Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Site (Re)Creation Update

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Written by Kodi Wolf at 5:15 AM

The site is coming along nicely. I think I'm finally out of the testing/template creation phase, so I've moved the site out of the test directory and into what I hope will be its permanent home in /WOLFsector/. Now, I can start creating pages that will have the correct links.

One of the new bells and whistles I've added is a Google Custom Search box. I've managed to style it so it looks good on the site and it seems to be working pretty well. It finds pages on my site, anyway.

Now, other than figuring out the subscription software I have yet to install, it's mostly just a matter of (re)transferring my pages to the new design. Hopefully, this will be the last time for a long time. At least I have all the files I converted for Mambo, so I should just be able to go back and "find and replace" the relevant code and reconvert it back to what it was before (Mambo preferred 'div' tags to 'p' tags, so that's the main thing I want to change).

I have run into a new problem, though, and I'm not sure what's causing it. I'm using a JavaScript script to offer the ability to change style sheets, in case what I've designed doesn't work for people. It was working fine, but after I moved the site, it defaulted to no style sheet, instead of loading the default. I've been over the code, the links, etc., but I haven't been able to figure it out. Once you click on one of the links to set the style sheet, it works fine, but I really don't like the idea of new visitors being presented with a non-styled site until they figure out they can choose a style.

Oh well. I'm tired. I'll work on it tomorrow (or rather later tonight; my schedule is currently 'fall asleep around noon, wake up around 8pm'). It'll continue to shift until I'm back on a day schedule, at which point, if the weather is good (not rainy), I'll be able to finish painting the upper kitchen cabinet doors and start back on the house renovations. Which also means the site will probably take a backseat again, unless my wife can convince me to take breaks like I'm supposed to. Then again, working at the computer isn't exactly a break. :)

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Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
