entered and at how hot and wet she felt around her own finger.

McKenzie opened her eyes and found Ryan's gaze locked with hers. The woman's sweatshirt hung open, revealing her flat stomach, and her sweats were halfway down her thighs, one hand buried between her legs. McKenzie groaned at the sight as she slid her own finger slowly in and out of her pussy.

"God, Ryan... I'm so tight," McKenzie whispered, trying out the word she'd heard Ryan use with such heat only a few days ago and wasn't disappointed to see Ryan thrust harder against her own hand.

"Fuck, McKenzie... God, I'm so close... Rub your clit for me... I want you to come with me."

Ryan gripped the bedframe, willing herself to stay put and focus on her own clit, even though what she really wanted to do was shove McKenzie's hands away, suck that tight bud between her lips, and impale her with three fingers just to hear the girl scream.

As Ryan watched McKenzie's middle finger dip repeatedly inside herself while the fingers of her other hand circled her clit, Ryan felt her muscles clench on nothing and couldn't stand the emptiness any longer. She let go of the bed and took two quick steps to her armoire, practically throwing the doors open. She grabbed the first good-sized dildo she saw and returned to the foot of the bed.

McKenzie whimpered as she strained her neck muscles to keep her head lifted so she could see what Ryan was doing. The woman had haphazardly pushed her sweats further down her legs in order to give herself enough room to prop her foot up on the edge of the mattress between the bars of the bedframe. McKenzie pressed her fingers harder against her engorged nub as Ryan rubbed the phallus between her lips to get it wet. Then McKenzie groaned as she watched Ryan slide the thick shaft inside herself with a long drawn out moan.

"Oh God, Ryan... Please... Please, may I add another finger? Please, my Lord?" McKenzie panted.

"Yes!" Ryan gasped. "Oh God, McKenzie, I'm gonna come..."

McKenzie added her index finger and pumped both fingers inside herself, the stretching fullness increasing her pleasure exponentially. She went faster to keep up with the sudden clenching deep inside her belly as her other fingers rubbed just as quickly over her clit.

"Please... Oh God, Ryan, please... Let me..."

"Come with me, McKenzie! Oh fuck!" Ryan cried out as her hips jerked forward, her vaginal muscles joyfully clenching around the phallus stuffed deep inside her as she fingered her slippery clit with harsh little circles.

"Ungh God!" McKenzie joined her cries with Ryan's and her head slammed back against the mattress as her own orgasm exploded between her legs. "Fuck me, Ryan... Oh God, fuck me, please..." McKenzie whimpered as she continued to work herself, barely able to move her fingers inside herself anymore as her vaginal walls clamped down.

Ryan let go of the base of the phallus, her own muscles more than enough to hold it in place for the moment, and grabbed on to the bedframe as her knees tried to give out. Her foot slipped off the bed as another wave of pleasure flooded through her and she gasped, desperate for air, as she listened to McKenzie riding the peak of her climax.

"God, Ryan, please, don't stop. I don't wanna stop, please..."

Ryan hit her knees, her fingers continuing to work her clit in quick hard strokes she knew would bring her to another orgasm in short order.

"Don't stop, McKenzie... Don't you dare stop... Oh God, McKenzie... McKenzie..." Ryan chanted as her hips bucked up to meet her mashing fingers and her cunt squeezed around the shaft slowly trying to work its way out of her. She pushed it back inside with a moan that ended on a grunt as the length slid all the way home.

"Please... I need more..." McKenzie moaned from the bed.

Ryan stared at McKenzie through the bedframe, her eyes level with the girl's dripping pussy. McKenzie's fingers were slipping in and out of her opening far too easily.

"Three fingers... Do it."

McKenzie wanted to lift her head to look at Ryan, but she couldn't. Her butt wasn't even touching the bed as her hips rocked permanently in the air. Not that she could've seen anything anyway with her eyes squeezed so tightly shut.

McKenzie withdrew her two fingers and added a third, spearing them together. Part of her brain tried to remind her she'd never taken three fingers before, but then she saw Ryan in her mind's eye, that demanding look in her eyes, and she couldn't help pushing her pelvis up just a little higher in supplication.

McKenzie cried out, moaning and whimpering as her pussy was stretched further than was comfortable. It stung a little, but she didn't stop, knowing Ryan wouldn't either, and the pain seemed to send even more wetness pouring from her entrance. She angled her fingers and her whole body started shaking as she ran across her G-spot.

"Ryan... Oh God, please... Ryan... Make me come... I wanna come... Please..."

McKenzie's high-pitched cries went straight to Ryan's clit as she watched McKenzie writhe in a sexual haze. Ryan knew exactly what she'd be doing to the girl if she wasn't afraid of tearing McKenzie apart as she tried to stuff her whole hand inside the girl.

"Harder, McKenzie... Faster and harder," Ryan grunted out as she rubbed her own clit to follow suit.

