Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Archive for 2000

Post #1

Tuesday, February 1, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Just started converting my .wps files into HTML documents for the Web and created this page to document my progress. The first one is my New Gaia story.

Post #2

Friday, February 4, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

The conversion is going fast and I've been catching a lot of typos in my works that I missed the first time around. I've also been working on the structure of the site so that everything makes sense. Oh, and I've gone back and started working on a story I'd tabled a while back, tentatively titled Lights of Life. Chapter 1 is already complete.

Post #3

Tuesday, February 8, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Wrote the second chapter of New Gaia and designed a title graphic for the story.

Post #4

Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Finally went in search of Xena graphics to decorate my site with. I found a really cool Celtic site through the Xena Online Resources site that has linkware graphics (I just have to give credit and link back to her site) I'm probably going to use for the backgrounds of my pages.

Post #5

Friday, February 11, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I'm 24 years old today. What a concept. :) Well, I wrote an entire story today. Never really done that before. I'm having problems coming up with a title though. Nothing seems to work. I've also been continuing my quest for Xena graphics. I tried going to the official Xena site to snag a logo to play with, but theirs were chopped up for their table alignment I guess. So I ended up at a site whose owner I'd heard about through Melissa Good's site because of the covers done for her 'books'. I found the Xena logo I'd been looking for and a nice rendition of the chakram that I think I'm going to enjoy messing with at Barron's Xena Page.

Post #6

Saturday, February 12, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Well, I just found out my sister had her twins yesterday on my birthday. They are sooo adorable, too. All tiny and perfect. They look so different from each other, too. Little T. G., who was born first, was born with a tan and a full head of dark brown hair. And little J. C. is all light and blond and bald. :) What a pair of birthday presents. :)

Post #7

Tuesday, February 15, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Just finished the third and fourth chapters of New Gaia. The third was so small I decided I needed to go on and do the fourth along with it. It's nice to be working from an outline. Usually, I just write the story as it comes to me. This way is easier in some ways, but it's also a little confining, though that's alright. Keeps me focused.

Post #8

Wednesday, February 16, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've got chapter 2 of the Lights of Life story ready for public consumption. Too bad the site isn't, yet. :)

Post #9

Friday, February 18, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've been having fun creating graphics for my pages and I've settled on a few backgrounds for some of my pages. It's helped me to decide on a design concept for how I want to present my pages.

Post #10

Tuesday, February 22, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Ever have one of those days? But in a good way? I completed the third chapter of Lights of Life (12pp.), started a new story called Prisoner of War (7pp.), and wrote chapter five of New Gaia (21pp.) and was just about to go to sleep (I was dead on my feet, or should I say seat since I was sitting at the computer all day) and a movie started playing in my head. I watched as the opening scenes of a conversation between a vampire and the woman who was hunting her played out in my mind's eye. I have a very good imagination, but I rarely see things so clearly. I could hear their voices, the inflections, the emotion. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Anyway, I knew if I didn't get up and write it out, I'd lose it by the time I woke the following day, so I got back up, turned the computer back on, and wrote chapter I of The Vampire Hunter. I really really like it, too. And I already know where it's going, which is cool.

Post #11

Wednesday, February 23, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've finally started putting the pages together and organizing the graphics. I've also written a little essay on how to improve one's writing by making sure the verb tenses agree with each other. I was just reading some other people's fan fiction and it hit me again how many people don't do this and how distracting it is. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I read constantly and have always been good at catching stuff like that. I started reading when I was two and in the second grade, I tested at the college level for reading comprehension and spelling. I think reading was my first love. It kept me sane during my screwed up childhood anyway. :) Sorry, getting a little too deep for an update page. :)

Post #12

Thursday, February 24, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Got another bug up my butt and wrote another 'ways to improve your writing' essay. This one's about homonyms (words that sound alike, but mean different things and are spelled differently). It's not an end-all be-all list, but I think it's pretty comprehensive of the most common mistakes I've seen in the fan fiction I've read online and in my own works, too.

Post #13

Friday, February 25, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've created a title graphic for The Vampire Hunter that I am very happy with. I'm working on the next chapter for that story and I finally came up with a title for the story I wrote on my birthday:

Xena: Warrior Slave

I came up with it when I was working on the sequel, which is still very incomplete.

Post #14

Sunday, February 27, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Added to X:WS II, but it's still incomplete. I've just about got everything ready to be uploaded to my website. All my stories have been converted to HTML format and I just need to double-check them for mistakes.

