Lesbian Romance & Erotica

Struggling With Lights

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Written by Kodi Wolf at 2:36 PM

June started off awesome. I wrote over 11,000 words in the first 8 days. Then I kind of crashed and burned the rest of the month.

My total word count for June was 17,405, which averages out to 580 words per day. My lowest words per day was 94 and my highest was 4,268.

So I think I figured out what happened.

For one thing, I'm dealing with more medical stuff, which is always stressful and seems to be a little moreso since I really haven't had a break since the beginning of the year.

I've also realized I've gotten out of the habit of writing for characters that have a main plot besides the relationship.

I've been writing scenes for A Bondage Primer for the past couple years and I've gotten used to writing for two characters who genuinely love each other and want to be together. There's very little background drama. It's all about them working out their relationship. It's mostly dialogue and sex scenes or cuddling scenes.

Then I started trying to write Lights of Life and kept struggling with each and every sentence. I had to show Jess and Kaylee doing things that are relevant to the plot rather than each other. I'm also dealing with two people who haven't come right out and said they're attracted to each other, and one of them is actively fighting that attraction.

So basically, writing their scenes was stressing me out. :)

It was also making me think the story was broken because if I'm not having a good time writing, the reader probably isn't going to have a good time reading. That idea was really undermining my confidence, which was making writing almost impossible because my inner critical editor wouldn't shut up long enough for me to be creative.

Of course, I only realized all this a few days ago, so I haven't really worked on any fixes, but I think I should be able to get back to it soon.

After looking at it more objectively, I've realized I only have a few more setup scenes to get through before I'll be able to start introducing more sexual tension into the scenes, which makes writing them a lot more fun. I also realized that while I might be taking forever to write the text, it really is only a few paragraphs here and there. And I can always come back to it later and edit where necessary. There just has to be something there for me to edit in the first place.

Which means I have to write it, even if it isn't great.

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Sorry for the fake out, but I don't collect email addresses for marketing purposes.

I was just told I needed an email signup form on my pages, so I created this one as part of the original design, then changed my mind, but decided to leave this here as an Uno reverse card. :)

Anyway, my stories are my sales pitch and if the free chapters (and entire books) aren't enough to convince you to pay for access to more of the same, then I don't see how my bugging you with emails is going to change your mind.

Plus, I have social phobia and trying to come up with marketing emails is my definition of an anxiety-inducing nightmare.

Not to mention that's not what I want to be doing with my precious writing time or wasting your precious reading time.

So, if you want to get an email from me, you'll either have to purchase a Story or Site Membership, or email me directly and talk to me about my stories.

Or ask me a question and I'll do my best to answer.

But seriously, email me about my stories.

Tell me what you liked, what you wish I'd done differently, your favorite scenes.

Especially if there's one story in particular you'd like me to update. I know some of them have been sorely neglected and it motivates me to work on them when my anxiety and chronic pain are making that more difficult than usual.

Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Take care,