McKenzie plunged her fingers inside herself in sharp jerking motions, her hips thrusting up to meet each stab. The girl's fingers were making the sexiest squishing sounds Ryan had ever heard, so she knew there was more than enough lubrication.

"Harder!" Ryan ordered.

McKenzie put everything she had into her thrusts, pounding her G-spot mercilessly. An instant later, bliss flooded through her and she cried out in gasping screams as her body convulsed uncontrollably.

Ryan felt her nipples tighten against her sports bra as she listened to McKenzie's screams of triumph, and then her pelvis was jerking against her fingers as spasms pulsed around the fullness inside her.

"McKenzie... Oh God, McKenzie," Ryan whispered hoarsely as she came, her body constricting too much for her to yell.

Ryan saw McKenzie collapse back to the bed and lie still. Ryan's hips were still pumping weakly, milking her body for every last drop of pleasure even as she felt the dildo slide out on a final spasm. Her chest was heaving and she let herself crumple to the side to release her legs out from underneath her.

Ryan lay on her back and looked up at the ceiling in a daze. She slowly pulled her sweats back up, thoroughly wiping her fingers off on the inside of the soft cloth. She pushed up and managed to drag herself around the side of the bed to climb onto the mattress. Ryan grabbed the sheet and haphazardly threw it over McKenzie's sweaty form before hauling the girl's body up beside her.

"God, I love you, McKenzie," Ryan whispered next to the head tucked against her shoulder.

McKenzie couldn't even speak to acknowledge Ryan's words. She was doing good just to breathe. She grunted as she put the last of her strength into sliding an arm around Ryan's waist and then went limp again.

Ryan smiled.

"Yeah, a nap sounds good to me, too," Ryan said with a soft laugh and then closed her eyes.

She was asleep in seconds.

* * *

Ryan opened her eyes. She was lying on her side and she automatically darted a glance at the clock. It was almost noon.

She lifted her head, propping herself up on an elbow, and looked down to see McKenzie half rolled away from her, one arm pinned awkwardly underneath her back, the other flung out towards the middle of the bed. The sheet had been pushed down around her waist at some point, exposing her bare chest.

Ryan's breath caught as she gazed hungrily at McKenzie's beautiful breasts. They looked so soft and inviting, and Ryan knew they would fit perfectly in her hands. She could almost feel their pliable softness squishing against her palms as she squeezed the full globes. A few teasing rubs with her thumbs would cause the nipples to tighten, and then she would suck one hardened tip into her mouth to play with it with her tongue and lips and teeth, while she pinched and rolled the other. Her mouth was already watering at the thought of tasting McKenzie's sweet flesh.

Ryan groaned quietly to herself.

I could do it. She wouldn't protest in the slightest. In fact, she'd probably wrap her hands in my hair and pull me even harder against her. I could have my fingers inside her, making her come in just a few minutes. She's probably still so open I could get three fingers inside her on the first try without even hurting her.

But Ryan knew it wouldn't end there. Even though she'd told McKenzie she could have so-called 'normal' sex, it wasn't entirely true. She could, but it always escalated. Her need to dominate, to control, to inflict pain was never far away, and with McKenzie as untrained as she was, it would be way too easy to overwhelm the girl.

Things might start out gentle, but it would only take the slightest encouragement from McKenzie for Ryan to go a little harder, a little rougher, and if Ryan got lost in that, she'd miss it if she crossed the line somewhere. Ryan wasn't even sure McKenzie would tell her if things became too much for her for fear of Ryan pulling back.

"God, I want you, McKenzie," Ryan whispered, her whole body tense with anticipation. "I don't think you have any idea what you do to me. If you ever actually figure it out, I'm gonna be in real trouble."

Ryan continued to stare down at the sleeping girl, knowing if McKenzie woke now, all she'd have to do is reach out for Ryan, slide those delicate fingers into her hair at the base of her neck, and pull down, and Ryan would be lost.

McKenzie sighed heavily, the sound ending on a whimper as she turned her head, and a shot of adrenaline skittered up Ryan's spine at the idea McKenzie was about to do exactly what Ryan wanted most. Even as Ryan realized McKenzie hadn't woken, she pushed off the bed to put some distance between them.

Once she was standing, Ryan headed for the bathroom. Between all the lube and napping for two hours without protection, she was a bit of a mess, but a quick wash and a fresh tampon took care of it. She exchanged her black sweats for an identical clean pair and tossed the soiled ones in the hamper.

On her way back from the closet, Ryan picked up the dildo she'd left on the floor and set it in the bathroom with the other one. She wiped up the spot on the hardwood floor, then returned to the restroom to clean the toys before putting them away in the armoire. The towel joined the sweatpants in the hamper.

McKenzie was still asleep, so Ryan looked around for something else to do. She brought her laptop over to her desk and sat down to check her email. Most of it was junk, but there were a few interesting articles from a couple of the web design newsletters she subscribed to, so she read through them, bookmarking one of them for future reference.