Post #15

Monday, February 28, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Finished tweaking the first Xena fan fiction story I ever wrote. It needed help. :) I'm having titling problems again, though. For now, it's going to be called Xena's Fantasy, even though that really doesn't fit. I've also completely revised a story I've been working on for a couple months now. I had to rewrite half of it because it just wasn't going anywhere, or maybe it was getting there too fast, I'm not sure. Anyway, it's called Assassin and I've even made a title graphic for it. Chapters 1 and 2 are posted. Of course, it would help if the site was too, but I've decided the grand opening will be Leap Day, you know, to make it special, like Leap Day itself, which only comes around once every four years. (Geez, could I have added more commas to that sentence?) :)

Post #16

Tuesday, February 29, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Leap Day! I don't know why, but I consider this a good omen for the grand opening of my Xena Fan Fiction Site. I've been working on this place for a month now and I finally feel confident enough to unleash it on the Internet. :) Please, tell me what you think. Hate it, love it, I'd like to know.

Well, I've posted chapter three of Assassin, part II of The Vampire Hunter, chapters six and seven of New Gaia, and chapter four of Lights of Life. It really helps that the site is now online. :) I've also completed the Credits page and have a decent beginning for the Links page (just in time, too). Check 'em out. :)

Post #17

Thursday, March 2, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I just received my first reader feedback e-mails and I am walking on cloud nine. This is the most amazing feeling. :) Anyway, I've added part III to The Vampire Hunter. Hope ya like it. I've also received several requests for an update list, so I'll be looking into getting something like that set up in the next few days. I'm just so totally stoked that people are interested enough in my stories to actually want to follow them. This is so cool. (Heh, I sound like a friggin' teenager, but really, I'm 24. :)) I've also archived February's updates. You can check them out at the link at the top of the page, until this gets archived, and then you'll need to go to the What's New page to use the link.

A few hours later...

Okay, that was sort of easier than I thought it would be. I am now a onelister. :) I seem to have no imagination when it comes to naming these things, but at least I'm consistent. The list is simply called kodiwolf. The sign-up button is listed on the Story Index page. I thought that was the most appropriate spot, so that I didn't inundate my site with little onelist buttons all over the place. It's an announcement list, meaning you can't post to it, and is for all my stories. Unless there is a huge demand to separate out the announcements for the different stories, they're all staying on one list (funny how that works - one list). Sorry, I'm hungry and I get weird when I'm hungry (witness this update post). Okay, I'll stop now. :)

Post #18

Saturday, March 4, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Added chapter five of Lights of Life and updated the disclaimers for that story to reflect the addition of graphic sex that appears in the latest chapter. I also seem to have forgotten to mention that I posted an itty bitty essay in the nonfiction section about caves in fan fiction stories. It's barely a page long and I'm not real happy with how it reads, but I think it gets the idea across. Read at your own risk. :) One of these days I may go back and fix it, but right now I'm working on my take on the Rift (I liked it, contrary to popular opinion). I've also posted the finished version of Xena: Warrior Slave II. If you've already read what was posted so far, you may want to start at the beginning of the lunch scene to pick up the story thread again. Hope you like it. :)

Post #19

Sunday, March 5, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I'm insane. I've come to this conclusion with certainty after all my waffling back and forth on 'am I or aren't I?' I say this because I've been awake since 6pm Friday night (March 3, 2000) and it is now 1:15pm Sunday afternoon (March 5, 2000). There's a point to this update, I promise. Okay, the reason I'm insane, besides the.. um, insane.. hours I'm keeping, is because I really truly planned to go to sleep around 11pm Saturday night (March 4, 2000), but then I didn't. I don't remember why, I just didn't. I was probably reading fan fiction. Yeah, I was. I remember, now. Anyway, I then signed off around 2am (I'm tired of writing the dates, figure it out for yourself) and somewhere in that time I was attacked by the muse, Erato. She grabbed me by the.. um, throat, yeah... and I started writing A Bondage Primer by 3am. I finished it, sort of, at about 12:30pm. (Um, from what I can tell, this story is going to be the start of a series and considering there are approximately 180 days in six months... Gods, I am soooo in trouble. :) You'll understand if you read the story.) I've just now finished updating this page as well as the Story Index and converting the friggin' story itself into an HTML page. I beg you not to judge me too harshly by this newest story. I really am not sane. Sleep deprivation has interesting effects on the brain. Blame it on Erato (Praise Erato!). Unless of course you actually like it and then I take full credit for the entire thing. :)

Post #20

Tuesday, March 7, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've posted Chapter VIII of New Gaia and added a link to a great little story that my nonfiction essay on the cave phenomenon in fan fiction apparently inspired. It's called The Right Place and it's hilarious, while still making a very good commentary on what I discussed in my essay. You should definitely check it out, as well as the other stuff on her site.

