Wednesday, February 14, 2001
Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM
Well, Bloodlines needed more work than I thought. :) However, I have managed to finish up my girlfriend's website (just in time for Valentine's Day), so why don't you go over there and check it out? The URL is:
There's one story and a ton of poetry for you to read (there's even a picture of me that was taken just this past January, in case you've ever wanted to see what I look like :) Just look for the poem titled "Thoughts of You" and no I'm not linking to it, you have to go look for yourself :)).
Her poetry isn't like the usual stuff that most people seem to write. She writes in plain English. Normally, I'm not into poetry (I can never understand what the author is trying to say), but I "get" the stuff she writes, so even if you're not usually into poetry either, go read some of hers. Oh, and she's not expecting anyone to really take notice of her writing, so if her words do touch you at all, please let her know. There's an e-mail link to her at the bottom of every page, so there's no excuse not to give her some feedback. :)