Ryan's stomach growled and she closed down the laptop as she considered what she could make for lunch. As she looked around in thought, she noticed the handcuffs and key on the corner of the desk. She picked them up and walked over to McKenzie's backpack, slipping them both into the zippered interior compartment she guessed McKenzie had retrieved them from earlier.

"You're letting me keep them?"

Ryan turned around to find McKenzie partially sitting up and watching her, the sheet only covering one slim leg, the rest of the girl's body on display.

That freshly fucked look and in my bed... God, is she doing that on purpose?

As Ryan stared, it took another moment for her to remember McKenzie had asked a question. She swallowed, cleared her throat, and looked away.

"Um, yeah. You seemed to like them and I just thought..." Ryan ran a hand through her hair. "I want you to have them."

Ryan finally glanced at McKenzie again and was caught in the girl's beaming smile.

"Thank you," McKenzie said softly.

Ryan could only nod mutely. She wanted so much to climb onto the bed, crawl on top of McKenzie, and pin the girl to the mattress as she kissed her senseless.

McKenzie didn't look away as Ryan's gaze raked over her body. She felt a blush warm her chest, neck, and cheeks at the scrutiny, but she didn't try to cover up. She suddenly caught a whiff of her own arousal and was sure Ryan had noticed it when the woman's nostrils flared on a deep inhale and her eyes slipped down to stare at McKenzie's blonde triangle.

"I love the way you look at me," McKenzie said quietly.

Ryan's eyes slid back up to McKenzie's face and there was no mistaking her desire.

"I want to do so much more than just look," Ryan said, her voice rough.

Before McKenzie could respond, Ryan's cell phone went off on her desk. Ryan forced herself to break away from McKenzie's gaze and picked up the phone.

While Ryan talked to the person on the other end, McKenzie dropped back onto the bed with a muted groan. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to take long deep breaths to calm herself. God, she's so intense. I'm going to spontaneously combust when she finally touches me.

After a few minutes, McKenzie's heart rate slowed to normal and she listened to Ryan's half of the conversation.

"Yeah, that's fine... I know... Okay, bye."

Ryan hung up and turned to McKenzie.

"That was Trudy. She needs me to fill in for Joe on the morning shift tomorrow." Ryan grimaced. "I've gotta be there at 6am and I was already scheduled to work the afternoon, so I'll be working a double, six to six."

"Do they give you overtime for that?" McKenzie asked and Ryan laughed.

"Nah. Trudy's gonna have Joe take my evening shift on Tuesday so it keeps me part-time." Ryan smiled. "Bright side is that means I'll have Tuesday night free to hang out with you... If you want."

McKenzie smiled.

"I want."

"Good. So... You hungry? 'Cause I'm starving."

"Yeah. I think I've worked up a bit of an appetite," McKenzie grinned.

McKenzie kicked the sheet the rest of the way off and slid to the end of the bed. She felt a little sore between her legs and her arms were a bit stiff, but it wasn't too bad. She leaned over the edge of the mattress and grabbed her clothes off the floor, tossing them on the bed. She was aware of Ryan watching her from only half a dozen feet away and suddenly realized what she wanted to do. McKenzie stood, assuming First Position, and faced Ryan. She steadied her voice, hoping her nervousness wouldn't be noticeable.

"May I dress, my Lord?"

Ryan's stomach curled with arousal at the submissive request. It was one of the things she loved most about dominance and submission. How even the most mundane activities could become charged with possibility when used in the right context.

"Did you read about that somewhere?" Ryan asked curiously.

McKenzie's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Read about what?"

"Asking for permission for those kinds of things."

McKenzie shook her head.

"No, I just... It just seemed like the right thing to do, since I wait for you to tell me to get undressed. Was that wrong? You seemed to like it last time," McKenzie said uncertainly.

Ryan smiled.

"I do, very much. When you submit to me like that without my having to tell you... It's a gift, McKenzie. Thank you."

"You're welcome," McKenzie said, her tone as serious as Ryan's. "I-I want to please you."

Ryan's heart swelled and she had to take several deep breaths before she was able to speak.

"You do... More than I can possibly say."

McKenzie smiled at the praise, ducking her head for a moment before she remembered Ryan preferred her to keep her head held high. She darted a glance at her clothes and Ryan grinned.

"You may dress."

McKenzie nodded and picked up her panties. She pulled them slowly up her thighs, knowing Ryan was watching her. McKenzie slipped the straps of her bra over her shoulders and then clasped it behind her. She adjusted herself inside the cups of the lacy brassiere and then reached for her cargo pants.

"Wait. Turn around for me," Ryan ordered softly.

McKenzie dropped the pants and turned to face away from Ryan. She blushed at the thought of Ryan checking her out so openly, but couldn't stop herself from grinning, glad her choice of underwear this morning was being appreciated so thoroughly.