Post #21

Thursday, March 9, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Alright, I did a little minor renovation. I've added a site disclaimer to the home page, so no one gets caught unawares about what's on my site. I've also posted Chapter IV of The Vampire Hunter. And my big big news for the day? I won two XiPPY Awards!! I received one for The Vampire Hunter and one for Xena: Warrior Slave. Is that cool or what? :) Now I just gotta figure out where to put the trophies...

A few hours later...

Just added a little short vignette (how many different words can I use to mean small? :)) style piece to the Story Index titled The Kiss: Take Two. It came to me while my computer was rebooting from a freeze. Anyway, there's actually no sex (just kissing) in this one, so for those of you who thought I couldn't write anything else... nyah nyah. :)

Post #22

Friday, March 10, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've updated Prisoner of War to basically complete (there's a completed scene, but it's left open for further encounters). If you've already read what I had posted before, I suggest starting from the beginning again. I didn't make any changes to the plotline (what little of it there is at the moment), but I did add a few things and change a couple words.

Post #23

Sunday, March 12, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've posted Chapter 6 of Lights of Life and Chapter 4 of Assassin. I also went through the three previously posted chapters of Assassin and corrected some spelling mistakes I found, but nothing else has changed, so there's no need to reread it, unless you just feel like it. Well, enjoy. :)

Post #24

Tuesday, March 14, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Okay, I've been a little busy. I've been going through and correcting spelling mistakes and grammatical faux pas in all my stories. I also noticed a really weird mistake my global word/phrase replacer tool made in X:WS, which I've fixed. But, I doubt any of you really care about that stuff. You just want the updates. Well, here it is. I've posted chapters IX and X of New Gaia. Hope you like 'em. :)

I also forgot to mention with my last updates that I've been invited to post my stories at The Bard's Corner (doin' happy dance :)) and The Uber Abode is now following Lights of Life, New Gaia, The Vampire Hunter, Assassin, and Prisoner of War. If you've been looking for printable versions of my stories, The Bard's Corner is probably your best bet for the time being. I'll get print friendly versions up on my site sooner or later, now that I know there's a need, but it might be a little while.

Post #25

Thursday, March 16, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've posted Part V of The Vampire Hunter. I've also updated the homonyms list with a few new entries for you bards (and anyone else who's interested in using the English language correctly). I also took down the non-working story links on my links page. The titles are still up, but you can't click on them to go get them (not that you could before either). Once I decide how I want to set it up (either e-mail the bards and ask for permission to host the stories on my site, or link to where they're already posted online), I'll reactivate the links. I also noticed I was using some of my warnings improperly on the Story Index page, so I fixed them.

Post #26

Friday, March 17, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Just posted a couple short pieces to keep the masses happy (or piss them off more, I don't know). I've got the opening scene of X:WS III up and a short interlude I wrote about a month or so ago that takes place in the middle of the episode A Tale of Two Muses, called The Silent Muse. I had to actually buckle down and do some web design for two of my clients, so I'm sorry I couldn't get more done. I'll have more for you voracious readers soon. :) Oh, and thanks for all the feedback on my homonyms page. I'll post the new stuff within the week (I hope).

Post #27

Saturday, March 18, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Whew. Okay. I went to bed around 1pm yesterday after being up from the night before working on web stuff and the two short pieces I posted. Then my elderly neighbor woke me from a nightmare to ask me to go to the store for her around 6pm. I haven't had that particular kind of nightmare in over two years, and I'm not sure what triggered it, but it inspired me to write the next chapter of Assassin (it's basically the dream sequence in its entirety). It's... uh... rather graphic. And long. 23 pages. I just finished it a short while ago (it's 8:41am EST here).

I changed the disclaimers on the intro page, but in case you miss them, let me reiterate them here. There is GRAPHIC depictions of child abuse and rape. They are based on my personal experiences, so they are as realistic as I could possibly make them. If you happen to be a survivor, I urge you to think seriously before reading this. I know plenty of survivors that would be rather easily triggered into anxiety attacks by what I've described, but I feel it's necessary to the story (it's an integral part of the plot), so I won't be changing any of it. However, I do end on a sort of high note (I've introduced graphic sex into the story as well :)), so you will be rewarded for your perseverence. :)

Post #28

Sunday, March 19, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've added to A Bondage Primer (day 5) and I've updated the homonyms page with all the suggestions that everyone sent me and a few others I thought of as I was working on it. I've also decided on a new feedback policy in order to keep me on track with my writing. In a nutshell, I will only answer those e-mails that specifically request a response. After receiving nearly 20 e-mails in the space of a few hours, I realized there was no way I could reply to them all. In fact, if I had tried, I never would have gotten around to writing chapter 5 of Assassin; the muse would have left me by then (she's fickle, if you don't pay immediate attention to her). It doesn't mean I absolutely positively won't respond if you don't ask me to, but unless something really catches my attention, I will probably just enjoy the feedback, use it as best I can, and then go back to writing. That's what you really want from me anyway, right? (Ya'll are insatiable. It's great. :))

