Lesbian Romance & Erotica

My Writing Stats for 2017

Monday, January 1, 2018

Written by Kodi Wolf at 11:13 AM

December was a bit of a struggle. It didn't help that I ended up in the ER again with another kidney stone, but mostly I think I just caught the holiday bug and wanted to goof off with my wife. But somehow I managed to get my writing done and still have a great vacation, since Corene was able to take a couple weeks off (which she doesn't have to go back to work until next week, so yay! :) ).

My total word count for December was 20,006, which averages out to 645 words per day. My lowest words per day was 91 and my highest was 2,314.

Despite all the medical crap, 2017 was another amazing year for me (including getting to see the total solar eclipse on my 13th wedding anniversary) and I'm happy to report that I still haven't broken my writing streak. I started that on January 9, 2016, which means it's been 724 days, including today.

My goal for 2018 is to just keep doing what I'm doing because it's obviously working. I'm writing and I'm really enjoying writing, which for me is the most important part. Getting my stories closer to being finished is just a bonus. :)

Anyway, here's a look at some of my statistics for 2017.

Writing Stats for 2017
Jan 65,688 2,119 5,508 446 139h 25m 471
Feb 28,730 1,026 5,762 522 65h 34m 438
Mar 17,710 571 2,300 24 91h 2m 195
Apr 15,711 524 1,483 16 113h 46m 138
May 16,231 524 3,205 93 57h 58m 280
Jun 18,551 618 3,102 109 41h 56m 442
Jul 18,826 607 3,393 100 52h 32m 358
Aug 26,199 845 3,563 185 60h 45m 431
Sep 21,324 711 5,337 144 58h 5m 367
Oct 28,501 919 2,248 138 83h 19m 342
Nov 15,198 507 2,330 30 49h 19m 308
Dec 20,006 645 2,314 91 39h 24m 508
Writing Totals
& Averages for 2017
Total Words 292,675
Monthly Average 24,390
Daily Average 802
Total Hours 853h 5m
Average Words/Hour 343

I ended up writing less total words than last year, but I met several other goals. I maintained a daily average of at least 500 words, I worked on a story every day, and I finally posted some new content.

Here's to writing and posting more new content in 2018.

Happy New Year, everyone. :)

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Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