Ryan drank in the vision of McKenzie's round buttcheeks left completely bare by the thong threaded up the crack of her ass. Somehow it seemed to accentuate the fullness of the fleshy globes by its absence. The thin strip of pale pink lace settled just above the upper curve of her cheeks underlined the hints of two dimples located at the base of McKenzie's spine.

Ryan groaned quietly to herself as she imagined how good it would feel to grind into that softness as she gripped McKenzie's hips hard enough to leave bruises.

"God, McKenzie. Your ass is gorgeous all by itself, but those frame it so perfectly." Ryan groaned again, audibly this time, and shook her head. "You better finish getting dressed. I'm never gonna be able to concentrate on food with that on display."

McKenzie giggled as warmth swept across her cheeks and made the tips of her ears tingle. She turned around and retrieved her cargo pants again.

"Well, I was trying to, but then someone decided they needed to ogle my butt," McKenzie said as she fastened her pants, hiding the backside in question from view, much to Ryan's disappointment. "Not that I'm complaining. That is why I chose these after all. I was hoping you'd like them."

"I do. I love them. You're sexy as hell, baby. Don't ever doubt that."

McKenzie grinned as she pulled the gray Henley over her head and pulled her hair out from underneath her shirt. She combed her fingers through her hair a few times to settle it, then looked up at Ryan.

"So, food?"

They headed into the house to rummage through Ryan's area of the pantry and cabinets. McKenzie stood with the refrigerator door open, moving items left and right in one of the lower drawers labeled with Ryan's name. Finally, she stood back up and closed the door as she turned to face Ryan standing just inside the pantry.

Ryan glanced over at her.

"See anything you want?" Ryan asked. McKenzie smirked as she looked Ryan up and down. Ryan grinned even as she rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Other than me."

McKenzie laughed and shook her head.

"Um, not really. We could go back to my place. I've got hot dogs," McKenzie offered.

Ryan thought about it. They weren't the healthiest things in the world, but it had been a while since she'd indulged. She nodded.


They put their shoes and jackets on, since it was a little too cold to be running around without them, and headed over to McKenzie's. They took them off again as soon as they were inside.

McKenzie led Ryan into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge. As soon as she opened the door, her eyes alighted on a covered glass baking pan on the bottom shelf.

"Ooo, I think we just won the food lottery," McKenzie said as she slid the dish into her eager little hands and set it on the center island.

"Score!" Ryan said happily, high-fiving the grinning girl.

Karen's lasagna was legendary, even reheated, and Ryan quickly went to the cabinets to get plates.

McKenzie went back to the fridge and pulled out salad fixings while Ryan dished up two large squares and headed for the microwave.

"I thought I heard you guys."

They both looked over to see Karen, still wearing a bathrobe, walk into the kitchen from the dining room. She went over to the coffee maker and started prepping the machine.

"Hey. Did we wake you? I'm sorry," McKenzie said as she emptied a bag of prewashed spring greens into a large bowl and added dressing before gently mixing it together.

Karen waved her away.

"No. Just my last day to sleep in before I go back to work tomorrow."

"Well, then, good morning," Ryan said as she put a plate in the microwave and set the timer. "You want some?"

Karen leaned back against the counter while she waited for the machine to spit out its life-giving liquid and grinned.

"Oh, why not? I used to have cold pizza for breakfast when I was in college. I haven't done that in forever."

Ryan laughed and went to retrieve a third plate, then grabbed three small bowls when McKenzie pointed to them.

McKenzie took the bowls and portioned out the salad.

"There's no comparison. This stuff is the food of the gods," McKenzie praised, pausing a moment to take in a deep inhale of the wonderful aroma coming from the microwave.

Karen smiled at the compliment.

"Nothing but the best for my girls. I knew if I cooked it, you'd find your way back home... eventually."

Ryan rolled her eyes at the none-too-subtle dig regarding McKenzie's absence.

"She's been taking care of me since I started my period yesterday," Ryan explained.

Karen grinned.

"Ha! What did I tell you? Little Miss Whammy."

Ryan nodded sagely and McKenzie looked back and forth between them in indignation.

"Hey! It's not my fault."

They both ignored her.

"I'm just glad it waited until after Friday night. That would've really sucked," Ryan said.

"Oh yeah, how did it go at the party?" Karen asked as Ryan dished up the third plate and then put the rest back in the fridge.

"It went fine, at least until a fight broke out. That's when we took off, but I got to meet Claire, which seemed to go okay," Ryan said, looking to McKenzie for confirmation.

"Yeah. She'd actually seen Ryan around before, which was kind of weird. Oh!" McKenzie snapped her fingers. "She took a picture of us. You have to see it. I'll be right back."

McKenzie half jogged to her bedroom to retrieve her cell phone, since she'd intentionally left it at home when she'd gone to Ryan's so it wouldn't disturb the woman while she was sleeping. She turned it on as she walked back into the kitchen and was immediately alerted to a new message from her mother. She bypassed it and pulled up the image Claire had sent her.