Post #29

Tuesday, March 21, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Happy Vernal Equinox! I think I took the spiritual meaning of it a little too seriously (let go of the old, embrace the new). I've posted Chapter XI and Chapter XII of New Gaia. I've also added three new sections and changed the navigational links on the bottoms of every page on the site to reflect this. The new sections are:

Printer Friendly Versions - The section is incomplete, but it has some of my stories available in a simple format that should make your printer happy.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions that I've decided to answer in one place, since everyone seems to have asked me at least one of these questions once.

Awards - This is the page where I get to show off my XIPPY Award. If I win other awards, they'll be added here.

I also added a link to the Feedback Policy page, so that it's easily accessible, no matter where you happen to be on my site.

Post #30

Thursday, March 23, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've posted Part VI of The Vampire Hunter and added printer friendly versions of it and Assassin. I also changed the little blurb for New Gaia. It seemed a lot of people shied away from reading it at first because of the synopsis and I'm hoping the new one helps encourage people to read it. Let me know if you like it, or think I should go back to the original blurb, or have a blurb of your own you think I might prefer.

Post #31

Friday, March 24, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Finally finished getting Chapter 7 of Lights of Life ready for everyone. I just couldn't find a good place to stop earlier, without it being a total cliffhanger, so it's 17 pages long. Oh, and don't expect any more updates, until probably Monday. I'm going to be helping my sister's mother-in-law learn how to use some of her computer programs (she's a little technophobic) over the weekend, so even though I'll still be writing (at least, I better be, I'm addicted to my word processor at this point), I won't be able to access my own computer for the uploading and everything. It's only for 3 days. :) Oh, and if you desperately need a response to an e-mail, make sure to send it to my Yahoo address, not the NetZero one. I won't be able to access my NetZero account, until I come back. Hope the latest chapter keeps ya'll happy 'til then. :)

Post #32

Tuesday, March 28, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Oh boy. Okay, I've posted Chapters XIII and XIV of New Gaia. I've also updated X:WS III with a few new scenes (12 pages worth) and fixed some badly written sentences in what was previously posted. I didn't get a chance to write while I was gone for the weekend, so when I came home, I sort of had to purge myself. Not that the craving to write has left me. I'm about to get to work on Assassin next, I think, and then TVH so it'll be ready by Thursday. TVH, not Assassin, though, who knows with the way I write? I also realized some of you may not have gotten my last announcement, so if you've been missing my e-mails in your inbox, go to the Story Index for more info on a possible reason why (it's underneath the join button).

Post #33

Thursday, March 30, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I've posted Part VII of TVH and the Printer Friendly Versions section is now completely up to date. I was hoping to have the homonyms section ready for updating as well, but that didn't happen. Hopefully next time. Well, hope you like the latest installment. :)

Post #34

Tuesday, April 4, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. It's not because I haven't been writing. It's because I've been working on just about everything (yes, even POW), but there hasn't been enough on any one story to really post an update. However, I did manage to get Chapter XV of New Gaia ready just in time to make my Tuesday deadline. Now, it's back to writing (okay, so I actually have to do some work first, but then it's back to writing again). Expect to be inundated with updates in the next week or so, as I finish stuff off. :)

Oh, one more thing... I'm scheduled to give a chat interview, hosted by The Uber Abode, April 19th or 20th (depending on where you are in the world). You'll be able to ask me questions in real time and meet some other people you can talk about my stories with (do you have any idea how weird that is for me to write?). :) For more information, go to the link above and then click on the Talk To The Authors link. Hope to see ya there. :)

Post #35

Thursday, April 6, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 11:23 PM

I just added Part VIII of TVH. Sorry, I didn't get it up earlier in the day. I just got sidetracked with my writing and only looked up at the clock a few minutes ago (it's 11:23pm here). The new chapter has also been added to the PFV section, so ya'll can print it out if you want to. Enjoy. :)

Post #36

Monday, April 10, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Hi. I just posted a new story to hopefully tide you over until I can get some of my other stuff finished. The next chapter of New Gaia will be ready on time for tomorrow's update, but I seem to be having problems finding a place to stop for the other updates. That's what's taking so long. Anyway, hope you enjoy Morpheus' Influence. :)

Post #37

Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I managed to get Chapter XVI of New Gaia done on time, and I even finished Chapter 6 of Assassin as well. The PFV section has been updated with the new installments, too.