"Claire said we were adorable," McKenzie said as she handed the phone to Karen.

Karen grinned as she looked at the image of McKenzie cradled in Ryan's lap, the two women gazing into each other's eyes as if they'd found the meaning of life there. And just maybe they had.

"Aww. Very adorable. You should get that framed," Karen said as she handed the phone back to McKenzie. "Remind me to send you the ones I took, too."

McKenzie nodded and closed the file. She saw the waiting message again and tapped it to play, while Ryan finished getting their food ready and Karen made herself a cup of coffee.

"...Hi, sweetie. Sorry I missed you. I'm guessing you're out at that costume party you mentioned. I hope you're having a great time. I just wanted to say hi. Oh, and I just placed the order for that pumpkin cheesecake you like so much and Edie said she'd put a couple extra chocolate acorns on just for you. She's so sweet. Anyway, I'll talk to you soon. Love you. Bye..."

McKenzie deleted the message and set the phone on the counter. She looked up and found Karen watching her, a slight question furrowing her brow.

"Just a message from my mom. She ordered my favorite pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving."

"Oh, that sounds tasty," Karen said.

Ryan had finished taking the plates and bowls out to the dining room and had poured sodas for her and McKenzie, so they grabbed silverware and their drinks and moved to sit at the dining table.

"Yeah. The woman who makes it is a friend of my mom's. She tested the recipe on us first when I was a kid and I just fell in love with it, so now we have it every year." McKenzie half shrugged. "It's kind of a tradition."

Ryan glanced up from her food to double-check the sad note she'd heard in McKenzie's voice.

"You okay?" Ryan asked quietly.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just..." McKenzie stared down at her plate, stabbing at her food, but not taking a bite. "She just sounds really excited about me coming home, but I..." McKenzie shook her head, not meeting anyone's eyes. "I just keep thinking about how much I'm going to miss you guys."

Karen rested her hand on McKenzie's and the girl finally looked up.

"It'll be okay, sweetie. And you know, you get to see us all the time. You'll only be gone for a few days and I'm sure they miss you terribly."

"I miss them, too. I just..." McKenzie darted a glance at Ryan, then looked back down at her plate.

Karen caught the look and nodded to herself.

"So, Ryan... What are your plans for Thanksgiving?"

Ryan paused in mid-bite. She resumed chewing and swallowed.

"Um, I don't know. I've never really celebrated it."

"Never?" McKenzie asked, her eyes a little wide.

Ryan shook her head.

"Nope. I think I remember a turkey TV dinner one year when I was like six or seven, but... Yeah, that's about it. And then I've never been invited to anyone else's stuff because that's a family thing, so..." Ryan shrugged.

"Well, I normally spend Thanksgiving with Tim, William's little brother, but he's made other plans. And since I'll be seeing the rest of my family at Christmas, I wasn't planning to cook this year, but if you're interested, I think I could be persuaded," Karen said casually. "Nothing too fancy. We could just get a couple of those little turkey breasts and some box stuffing. Oh, and some mashed potatoes and gravy, of course. I could even whip up a nice green bean casserole, if you want. Do you like cornbread?"

Ryan tried to breathe past the tightness in her chest. She cleared her throat and nodded.

"Yeah, cornbread is good. Um, all that sounds fine. I... I could pick up a pumpkin pie at the store or something."

"Oh no, I make those from scratch, sweetie. Cooking is half the fun. I'll show you," Karen promised with a wink.

"Okay," Ryan said, still looking a little lost as she went back to her food.

McKenzie caught Karen's eyes and smiled her heartfelt thanks, receiving a slight nod in return. McKenzie looked back at Ryan, then smirked.

"Great. Now I'm really going to miss you guys, knowing you're going to have a grand ol' time without me."

Ryan looked up, a little startled at McKenzie's petulant tone until she saw the girl's grin and laughed.

"Maybe we could video chat or something," Ryan offered.

"I'd really like that," McKenzie said softly.

They went back to their food, talking throughout the rest of the meal and enjoying each other's company, until Karen finally excused herself to go take a shower and get dressed. She had plans to meet up with friends later that evening.

Ryan and McKenzie cleaned up the dishes and then headed into the den to watch TV. Ryan flipped through the channels, eventually settling on a sci-fi action flick they'd both seen that had come out several years ago.

They were on the couch, McKenzie lying on her side, her cheek nestled against Ryan's sweats-clad thigh as Ryan ran her fingers through McKenzie's hair. McKenzie couldn't help the contented sigh that seemed to widen her happy grin. Cuddled up with the woman she loved on a cozy Sunday afternoon... What could be better?


McKenzie thought of what they'd done just a few hours ago and felt her sex tighten.

Jesus. I've already come four times today and I swear I'm ready to do it all again, never mind how sore I am... Which I'm not that sore... Not that it would stop me... Wow, so this is what insatiable feels like. I don't think I had a clue. McKenzie almost giggled.

McKenzie had her arms tucked up against her chest, one hand resting under her temple on Ryan's thigh. She shifted a little to bring her hands in front of her face and slowly pushed each of her sleeve cuffs up her forearms to reveal her wrists.

McKenzie traced her fingers over the bruises, which had darkened over the past few hours. She could feel a few rough spots where the handcuffs had scraped her skin. They weren't exactly scabs, but it wasn't just raw skin either. The abrasions seemed hypersensitive to her touch as well. Not painful, just... responsive.

Ryan had long since lost interest in the movie. She watched McKenzie as the girl ran her fingers over her wrists again and again. She seemed to be inspecting them, much like she had earlier.

"Are they okay?" Ryan asked quietly, not wanting to startle the girl.

McKenzie smiled even as she felt a blush heat her cheeks at getting caught playing with her 'war wounds.'

"Yeah. They're a little sore, but it's not bad."

"I have some arnica gel that'll help with that," Ryan offered.

McKenzie rolled over onto her back so she could look up at Ryan, her hands coming to rest on her stomach.

"Will it make the bruises go away faster?"

Ryan looked away, forcing her expression to remain neutral.

"Um, yeah. You probably won't even be able to see them in a couple days," Ryan said.

"Then I'd rather not use it," McKenzie said seriously and Ryan's gaze snapped back to McKenzie's face in surprise. "I want these to last as long as possible, Ryan. They're a reminder of what we've done together... What I hope we'll do again soon."

McKenzie's eyes went wide as Ryan reached over, seemingly in a daze, to trail her fingers along McKenzie's nearest wrist, and McKenzie lifted her arm to help give Ryan better access. Her breathing hitched as she watched Ryan's fingers graze the marks, the whisper soft touch causing goose bumps to raise the hair on her arm and send tingles to the nape of her neck.

Ryan resisted the urge to wrap her fingers around McKenzie's small wrist and squeeze, but only just barely. She wanted so much to feel those delicate bones held firmly in her grasp, but she knew it would be crossing a line.

Ryan mentally rolled her eyes at herself. As if she hadn't crossed a line already. She still couldn't believe she'd kissed McKenzie's wrist earlier, but she'd been unable to stop herself. The fresh marks had simply been too close to her mouth to pass up.

Ryan slowly pulled her fingers away from their gentle stroking of McKenzie's skin and let her hand rest on the girl's cloth-covered stomach. She took a deep breath, trying to settle herself, but she could still hear the shakiness in her voice when she spoke.

"If they start to bother you, just let me know and I'll get the arnica gel for you."

McKenzie rested her hand on top of Ryan's to hold it to her as she rolled over onto her side again. She brought Ryan's hand up, tucking it beneath her chin between both of her own hands as she closed her eyes.

"They're not bothering me. I like them."

Ryan smiled indulgently, enjoying having her hand claimed by the girl.

"I get that, but if they're hurting—"

"So what if they are? I still like them," McKenzie whispered stubbornly.

Ryan felt her stomach do a somersault at McKenzie's little girl voice and again had to take several deep breaths to get her heart rate back under control.

"Okay, little one. You win," Ryan whispered back, getting a gentle squeeze of her trapped hand in return.

The smile never left Ryan's face as she went back to petting McKenzie's hair with her free hand while she stared unseeing at the action on the TV.

* * *

McKenzie blinked her eyes open. There was a different movie playing on the screen and she realized she must have fallen asleep at some point. It had just been so soothing having Ryan play with her hair. She turned her head to look up at the woman.

Ryan looked down at her and smiled.

"Good nap?"

McKenzie grinned and rolled onto her back, continuing to use Ryan's thigh as a pillow.

"My second one of the day. Guess you really tuckered me out."

Ryan laughed.

"Yeah, well, I just woke up a couple minutes ago, so it's not like I'm doing any better."

"Good. It's not just me then."


McKenzie glanced at the TV for a moment, trying to place the scene, but she didn't recognize it, though some of the actors were familiar. She dismissed it and looked back up at Ryan.

"Are you into this?"

Ryan shook her head.

"Not really. You want me to find something else?" Ryan asked as she picked up the remote and started scanning through the channels.

"Actually... I was sort of wondering if we could maybe go for a ride on your motorcycle? You used to do that every weekend, but you kind of haven't since we, um, got together. I mean if you wanted to go by yourself, I-I'd understand, but I was kind of hoping I could go with you... if that's okay?"

Ryan grinned as she turned off the TV.

"That sounds perfect. And you're right. I haven't just gone for a ride in quite a while. I just need to change clothes for that."

They got up and went to the foyer to put on their shoes. Ryan grabbed their jackets from the coat closet, but paused as she started to hand over McKenzie's leather jacket.

"Damn," Ryan muttered.


Ryan ran her fingers over the scuff marks across the back panel of the jacket.

McKenzie frowned.