Well, I've come to the decision that I need to space out my updates where New Gaia and The Vampire Hunter are concerned. As the stories have progressed and become more complicated, I've found that I have to really do a lot of double-checking to make sure I'm not contradicting myself or writing myself into a corner. I have outlines for both stories, as well as most of my other stories, that I've been following, but the details are always left in the air until I actually write the chapters and sometimes entire story arcs are created from those details that I couldn't foresee in the original draft. So, I'm just not going to be able to get completed chapters done every week anymore. I need to either change the schedule or start putting out incomplete chapters and I don't want to do that to you guys (I hate major cliff-hanger stories myself).

So, instead of updating NG every Tuesday and TVH every Thursday, NG will be updated the 1st and the 15th of each month and TVH will be updated the 7th and the 21st.

This will also give me time to focus on all the other stories that I don't work on by a schedule, as well as the new ones I'm constantly coming up with (like the recent Morpheus' Influence).

I think as you see where I'm going with these two particular stories, you'll understand why I have to take more time with them. In fact, according to my latest outline revision for NG, Chapter XIX is looking like it could practically be a book all by itself. And TVH is getting close to being finished up (sort of) and then I'll be moving on to its immediate sequel, which I've titled Bloodlines for now.

I'll still be posting updates every few days on all my various stories the way I have been, but the guaranteed weekly updates of NG and TVH will now be biweekly.

Post #38

Saturday, April 15, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Somehow, I managed to get Chapter XVII of New Gaia done in time for the change in the update schedule. I'm sure you'll all be happy to know the story finally includes sex. :) I've also updated the FAQ with a new question and the PFV section is up to date. Enjoy.

Post #39

Sunday, April 16, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

X:WS III is complete. I suggest starting from the beginning because I've changed some of the details of what was previously written. No major changes to the opening scene, but the one after it has some extra stuff that I felt was seriously lacking in the rough draft. Anyway, let me know what you think. :)

Post #40

Wednesday, April 19, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Just posted a new story. It's titled Bard... Priestess and is my first attempt at doing a story in Xena Episode Format. It's also totally PG, though the subtext becomes maintext by the time the story is finished.

I'd also like to remind everyone that the interview/chat hosted by The Uber Abode on Delphi.com is tonight. If you're on Eastern Standard Time (EST), like me, then it's at midnight tonight. If you want to check the time for where you are, go to the listing at The Uber Abode. Hope to see ya there. :)

Post #41

Friday, April 21, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Hey. I just uploaded Part IX of The Vampire Hunter. It's almost twice as long as any of the previous chapters in the story, so, hopefully, it'll tide you over until the next one (yeah, right). :) Hope ya like it. I also finally got around to updating the homonyms page. There are 11 new word sets (denoted with an *), so go check them out, if you're interested in that kind of thing.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who showed up for the chat. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed talking about my stories with you guys. Hope ya'll had fun, too. :) If you didn't make it, but you'd still like to see what we all talked about, you can read the transcript, hosted on The Uber Abode, here.

Post #42

Sunday, April 30, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

No, I did not disappear off the face of the earth. I do apologize for having a life. I didn't mean to, honest. :) I ended up having my name forged on somebody's check that was made out for $600 and that really freaked me out. Luckily, all that happened was I had to close out my account, open a new one, and transfer all my electronic payments over to the new account number, but it really threw me for a loop and I couldn't concentrate on writing. I think I got barely two pages written and that was spread out over several different stories. Anyway, you have one of your fellow fans to thank for snapping me out of it. She came to visit me and brought me tribute from Trout Brother... Heh, sorry, wrong episode. Um, actually, she brought me a bunch of taped Xena episodes from Season 1 & 2 that I had never seen before (I didn't really start watching the show until Season 3), and getting to see new (to me, anyway) episodes really got me back into the groove and I've finished Chapter 8 of Lights of Life. I didn't realize how much I had based Kaylee on the early Gabrielle characterizations I had read from transcripts of the shows, but getting to watch the actual episodes really put me into the right mindset to work on Lights, so I hope ya'll are happy now. I know I am. Again, I'm really sorry about the lack of updates, but I'm back now. :)

Post #43

Monday, May 1, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Just finished with Chapter XVIII of New Gaia, so go check it out and let me know what you think. :) Oh, and I want to thank everyone who's written to me about my absence because of the check forgery thing. You guys have been great and it's really made me feel good to know so many people care about what happens to me outside of just my storytelling. Thanks. :) Oh, and who thought Looking Death In The Eye was just one of the coolest episodes of the season, so far? I can't be positive, but that's the first time I can remember seeing Xena and Gabrielle fight side-by-side, as opposed to back-to-back or just individually in the same fight. That was awesome, even though it only lasted for a few seconds. :)