"Crap. When did that happen?"

Ryan's brow furrowed in thought for several moments, and then her face cleared and she tried to suppress a smile.

"Um, I think it was when we were at the Club... in the parking lot."

McKenzie stilled, then her eyes went wide and she blushed as she remembered bracing her upper back against the rough cinderblock wall, trying to push her ass down harder onto her own finger.

"Oh." McKenzie glanced up at Ryan with a half smirk. "Guess that was one way to break it in, huh?"

Ryan shook her head and smiled.

"Yeah." Ryan finished inspecting the scratches and let McKenzie have the jacket as she pulled her own jacket on. "I have some stuff that'll take care of that. We can fix it when we get back," Ryan said.

"Cool... Though I do kind of like them," McKenzie said as she slid the leather on and settled it over her shoulders.


McKenzie nodded.

"They're a memento of my first, uh..." McKenzie looked back up the hall, just to make sure Karen wasn't around, though she still lowered her voice as she turned back to Ryan and continued. "That was my first time... with anal penetration." McKenzie sighed and leaned back against the wall, much as she had that night. "It was incredible, Ryan. I can't even imagine what it'll be like when you're doing that to me... God..."

Ryan felt like a magnet was pulling her towards McKenzie's body and just barely got her arm up to brace herself against the wall before she could force her thigh between the girl's legs. McKenzie looked up at her, the desire clear in her eyes.

"I can imagine it," Ryan said, her voice low in the small space between them. "I think about it all the time... How tight you'll be... How smooth you'll feel on the inside... The sounds you'll make... I want to feel your ass gripping my finger as I slide in and out of you... I know it'll be completely different from how your pussy will feel."

McKenzie was trying to breathe and she was sure she was succeeding, since she hadn't keeled over, but she still didn't think she was getting enough oxygen. She felt light-headed and a little distant. It was the only way to explain how she could watch her hands come up to wrap themselves in the front of Ryan's sweatshirt, her biceps flexing to pull the woman closer, without realizing she was the one doing it. At least until Ryan was prying her fingers loose from the fabric.

"Sorry..." McKenzie panted, letting her head fall back against the wall with a thud as Ryan held her hands down at their sides. She blew out a breath, trying to calm down. "God, Ryan..." She looked up into the woman's eyes and felt a sudden surge of emotion that had her trying to reach around Ryan's waist, but Ryan wouldn't let go of her wrists. "Please, I really need a hug. I need to feel you."

Ryan released McKenzie's wrists and immediately wrapped her long arms around the girl's small body, pulling her away from the wall. McKenzie's head burrowed into Ryan's chest with a soft whimper and Ryan squeezed McKenzie tight against her, reveling in the sensation of restraining the girl.

McKenzie felt the tension drain from her in an instant. She didn't know what it was about being confined like this, but she didn't think she would ever get tired of it. The compression of her shoulders and rib cage as Ryan tightened her hold seemed to contain the emotional energy McKenzie could feel wanting to explode out of her chest. She was on the verge of tears from the intensity of it.

"I love you," McKenzie mumbled in a hoarse whisper. "It's overwhelming how much I love you and want you."

Ryan kissed the side of McKenzie's head and closed her eyes as a similar wave of emotion flooded her body.

"I was just thinking the same thing," Ryan whispered back. "And how this need I feel to touch you... I think it's only gotten stronger the more time we've spent together."

They'd hardly been apart since Friday night, talking, cuddling, and sharing meals, not to mention multiple orgasms, and that kind of constant interaction was having an effect. It wasn't just the physical. The emotional bonding was just as strong and Ryan felt her heart thumping hard against her sternum at the thought of being apart from McKenzie for any reason.

Ryan did her best to breathe through it as she wondered once again what she was going to do while McKenzie was gone for Thanksgiving. She'd tried to reassure McKenzie, but she knew a brief farewell before the girl left Wednesday morning until she saw her again late Sunday night was going to be torture. Sure, she had an invitation to dinner from Karen, but knowing McKenzie wouldn't be immediately accessible with just a short walk between their houses for what really was five whole days no matter what she'd said to the contrary...

Ryan brought her hand up to cradle the back of McKenzie's head against her chest as she took a deep inhale of her silken hair. She nuzzled into the soft strands and sighed.

"I love you, McKenzie. I just want to hold you like this forever."

McKenzie smiled against Ryan's chest.


Ryan grinned at the muffled response and felt her muscles relax into a gentle embrace.

They stood like that for long minutes as Ryan tried to understand how she'd gone her entire life without having McKenzie in her arms. The way McKenzie's head fit tucked under her chin as the girl's cheek pressed over Ryan's heart was like she'd been made for Ryan.