Post #44

Monday, May 8, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a day late with Part X of The Vampire Hunter, but it's up now, so go read it. I've just basically had my world turned upside down over night, though it's in a good way. At least, I sure hope so. I've just somehow gained a life without even trying. Anyway, between that and then Xena coming on just as I was finishing up with the editing process, the update was unavoidably delayed. Sorry about that. And I'm going to try to get some work done on A Bondage Primer, since just about every other e-mail I've been getting lately has mentioned that story above all others. I think you guys just like to be tortured. :) Oh, and please no irate e-mails about the "ending" of TVH. The sequel series, Bloodlines, will be taking up where TVH left off. In actuality, I'm really just changing the title because the original arc of the story is over and we're moving into a new one, which basically makes the upcoming installments a different story (you'll understand later), so don't worry. You'll be getting your vampire fix the same as before. It's just going to have different packaging. :)

Post #45

Thursday, May 11, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Well, I finished out Day 5 of A Bondage Primer (just scroll down to where Xena leaves, should be about 3/4 of the way down your scroll bar). I know, those of you who have been waiting none too patiently for an update on this one are probably thinking, "But that's where it ended the last time." Well, there was still the rest of the night. :) Anyway, it's not a really long update, only about 5 pages, but I did finally figure out a way around the "no touching" rule I'd created without actually breaking it, so let me know how I did. I realized I needed to do something or there was no way you guys were going to survive this story, let alone me. :) However, don't expect that kind of thing with each installment. Part of the fun is the torture of having something you want be so close and being forced to wait for it. :)

Post #46

Tuesday, May 16, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Maybe I should just give up on this whole deadlines thing for my stories. For some reason, things just keep getting in the way on the days I've scheduled updates, so I end up being late all the time. Anyway, I've posted Chapter XIX of New Gaia. Let me know what you think.

I've also just had The Vampire Hunter reposted on a Xena fan fiction site that is specifically geared towards palm pilots, so if that's something that would be useful to you, go check it out at:


or you can go to the page that's been specifically set up for my story at:


There are a ton of other bards' works on this site (go to the first link to look at the most recent additions), so if you need palm pilot versions of your favorite fanfic stories, you should check the place out.

Post #47

Monday, May 22, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Okay, Part I of the sequel to The Vampire Hunter is now up. It's called Bloodlines and is picking up right where TVH left off. If you haven't read TVH, then Bloodlines probably won't make much sense. It's a sequel; go figure. :) Also, I kind of feel that this first part is a little rough, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Now go read. :)

Post #48

Tuesday, May 23, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Well, I've added Bloodlines to the Printer Friendly Versions section. I have also posted Chapter 2 of Prisoner of War (it's in the PFV section, too). It's not really finished, though. I mean, what's there is done, but there's a second half to the scene, which will be continued in Chapter 3, as soon as I get it done. So, it's up to you whether you want to read it now or wait for Chapter 3 to be posted. I've also had to restructure the POW section, so there is now a main page with links to the chapters, just like for my other multi-part stories.

Post #49

Friday, June 2, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Okay, gotta make this quick. Sorry about the delay in updates. I've been busy and I'm starting a kind of two week vacation today. So, since it's possible I won't be updating until I get back (around the 19th), here's what I've gotten done so far. Chapter 7 of Assassin is up and the beginning part of Chapter XX of New Gaia has been posted. It's incomplete, but I was afraid ya'll would come after me if I didn't at least give you guys something to gnaw on. :) I'll try to get some updates posted while I'm gone, but I don't know if it will happen, so don't get too worked up if there aren't any updates until the end of June.

Post #50

Thursday, June 22, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Well, I'm back. The trip was great and I'll be moving down there soon (yes, it's that serious). Anyway, I did get a little writing done while I was gone, but most of what I'm posting today was written in the past couple days (I think I was in withdrawal and just needed a massive fix). So, I've added about 21 pages to Chapter XX of New Gaia for your perusal. And no it's not done. What I've added just brings it up to the night before the trial starts. I'll try to get the rest of it done soon. And I haven't made a Printer Friendly Version yet, sorry, I'm just tired and don't feel like hassling with it at the moment. I figured getting the main update posted was more important. Oh, and there's a link on the page that will take you past what was there previously, if you just want to skip to the new stuff. Hope you like it. :)

Post #51

Sunday, June 25, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Added another 20 pages or so to Chapter XX of New Gaia. No, it's still not complete, but it's close. Next update should bring it to conclusion. There's a second link at the top of the page to take you to the newest sections and the first link is still there in case you haven't checked out the last update yet.

Post #52

Saturday, July 1, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Chapter XX of New Gaia is now complete. There's a third update link to take you to the concluding parts and all of the update links will remain until the next chapter is posted. I've also added the completed chapter to the Printer Friendly Versions section and modified the disclaimers for several series to reflect the fact that I've given up on trying to keep a schedule of updates right now. I'm moving in less than 3 weeks and I am totally stressing and dealing with work, etc., so even though I will be writing, I'm not making any promises about when stuff will get posted, just that it will. I just can't right now, which annoys the shit out of me, but that's the reality. We'll just have to see what happens. Thanks for bearing with me.

Oh, and if you really want to encourage me to write, asking when the next installment on your favorite story is going to be posted isn't the way to do it. Tell me what you like/don't like about it. It's those kinds of e-mails that get me excited about writing on a particular story. If you're just looking for info, then asking about my timetable is fine, but it doesn't make me want to work on the story any more than I normally would. I work according to the muse and the muse is influenced by having her ego stroked or challenged. :)

Post #53

Thursday, August 10, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Okay. Everybody, I am not dead, maimed, or in any kind of physical jeopardy (except maybe from a certain woman, but that's not really a bad thing :)). The thing is, I just moved from New York to North Carolina and I didn't just move from one place to another, I moved from living alone to living with my girlfriend, significant other, whatever the latest term is.

So I'm not just in the process of unpacking, putting my stuff where I want it, and cleaning up with Corene to make room for my stuff without crowding hers. I'm also getting used to living with another human being (and that's been loads of fun, since my normal hours are from about 3pm to about 7am and hers are the complete opposite).

I'm also trying to get back to working on my web design jobs (luckily, my move coincided with a natural break in the work assignments) and all the little things of living life, like grocery shopping, watching TV/movies (Corene has cable which has changed my television watching habits a bit; I really missed not having the Sci-Fi Channel), doing the dishes (you would be amazed, or maybe not, at how fast they pile up with two people, one of whom (not me) is a cook), and doing laundry, etc.

So, you might have noticed where writing has been ranking. :) It's not that I haven't been writing, I have, but I haven't been able to devote even remotely the amount of time to it that I was before. I expect that to change (it better change) within the next few months as things settle down again, but my usual updating of every few days isn't going to be happening again any time soon, unfortunately.

So. Here's what I've come up with during my not so little hiatus. Part II of Bloodlines (It's also in the Printer Friendly Versions section). As a little refresher as to what's taken place so far, Clark has told Gabrielle she's going to the Bahamas, when in fact she will be following Gabrielle, and Gabrielle has gone off on a world tour to make sure everyone knows she's in charge now. Clark has been keeping tabs on Gabrielle's movements via the Internet so that she can follow the Queen of the Vampires, though she has also given Gabrielle a silver locket with a hidden GPS emitter inside in case she loses track of the vampire. Gabrielle's most recent stop was in Washington, D.C., where she just hopped on a plane to go to Chicago. This next chapter picks up with Clark going to her precinct to get some equipment she needs for her upcoming travels.

Hope you like it and I will try to get updates done on some of my other stories soon (but I'm still a little pressed for writing time, so it might be another week or more).

Post #54

Sunday, August 20, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

I had hoped to have this done sooner (actually, it was done yesterday, but Homepage.com was having problems and I couldn't access my site to upload the page), but Chapter 8 of Assassin is finally finished. I've also gone through all the previous chapters and corrected grammatical and spelling mistakes, but none of the story content has been changed, so you don't need to re-read it or anything. This chapter has also been added to the Printer Friendly Versions section, so that's up-to-date, as well. Since it's been so long since the last update on this story, here is a little refresher.

Case and Rain have just arrived in New York City from a very short stay in Yosemite, where Case was teaching Rain some of the finer points of being an Assassin. Rain learned that she is expected to put that teaching to immediate use and that is why they're in NYC now.

Oh, I've also split up the last chapter of New Gaia into three separate parts (Part A, Part B, and Part C) because I received a couple complaints about not being able to view such a large .html file. The area where it seemed to be getting cut off is towards the bottom of Part B, I think, but you'll have to find it for yourself since I broke the story up at what I considered to be the most appropriate spots, not where it was getting interrupted. Hope the smaller files help. :)

Post #55

Tuesday, September 26, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Wow. It's been a while since I last updated, I know, but I've been busy (I know that excuse is getting old :)). Anyway, I've just finished Chapter 9 of Lights of Life, so maybe that'll make up for the lack of updates a little. As a refresher, Jonaran had just left the ranch after helping Kaylee, and she and Jason had just gone inside to fix dinner, while Jess made a few phone calls.