McKenzie sighed in contentment. Ryan was wrapped so securely around her. She felt like she was floating in place with only Ryan's strong arms to anchor her and that was all she needed. She pressed her cheek against Ryan's soft sweatshirt and gently rubbed her hands over the woman's muscled back, the backs of her fingers sliding against the satin lining of Ryan's leather jacket. The arousal McKenzie had felt so strongly a few minutes ago was still there, but it had faded into the background. Yes, she wanted Ryan, but this closeness... This was about connection and how much she loved Ryan, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

It was another long while before they both drew back in mutual agreement and looked into each other's eyes. Ryan's hand, which had been resting against the back of McKenzie's head, slipped forward to cup her cheek just as McKenzie's hands moved to rest on Ryan's hips.

"Thank you... for holding me," McKenzie clarified at Ryan's questioning look. "You give the greatest hugs."

Ryan smiled.

"You, too." Ryan looked away for a moment before meeting McKenzie's eyes again. "I've never felt safer than I do with you."

"I'm glad... I mean not that you haven't felt safe before, but... I just mean... Never mind," McKenzie shook her head and rolled her eyes at herself.

"It's okay. I know what you meant." Ryan pulled her in for another hug, then released her. "You still up for that ride?"

McKenzie grinned.

"Hell yeah. Let's go."

Ryan laughed, letting McKenzie pull her outside and across the two driveways to her own front door. They stepped inside and Ryan went to her closet to grab some more appropriate clothing, mostly involving leather. She changed in front of McKenzie, though the girl kept her eyes flitting around the room.

McKenzie's heart rate picked up as more of Ryan's flesh was revealed, so she forced herself to look away. She wanted to be able to enjoy the ride, not get all worked up again.

As she looked around the room, a flash of light hit her square in the eyes and she blinked, moving to the side to get out of its path. The sunlight had shifted, brightening the room and glinting off a multitude of shiny scratches marring the rich brown of one of the vertical bars on the bronze bedframe.

McKenzie walked over and bent down to run her fingers over the rough scrapes.

"Is that from..."

"Yeah," Ryan said with a smirk as she pulled on a long sleeve T-shirt.

McKenzie winced.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even think about that."

"It's okay. I did. And I can fix it, but..." Ryan grabbed her boots and sat down to put them on. "I kinda like 'em. Mementos, like you said. In fact, I was thinking earlier about how much fun it'll be to make the rest of them match."

McKenzie glanced back at the bedframe and counted the spindles. There were seven in total, including the one she'd marked up, plus the two end posts. Her gaze shifted to the matching headboard.

"Those, too?"

Ryan looked up from zipping up her boots and followed McKenzie's gaze. She laughed.

"Oh, absolutely. It won't look properly distressed if it's only half done. Though that's going to take some time and a lot of work."

"Well, I do love your work ethic. You really take 'practice makes perfect' to a whole new level," McKenzie said.

"I just like to be thorough," Ryan said in mock defense.

"Of course," McKenzie agreed, trying to maintain a serious expression and failing miserably.

Ryan laughed again and shook her head as she stood and slipped on her jacket. She swiped her phone off the desk and started to put it into her inside pocket when it went off. She checked the caller ID and frowned.

"Hello? ... Yeah, speaking... That's a pretty tight deadline..." Ryan glanced at McKenzie and then sighed as she opened her laptop. "All right. Give me a couple minutes to log in and get set up... Yeah, Christy, can you hang on a sec? I was just seeing another client out... Right, how 'bout you get what you have ready and email it to me and then call me back once you've sent it... All right. Talk to ya in a few."

Ryan ended the call and set the phone on the desk next to her laptop, though she really just wanted to throw it out the window.


"Work?" McKenzie asked, though she already knew the answer.

"Yeah. I'm sorry," Ryan said as she took the few steps to pull McKenzie into a hug.

McKenzie pulled back to look up at Ryan's face.

"You know what I said about your work ethic? Kinda not loving it at the moment." McKenzie sighed. "So I'm guessing this is going to take a while?"

Ryan grimaced.

"Unfortunately, yeah. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. I should probably be studying anyway, since I pretty much blew off the whole weekend," McKenzie said as she gently disengaged from Ryan's hold.

Ryan watched as McKenzie went about gathering up her things into her backpack before swinging it over her shoulder. She walked McKenzie to the door and drew her into another hug.

"I'll see you Tuesday, right?" Ryan spoke into McKenzie's hair.

It took a moment for McKenzie to remember Ryan had a double shift tomorrow. McKenzie's last class wouldn't let out until nine and Ryan would probably be crashed by then from working all day. Shit.

"Yeah. Maybe we can go for a ride then?" McKenzie looked up to see Ryan smiling down at her indulgently.

"Sure." They pulled back and Ryan opened the door. "As long as you get all your homework done," Ryan added seriously.

McKenzie turned back, her own expression just as resolute.

"Yes, my Lord."

Ryan nodded in acceptance. McKenzie turned and headed back over to her place and Ryan watched her until the door closed behind her. Just as Ryan was closing her own door, her phone rang.

"Hey, Christy..."

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Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

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So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

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But seriously, email me about my stories.

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Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