Post #56

Tuesday, October 31, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Hi. Remember me? The Internet Bard? Okay, good. Thought maybe ya'll had forgotten about me. :) Anyway, I have some new postings for you to sink your teeth into (pun intended). I have just posted three new chapters for Bloodlines, so go check them out. Part III, Part IV, and Part V are all ready for your perusal. As a refresher for where I last left off, Clark was headed to the airport to get to Los Angeles before Gabrielle and Gabrielle was finishing up business in Chicago and learning how much she's worth and preparing for her next stop in L.A.

The next story that will probably get updated is Assassin, though now that I've said that, it probably won't, since the muse likes to play with me as her little squishy toy most of the time. :)

I've also gone through and revamped, yes revamped, The Vampire Hunter. I've fixed typos and grammatical errors, so if you're looking for a more final version (the plot hasn't changed, just the wording of it), it's done. All the versions stored on this site have been replaced with the newer ones I created from my master file.

I would also like to announce a new site that I've been working on for a couple of months now that will be showcasing my girlfriend's poetry. And for those of you out there who either don't like or don't "get" poetry, I promise you this stuff is different. Very little of it rhymes (only a couple of her early pieces from the 80's that I convinced her were good enough to let the masses see) and it's not that "loquacious" stuff that I've read and go "what the fuck was that supposed to mean?" Trust me, I normally don't like poetry, but I actually really like hers and I don't think I'm being too biased either. You'll just have to see for yourself.

Anyway, I was hoping for a Halloween opening for her site, but at the rate things are going, I'm now planning for a Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) opening. That might seem like a long ways off, but since I've been averaging one update a month for the past four months, I figured now was a good time to mention it.

Well, Happy New Year to all the Pagans/Witches/Wiccans out there! Hope you have a good one and stay safe and give your familiars a hug from me (Felix says hi, by the way, that's my cat in case you didn't know, she's a little sweetie, I might post a picture of her and me, maybe, the next time I update, if you all actually want to see what I look like).

By the way, if you're looking for the archives of previous updates, they've been moved to a separate page that can be reached by clicking the Archives link at the top of the What's New page (this page, until it gets archived, too).

Post #57

Wednesday, November 8, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Hey, I just added the last three chapters of Bloodlines to the Printer Friendly Versions section, so if you were looking for them, they're there now.

Post #58

Tuesday, November 28, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Chapter 9 of Assassin has now been posted. Hope you like it. Let me know either way. :) As a refresher, Case and Rain had just gone to bed after looking over the files for the hit and checking out their equipment.

Post #59

Thursday, December 14, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Honestly, I am working on other stories. But Assassin is the first to have a completed chapter again, so check out Chapter 10. I'll be posting Chapter 11 sometime tonight or early tomorrow morning (I just really need to go to bed and my eyes aren't tracking well enough for me to do the HTML conversion right now). At the end of the last chapter, Case and Rain were waiting (if you're following the story, then you should know for what).

As a side note, I did that interview thing on The Bard's Corner, so if you want to know a little more about me and my thoughts, go check it out at:


Just click on my name and you'll get to see how long-winded I am (as if that trait wasn't perfectly obvious already). Actually, I hadn't intended to say that much, but the text boxes were really tiny and didn't wordwrap, so I couldn't tell how much I was writing. Anyway, it was fun and it gave my girlfriend something to read, so it was pretty cool.

I'll post more later (and yes, I'll add the new chapters to the Printer Friendly Versions section, just not this second). :)

...Several hours later...

Okay, everything happens for a reason. I just found out that Homepage.com is now Frontera Corp., so I have no idea if my site will be working again there. However, this is not an entirely bad thing, since it's caused me to just purchase kodiwolf.com (yay).

Anyway, for the time being, my site is now here at my alternate location on Yahoo!Geocities. Please bookmark it for future reference, but hopefully my new domain name will be up and running shortly, so you'll only ever have to remember the name Kodi Wolf to find my stuff (this is just too cool, though I'm still annoyed about Homepage.com, they didn't send me an e-mail or anything, and now I'm worried about whether my domain name will be set up right, etc.). :)

Well, now I really am exhausted, so I'll get that chapter up tomorrow sometime.

Post #60

Friday, December 15, 2000

Written by Kodi Wolf at 12:00 AM

Chapter 11 of Assassin is up. I've also added both Chapter 10 and 11 to the Printer Friendly Versions section.

Well, I hope everyone is finding my site okay. You may have noticed that all of my homepage links now point to the new address (if you see the old link, hold down the shift key and click on the Reload/Refresh button - that will load the page from the server instead of what's cached on your computer's hard drive), so if you save the pages or print them out, you'll have an accurate link to my site.

Oh, and my eGroup list just hit 200 today, which I've been wanting to see happen for a while now, so yipee! (Now, watch someone unsubscribe. :))

Want Updates? GET UPDATES


Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
